So a bit of a note on the subject of Goals...its a long list, I realize it is. But I live my life by one credo (of many) that goes, "Shoot for the Stars and land in the trees, shoot for the trees and land in the mud." But I also always take to heart two other quotes:
(from Our Town) "Emily: Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?--every, every minute?
Stage Manager: No. Saints and poets, maybe--they do some."
(from Its a Wonderful Life)"Clarence: [In book inscription] Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends."
Even if I succeeded in every goal I ever set beyond my wildest dreams, no award ceremony full of crowded thousands would replace a quiet dinner celebrating a friend's birthday. No ticker tape parade could replace a candle lit dinner with someone you love. And no marble statue in the center of a square could replace a shared family moment of love and laughter. It is the human element that makes life worth living, and if you can't make your life flexible enough to include those things...then you're missing what life is really truly about...the moments with people you care for and that care for you in return.
So this New Year's Eve was amazing. It started out with a Bang at Jeff and Taylor's celebrating his 35th birthday party. Taylor had cooked up a storm. We watched the latter end (well I caught it when I arrived, they were in the midst of watching) "The Never Ending Story" and the First Half of the Season Finale of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" which was quite awesome. I couldn't stay long though. Then I met up with Alison and some of her friends at Pub 71, a life filled wonderful Irish Pub in Brook haven. We were there for 45 minutes and I talked with them. They're very fun people and all wore celebratory New Years hats that they had bought earlier. Then it was off to Russell's. Lots of people there and Clare had set a cheerful and wonderful set up. Russell did a ...thing..swirly fire...thing....that was fun. But I got to do it to, though I did singe the hair on the back of my neck a bit. I only used one but apparently it was somewhat impressive for someone who'd just picked it up. Russell was extremely impressive. Then we toasted with some Champaign Ale and excellent Sparkling Wine brought by Alison.
Midnight Kiss.
Then as we left, we returned to Pub 71 for a bit longer to hang with Alison's posse (and if ever the term 'posse' applied to a group of friends I think this is such a time.) Then a bit of talking and kissing at Alison's place and then off to home.
Goals for 2011.
Make One Person As Happy As Possible (Besides Myself)
Visit with the Family at least once (likely to be the Family Reunion)
Spend Quality Time with Friends at least Twice a Month
Do a Good Turn Monthly
Initiate Social Activities at least once a Quarter (Group Dates do not count for this)
Career (New but Needed Category) (AKA "The 4th Life")
Gain a Stable Permanent Job I Like To Do That Pays Well
Set up a consulting business for side Project Management Work
Continue Project Chrysalis with Mythic Imagination Institute
Take the PRP in June 2011
3rd Life
My Project: Project Dance Of Joy (Film)
Affiliated Projects: Sentinel Pi Project Management and Writing
Affiliated Projects: Sentinel 4.0 Project Management and Writing
Affiliated Projects: Sentinel Podcast
Learn To Edit
Finish Editing Dueling Morons
2nd Life
Write 75000 words
Decide if I like the 5th novel by the 15th of Jan. If not start another by Feb 1. If not then 5 Short Stories + 1 Feature Length Film
Finish the Graphic Novel (Est 5000 more words)
Affiliated Project: Maintain at least 90% post rate on Nerdgasm
Help at least 3 people with their writing, either to start or to help them edit.
1rst Life - Retired.
Publish T7 Project (Now mostly done.)
Get at least 3 more belts in Karate
Decide then: Either 2 (5 total) belts in Karate OR Start a New Martial Arts OR Start Yoga
Continue Weight Training OR Start Cross Training OR Start Free Weights
Cardio 2 additional times per week
Read 12 Non Fiction Books
Read 12 Non Sci Fi/Fantasy Fiction (at least 2 of which should be classics)
Read 12 Sci Fi/Fantasy Fiction
Do Something to improve my creativity (?????)
Learn a New Skill
Read at least one major religious text of a religion that is not my own that I have not read before.
