Friday, December 31, 2010

Goals, New Years Eve and Life

So a bit of a note on the subject of Goals...its a long list, I realize it is. But I live my life by one credo (of many) that goes, "Shoot for the Stars and land in the trees, shoot for the trees and land in the mud." But I also always take to heart two other quotes:

(from Our Town) "Emily: Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?--every, every minute?
Stage Manager: No. Saints and poets, maybe--they do some."

(from Its a Wonderful Life)"Clarence: [In book inscription] Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends."

Even if I succeeded in every goal I ever set beyond my wildest dreams, no award ceremony full of crowded thousands would replace a quiet dinner celebrating a friend's birthday. No ticker tape parade could replace a candle lit dinner with someone you love. And no marble statue in the center of a square could replace a shared family moment of love and laughter. It is the human element that makes life worth living, and if you can't make your life flexible enough to include those things...then you're missing what life is really truly about...the moments with people you care for and that care for you in return.

So this New Year's Eve was amazing. It started out with a Bang at Jeff and Taylor's celebrating his 35th birthday party. Taylor had cooked up a storm. We watched the latter end (well I caught it when I arrived, they were in the midst of watching) "The Never Ending Story" and the First Half of the Season Finale of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" which was quite awesome. I couldn't stay long though. Then I met up with Alison and some of her friends at Pub 71, a life filled wonderful Irish Pub in Brook haven. We were there for 45 minutes and I talked with them. They're very fun people and all wore celebratory New Years hats that they had bought earlier. Then it was off to Russell's. Lots of people there and Clare had set a cheerful and wonderful set up. Russell did a ...thing..swirly fire...thing....that was fun. But I got to do it to, though I did singe the hair on the back of my neck a bit. I only used one but apparently it was somewhat impressive for someone who'd just picked it up. Russell was extremely impressive. Then we toasted with some Champaign Ale and excellent Sparkling Wine brought by Alison.

Midnight Kiss.

Then as we left, we returned to Pub 71 for a bit longer to hang with Alison's posse (and if ever the term 'posse' applied to a group of friends I think this is such a time.) Then a bit of talking and kissing at Alison's place and then off to home.

Goals for 2011.


Make One Person As Happy As Possible (Besides Myself)

Visit with the Family at least once (likely to be the Family Reunion)

Spend Quality Time with Friends at least Twice a Month

Do a Good Turn Monthly

Initiate Social Activities at least once a Quarter (Group Dates do not count for this)

Career (New but Needed Category) (AKA "The 4th Life")

Gain a Stable Permanent Job I Like To Do That Pays Well

Set up a consulting business for side Project Management Work

Continue Project Chrysalis with Mythic Imagination Institute

Take the PRP in June 2011

3rd Life

My Project: Project Dance Of Joy (Film)

Affiliated Projects: Sentinel Pi Project Management and Writing

Affiliated Projects: Sentinel 4.0 Project Management and Writing

Affiliated Projects: Sentinel Podcast

Learn To Edit

Finish Editing Dueling Morons

2nd Life

Write 75000 words

Decide if I like the 5th novel by the 15th of Jan. If not start another by Feb 1. If not then 5 Short Stories + 1 Feature Length Film

Finish the Graphic Novel (Est 5000 more words)

Affiliated Project: Maintain at least 90% post rate on Nerdgasm

Help at least 3 people with their writing, either to start or to help them edit.

1rst Life - Retired.

Publish T7 Project (Now mostly done.)


Get at least 3 more belts in Karate

Decide then: Either 2 (5 total) belts in Karate OR Start a New Martial Arts OR Start Yoga

Continue Weight Training OR Start Cross Training OR Start Free Weights

Cardio 2 additional times per week


Read 12 Non Fiction Books

Read 12 Non Sci Fi/Fantasy Fiction (at least 2 of which should be classics)

Read 12 Sci Fi/Fantasy Fiction

Do Something to improve my creativity (?????)

Learn a New Skill


Read at least one major religious text of a religion that is not my own that I have not read before.

Meditate/Pray at least 3 times a week

Be More Generous

Be More Kind

Stop Talking about Dark Things

Withdraw From Politics as Much as Reasonably Possible


*Go to Gencon OR San Diego Comicon OR World Con OR Dragon Con

*Go on at least 6 'weekend' trips, ideally at least one per month.

*Go to NYC for at least 3 days (will count as one of the above trips)

*Make CONCRETE plans to go to France in 2012 (or 2011 if realistically possible)

*Spend at least 20 hours at the range improving either pistol OR rifle OR shot gun skills.

*Obtain the Following: A decent couch, a gaming console of some kind (likely a Wii), 10 DVD's for my permanent collection, a piece of original art and something to advance one of my other goals in a meaningful way.

*Do at least one major good deed entirely anonymously. (Besides acknowledging completion of the goal in the assessment)

*Finish the Graphic Novel script and work with Liz to edit as needed.

*Finish the 4th Novel with Ken and help him market it as needed.

Life Goals - "At some point"
1. See the Louvre.
**Keep. Slated 2011-2012.

2. Travel around the world on a way way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
** Goal to see all by 2017.

3. Learn a martial art.
**Partially done. 3 more belts will qualify as 'done.' 2011.

4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
**Slated 2012.

5. Assemble a band for a tour based on music written by me.

6. Start a succesful business.

"Start" in 2011-2012. "Success" is determined in this case by an operating profit of 400% invested capital or $10000. 2011-2015. Otherwise 'failure' and goal removed from dock.

7. Learn a musical instrument.

8. Sculpt something memorable.

9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Currently in progress. Est Completion 2012.

10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.

11. Write seven novels.
**4 of 7 done.

13. Go on a cruise.

14. Organize a convention on SOMETHING.

16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)

17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage)

18. Have a room with a secret passage

23. Be in a flash mob dance number.

26. Live the fifth life (who knows what that is)

27. Ditto the sixth.

28. Ditto the seventh.

47. Finish 7 films. (3 out of 7 completed).

If the right door opens....(ie interesting goals that either depend on another person or a significant amount of wealth that may never happen but that I want to write down)

29. Marry the Right Person.

30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.

31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.

32. Buy my own island.

35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.

36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.

38. "" Neurological regeneration.

39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.

40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.

43. Breed dogs to live twice as long

44. Create 3 patents.

45. Own and that is entirely self sufficient w. energy, food and other items.

46. Become a Father.

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