Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So this last weekend was rather relaxing. I was mildly ill on Saturday but I got better moderately quickly. I got almost nothing done but that isn't the biggest complaint in the world. Plus after the previous weekend I needed the rest. :) The one exception to this was a basic firearms class I took Sunday night which was interesting.

The weekend before last I was a security guard at Fairy Escape, which was boring but fun. Got to see a lot of really interesting panels and to see the after evening entertainment. This was rather nice though I ended up having to guard a door most of the evening after my shift. But that was OK because I'd volunteered to help out for a friend plus it was for Mythic Imagination Institution which is a cause I support. Sunday I directed a scene for Sentinel. Production is really not my thing but seeing a bit of what they do will help me write scripts for them in the future...I'm getting largely burned out of writing...and a lot of other things. I don't think it means I'll never write again but finishing my committed projects is taking more time and I'm also looking into new things to do. After dragoncon I'll be taking that martial arts I always wanted to take. I think it mainly just means I am ready for a new direction, I'm just not sure how much of my old life I'll carry over.

Good friends and family of course, some science fiction and fantasy books, I know I like fact after Gencon I like it even more....board games and table top....I dunno. Maybe. I'm not opposed to the idea but it depends I think on how many other things are going on. Outdoors and sports and the like are increasing in my interest right are (if I do writing) Mysteries and more mainstream literature. I'm not sure about film depends on how the edit of the reshoot of Dueling Morons goes I think.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Almost a Month

And a whole hell of a lot has happened.

Highlights: Well, lets see...Gencon went really well. Attended five larps (summaries of some are included in the links below.) Enjoyed myself. Things were a little morose on Saturday of last weekend but saw the Other Guys and it went well. I think I like LARPS because of the social dynamic. Its fun too, though the stories can be really really complicated. It makes sharing the experience outside of the LARP rather difficult.

Writing is kind of difficult. Haven't updated the writing blog but my highest priority right now is that graphic novel followed by Novel 4. Its one thing if I want to take a break for a while, its something else entirely if I do it with writing partnerships. For that matter, Dueling Morons the reshoot is sitting around gathering dust, though I hope to get Jay's help in extracting the footage via fire wire once he's done shooting this weekend and the next.

I keep thinking of things I should post more but I'm drawing a total blank. I may consider dating after Dragon Con. Right now I'm considering moving some time in Feb or March of next year. Not sure where. New York or San Francisco or Miami are the most likely locations, but there are a lot of factors involved in the decision. Part of which will also determine when I move out of Mom and Skip's, since if I'm only going to be in an apartment 4 months that kind of defeats the point. I think a change could do me a lot of good.

Two other things: Earlier back in July I saw Mom in Trailer Park the Musical. It was great. It was so great they extended her show a week. The guy who directed that is in talks with the two of us to maybe do a play I mentioned earlier that Mom suggested we do. I'd mainly be producing. Want to give my creative juices a bit of a break. The second thing is that I served jury duty immediately upon returning from Gen Con. I'll post more on that in my political blog another time. Enough for now.

Latest Red Anvil Podcast: The House Atop the Falls

Memes of My Father:

1950's Avenger's Trailer

Dinosaur Metal

Review Blog

Sorcerer's Apprentice

Dresden Files RPG

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Gaming Blog

Dresden Files RPG Intro Campaign

King of Feldra LARP

The Seven LARP

Immortal Invisible War LARP