Meditate/Pray at least 3 times a week
Be More Generous
Be More Kind
Stop Talking about Dark Things
Withdraw From Politics as Much as Reasonably Possible
*Go to Gencon OR San Diego Comicon OR World Con OR Dragon Con
*Go on at least 6 'weekend' trips, ideally at least one per month.
*Go to NYC for at least 3 days (will count as one of the above trips)
*Make CONCRETE plans to go to France in 2012 (or 2011 if realistically possible)
*Spend at least 20 hours at the range improving either pistol OR rifle OR shot gun skills.
*Obtain the Following: A decent couch, a gaming console of some kind (likely a Wii), 10 DVD's for my permanent collection, a piece of original art and something to advance one of my other goals in a meaningful way.
*Do at least one major good deed entirely anonymously. (Besides acknowledging completion of the goal in the assessment)
*Finish the Graphic Novel script and work with Liz to edit as needed.
*Finish the 4th Novel with Ken and help him market it as needed.
Life Goals - "At some point"
1. See the Louvre.
**Keep. Slated 2011-2012.
2. Travel around the world on a way way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
** Goal to see all by 2017.
3. Learn a martial art.
**Partially done. 3 more belts will qualify as 'done.' 2011.
4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
**Slated 2012.
5. Assemble a band for a tour based on music written by me.
6. Start a succesful business.
"Start" in 2011-2012. "Success" is determined in this case by an operating profit of 400% invested capital or $10000. 2011-2015. Otherwise 'failure' and goal removed from dock.
7. Learn a musical instrument.
8. Sculpt something memorable.
9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Currently in progress. Est Completion 2012.
10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.
11. Write seven novels.
**4 of 7 done.
13. Go on a cruise.
14. Organize a convention on SOMETHING.
16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)
17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage)
18. Have a room with a secret passage
23. Be in a flash mob dance number.
26. Live the fifth life (who knows what that is)
27. Ditto the sixth.
28. Ditto the seventh.
47. Finish 7 films. (3 out of 7 completed).
If the right door opens....(ie interesting goals that either depend on another person or a significant amount of wealth that may never happen but that I want to write down)
29. Marry the Right Person.
30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.
31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.
32. Buy my own island.
35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.
36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.
38. "" Neurological regeneration.
39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.
40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.
43. Breed dogs to live twice as long
44. Create 3 patents.
45. Own and that is entirely self sufficient w. energy, food and other items.
46. Become a Father.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Assessment of Performance of 2010 Goals
So first news:
Christmas went very well. I'm currently dating a wonderful girl named Alison who is brilliant and radiant in every conceivable way, and we are very much enjoying each others company.
Around this time of year, I assess my performance on my goals for the year. In June I changed the list due to the major changes in my life. 2011 will be about simplification. The 'lifetime' goals will not change, but I will not have quite as many yearly goals in 2011 as I had in 2010. But I will post those some time Saturday.
For now the Assessment.
Physical: Go to the gym 2-3 days per week.
2 days of Cardio for 30-60 minutes each week.
2 days of weight training per week.
Learn a martial art from Sept – December at the least.
A yellow belt is hardly 'learned' but basically 'done.'
Mental: Reading: 1 Non fiction book work mornings for 10 minutes. 1 Book on tape for transit times at a time. 1 Fiction book every 2 weeks.
**Failed. 40% completed.
Maintain all blogs at least once a week.
**Partially completed. I changed the priority and frequency that I updated my blogs and also added one with Nerdgasm that I do for the Mighty Tide of Justice. Except for the main blog, this is absolutely 'pass' but the 3 month gap in this blog keeps me from making this a complete pass.
Social: Initiate at least 4 non game related social activities over the course of the year. Visit family at least once a month.
Done. Dates count.
Keep Listening.
Maintain daily prayer.
Semi done. Enough for me.
Emotional: Say two positive things for every negative thing I say. Have more self confidence.
1rst: Finish the T7 project.
