For date night, we ate dinner at Boca de Beppo (quite good) and watched The Hangover. We had originally wanted to see a new movie that's come out called Moon, which is a sci fi movie that has gotten great reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, but it only came out for a very limited release and appearantly we got the location wrong. Que sera sera etc etc etc. We'll find it somewhere else I guess.
Right now, we're both using this rather awesome site called It is basically a way to record your weight and food consumption. Here's a look at my most recent chart:
As you can see, I am not going to be able to make my goal of losing 30 pounds by the end of the year, but at a steady rate of 2 pounds every 10 days, I should be somewhere where I want to be early next year. The wonderful thing about this is that it helps me track what might be just anomolies in weight gain vs something that is more of an alarming trend. Of course, the down side is that you have to enter all that you're eating into the site, but I find it to be worth it.
I don't know exactly what for BMR or BMI are but you shouldn't be eating less than 2000 per day for your height and weight. Your body will hold onto fat if it thinks it's being starved.
It worries me.
Long term I don't plan to, and thanks for your concern. I'm just on a 3-4 day shorter amount to compensate for the large spike you see from last weekend. :)
Also bear in mind that is NET calories, which includes calories burned from exercise. :)
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