Done. Not published since I have an opportunity to make it into something more, but it is done to my satisfaction and it should be entirely wrapped up in a few months.
Maintain Monthly Blood of the Earth group.
Done. And well done to boot.
I am retiring this life.
2nd: Create monthly writing group with Rita and Julie. Complete 1 complete story per month.
Done but allowed to disappate due to very busy personal lives of my partners. May find another group in 2011. Maybe.
Finish Novel 4 w. Ken.
Done (my half) Ken is nearly done with his half.
Start the fifth novel by the end of the year.
Done. I may start over though. Will address this in my 2011 goals.
3rd: Finish/submit OPM this year. If successful, submit to at least 9 other festivals.
Create/Shoot 1 film by the end of the year.
Write or collaborate for at least two feature length or series scripts by the end of the year.
Done. (Both with Jay)
4th: Either join the PMI –OR- establish a close relationship with BU Mentor.
Done. (First.)
Initiate 3 projects by the end of year, finish by
-Project: Hammerfel by April.
Initiated. Utter failure.
-Project: Bifrost by October.
Initiated. Deemed not worthy of further persuit.
-Project: Hydra by December.
Delayed. Will be replaced by Project Phoenix in 2011.
Go to Dragoncon 2010
Go to Gencon 2010
Go to 20th year High School Reunion.
Go on Long weekend trip to NYC
Go on Long weekend trip to Florida.
Visit Family in Houston at least once.
**Done. Twice.
Make preparations to go to Comicon 2011.
See 2011 goals later.
Make preparations to go to Europe 2011.
See 2011 goals later.
Make preparations to go to Family Reunion 2011.
Learn to shoot a Pistol – At least 25 hours of practice. Seek benchmarks.
Partially done. 9 hours completed.
Evaluate life goals and come up with a 5 year plan to obtain at least 6 things from the list or the equivalent thereof.
Create and Fulfill the Zodiac.
**Done but one. Not my concern now and multiple opportunities were given.
Cross the Ocean (Metaphorically speaking)
**Total and complete FAIL.
Have a concrete plan (if applicable) for Project: Gemini.
**Moved to 2011 pending review of other goals.
Life Goals - "At some point"
1. See the Louvre.
**Keep. Slated 2011-2012.
2. Travel around the world on a way way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
** Goal to see all by 2017.
3. Learn a martial art.
**Partially done. 3 more belts will qualify as 'done.' 2011.
4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
**Slated 2012.
5. Assemble a band for a tour based on music written by me.
6. Start a succesful business.
"Start" in 2011-2012. "Success" is determined in this case by an operating profit of 400% invested capital or $10000. 2011-2015. Otherwise 'failure' and goal removed from dock.
7. Learn a musical instrument.
8. Sculpt something memorable.
9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Currently in progress. Est Completion 2012.
10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.
11. Write seven novels.
**4 of 7 done.
13. Go on a cruise.
14. Organize a convention on SOMETHING.
16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)
17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage)
18. Have a room with a secret passage
23. Be in a flash mob dance number.
26. Live the fifth life (who knows what that is)
27. Ditto the sixth.
28. Ditto the seventh.
If the right door opens....
29. Marry the Right Person.
30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.
31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.
32. Buy my own island.
35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.
36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.
38. "" Neurological regeneration.
39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.
40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.
43. Breed dogs to live twice as long
44. Create 3 patents.
45. Own and that is entirely self sufficient w. energy, food and other items.
46. Become a Father.
Christmas went very well. I'm currently dating a wonderful girl named Alison who is brilliant and radiant in every conceivable way, and we are very much enjoying each others company.
Around this time of year, I assess my performance on my goals for the year. In June I changed the list due to the major changes in my life. 2011 will be about simplification. The 'lifetime' goals will not change, but I will not have quite as many yearly goals in 2011 as I had in 2010. But I will post those some time Saturday.
For now the Assessment.
Physical: Go to the gym 2-3 days per week.
2 days of Cardio for 30-60 minutes each week.
2 days of weight training per week.
Learn a martial art from Sept – December at the least.
A yellow belt is hardly 'learned' but basically 'done.'
Mental: Reading: 1 Non fiction book work mornings for 10 minutes. 1 Book on tape for transit times at a time. 1 Fiction book every 2 weeks.
**Failed. 40% completed.
Maintain all blogs at least once a week.
**Partially completed. I changed the priority and frequency that I updated my blogs and also added one with Nerdgasm that I do for the Mighty Tide of Justice. Except for the main blog, this is absolutely 'pass' but the 3 month gap in this blog keeps me from making this a complete pass.
Social: Initiate at least 4 non game related social activities over the course of the year. Visit family at least once a month.
Done. Dates count.
Keep Listening.
Maintain daily prayer.
Semi done. Enough for me.
Emotional: Say two positive things for every negative thing I say. Have more self confidence.
1rst: Finish the T7 project.
Done. Not published since I have an opportunity to make it into something more, but it is done to my satisfaction and it should be entirely wrapped up in a few months.
Maintain Monthly Blood of the Earth group.
Done. And well done to boot.
I am retiring this life.
2nd: Create monthly writing group with Rita and Julie. Complete 1 complete story per month.
Done but allowed to disappate due to very busy personal lives of my partners. May find another group in 2011. Maybe.
Finish Novel 4 w. Ken.
Done (my half) Ken is nearly done with his half.
Start the fifth novel by the end of the year.
Done. I may start over though. Will address this in my 2011 goals.
3rd: Finish/submit OPM this year. If successful, submit to at least 9 other festivals.
Create/Shoot 1 film by the end of the year.
Write or collaborate for at least two feature length or series scripts by the end of the year.
Done. (Both with Jay)
4th: Either join the PMI –OR- establish a close relationship with BU Mentor.
Done. (First.)
Initiate 3 projects by the end of year, finish by
-Project: Hammerfel by April.
Initiated. Utter failure.
-Project: Bifrost by October.
Initiated. Deemed not worthy of further persuit.
-Project: Hydra by December.
Delayed. Will be replaced by Project Phoenix in 2011.
Go to Dragoncon 2010
Go to Gencon 2010
Go to 20th year High School Reunion.
Go on Long weekend trip to NYC
Go on Long weekend trip to Florida.
Visit Family in Houston at least once.
**Done. Twice.
Make preparations to go to Comicon 2011.
See 2011 goals later.
Make preparations to go to Europe 2011.
See 2011 goals later.
Make preparations to go to Family Reunion 2011.
Learn to shoot a Pistol – At least 25 hours of practice. Seek benchmarks.
Partially done. 9 hours completed.
Evaluate life goals and come up with a 5 year plan to obtain at least 6 things from the list or the equivalent thereof.
Create and Fulfill the Zodiac.
**Done but one. Not my concern now and multiple opportunities were given.
Cross the Ocean (Metaphorically speaking)
**Total and complete FAIL.
Have a concrete plan (if applicable) for Project: Gemini.
**Moved to 2011 pending review of other goals.
Life Goals - "At some point"
1. See the Louvre.
**Keep. Slated 2011-2012.
2. Travel around the world on a way way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
** Goal to see all by 2017.
3. Learn a martial art.
**Partially done. 3 more belts will qualify as 'done.' 2011.
4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
**Slated 2012.
5. Assemble a band for a tour based on music written by me.
6. Start a succesful business.
"Start" in 2011-2012. "Success" is determined in this case by an operating profit of 400% invested capital or $10000. 2011-2015. Otherwise 'failure' and goal removed from dock.
7. Learn a musical instrument.
8. Sculpt something memorable.
9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Currently in progress. Est Completion 2012.
10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.
11. Write seven novels.
**4 of 7 done.
13. Go on a cruise.
14. Organize a convention on SOMETHING.
16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)
17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage)
18. Have a room with a secret passage
23. Be in a flash mob dance number.
26. Live the fifth life (who knows what that is)
27. Ditto the sixth.
28. Ditto the seventh.
If the right door opens....
29. Marry the Right Person.
30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.
31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.
32. Buy my own island.
35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.
36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.
38. "" Neurological regeneration.
39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.
40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.
43. Breed dogs to live twice as long
44. Create 3 patents.
45. Own and that is entirely self sufficient w. energy, food and other items.
46. Become a Father.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Life In Motion
Well, a LOT has happened since I last updated this....
Where shall I begin?
I guess the first piece of big news is that I'm dating a girl named Alison. She's an accomplished businesswoman and a master chef. She's also very intelligent and a sophisticated traveler and we're very attracted to each other. It isn't formal but we've had five dates so far and have three more scheduled well into January. We'll be going to Hellen next week, so make of that what you will. I'm certainly enjoying it.
So the most serious personal bits: October was the Month of the Knee. I strained them while doing a badly done Circle Crescent Kick, and took too much Ibuprofin. That, combined with loud noises in a live concert gave me Tinitus. The good news is that my knees are better. The bad news is that the Tinitus hasn't. I went to a specialist today and she told me to wear ear filters at loud places (concerts), a mouth guard for my grinding and to make sure any ear buds I use go no higher than setting 3 out of 10.
Personal progression is going well. Not as fast as I'd hoped but I'm getting more focused again and getting more energy. In the First (new) Life, I've obtained a Yellow Belt, and going to start on my Advanced Yellow Belt in January. Karate+Walking+Working Out has made me more fit than I've been in years. In the Second Life, I'm proceeding slowly but I've been working with Ken on his part of the fourth novel (finishing it basically) editing and reediting my stuff. We may have the first draft finished by the end of the year. The fifth novel has finally formed in my mind. It will be Magical Realism, with three sub novels bound by two chapters in each 'chapter cycle'. Complicated? Yes. But its "Literary" and more importantly this time I'm writing what I want because I want to. Graphic Novel Chapter 4 looks like it will be done by the end of the year. Third Life is also moving along slowly. I've kept up the Podcast though I'm not sure if it will continue. I'm slowly picking up more skills as an Editor under Jay's Tutledge and have finished an excellent rough cut of the reshoot of Dueling Morons. I'm looking at making a Buffy Fan Film next year...should be much simpler than Other People's Musicals, but we'll see how it works out. "Simple" is relative and I'm still learning tricks with my editor. Re: The Fourth Life, my job is providing me with invaluable Project Management skills. That, plus the Project Management I'm doing for Project Chrysalis with the Mythic Imagination Institute + My Own Company up to now make me finally confident enough to take the PMP some time in May-July of 2011. I'm also going to look into starting consulting work on the side and probably my own business as well. Alison is offering very helpful insights into this.
Two major trips of note since the last entry. The first was the weekend we took in North Carolina (Black Mountain) to celebrate Grandma's 90th birthday. We rented a cabin and got to see a lot of the sites where Grandma grew up. It was a short trip but it was nice. Grandma bought a Harpsicord and we also ate at 'the Goddess' cafe which had really good food.
In late Thanksgiving I visited the siblings in Houston. It was fun. Spent a considerable portion of the time hanging with Greg & his family. They have an AMAZING new house. Rachelle (with Greg's help I'm sure) is doing a diligent job of turning it into a Home (as compared to a House). We played computer games and board games with a few of his friends. Got to eat Thanksgiving with Christy + her family. Had an awesome visit with them but Christy couldn't stay long due to her new job. She seems to love it (which is good) but it also seems a bit stressful. But I'm glad she's enjoying it at least. Randy and Jamie + nephews and nieces came by the next day and we had dinner and talked a lot. Was quite fun. The young ones sure are growing up fast! There and back again I listened to "Tacitus: The Histories" which talked about the Roman Civil War (the big one) and was rather interesting to listen to. Except maybe the part where the accurate and detailed secular history was interlaced with this bizarre anti semetic rant about Jews that sounded like it came straight out of an Inquisition text book. Extremely inaccurate too. It was the only part of the book that also incorporated heavy supernatural elements. Weird.
Other things: Attended a kickass Christmas party at Amy Winburn's house. Got to play board games with Eisen & Co for the first time in months (Karate falls on the same night). Both are excellent hosts and may be involved with helping in the Buffy fan film. I've been walking with Russel & Claire at Stone Mountain about every three weeks. It works quite well.
On a personal note, I'm trying to extricate myself from as much politics as possible. Given how much news and other things I read, that's difficult but what little I've been able to do so far has been of a great benefit to my sanity.
More of course has happened but that's the highlights, and a pretty good job of summarizing 3 months.
One last thing, I've got a syndicated (unpaid) Blog Column on Rob Berris's web site called "The Mighty Tide of Justice" called "Nerdgasm" (I'm Tom Drake). I update it Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. (Warning: Many postings there are not exactly G rated...)
One last last thing: My company has finally come out with the product we've been working on all year. If you get a chance, and you have a smart phone (Android or Iphone) you might download Swagg.
All for now :)
Where shall I begin?
I guess the first piece of big news is that I'm dating a girl named Alison. She's an accomplished businesswoman and a master chef. She's also very intelligent and a sophisticated traveler and we're very attracted to each other. It isn't formal but we've had five dates so far and have three more scheduled well into January. We'll be going to Hellen next week, so make of that what you will. I'm certainly enjoying it.
So the most serious personal bits: October was the Month of the Knee. I strained them while doing a badly done Circle Crescent Kick, and took too much Ibuprofin. That, combined with loud noises in a live concert gave me Tinitus. The good news is that my knees are better. The bad news is that the Tinitus hasn't. I went to a specialist today and she told me to wear ear filters at loud places (concerts), a mouth guard for my grinding and to make sure any ear buds I use go no higher than setting 3 out of 10.
Personal progression is going well. Not as fast as I'd hoped but I'm getting more focused again and getting more energy. In the First (new) Life, I've obtained a Yellow Belt, and going to start on my Advanced Yellow Belt in January. Karate+Walking+Working Out has made me more fit than I've been in years. In the Second Life, I'm proceeding slowly but I've been working with Ken on his part of the fourth novel (finishing it basically) editing and reediting my stuff. We may have the first draft finished by the end of the year. The fifth novel has finally formed in my mind. It will be Magical Realism, with three sub novels bound by two chapters in each 'chapter cycle'. Complicated? Yes. But its "Literary" and more importantly this time I'm writing what I want because I want to. Graphic Novel Chapter 4 looks like it will be done by the end of the year. Third Life is also moving along slowly. I've kept up the Podcast though I'm not sure if it will continue. I'm slowly picking up more skills as an Editor under Jay's Tutledge and have finished an excellent rough cut of the reshoot of Dueling Morons. I'm looking at making a Buffy Fan Film next year...should be much simpler than Other People's Musicals, but we'll see how it works out. "Simple" is relative and I'm still learning tricks with my editor. Re: The Fourth Life, my job is providing me with invaluable Project Management skills. That, plus the Project Management I'm doing for Project Chrysalis with the Mythic Imagination Institute + My Own Company up to now make me finally confident enough to take the PMP some time in May-July of 2011. I'm also going to look into starting consulting work on the side and probably my own business as well. Alison is offering very helpful insights into this.
Two major trips of note since the last entry. The first was the weekend we took in North Carolina (Black Mountain) to celebrate Grandma's 90th birthday. We rented a cabin and got to see a lot of the sites where Grandma grew up. It was a short trip but it was nice. Grandma bought a Harpsicord and we also ate at 'the Goddess' cafe which had really good food.
In late Thanksgiving I visited the siblings in Houston. It was fun. Spent a considerable portion of the time hanging with Greg & his family. They have an AMAZING new house. Rachelle (with Greg's help I'm sure) is doing a diligent job of turning it into a Home (as compared to a House). We played computer games and board games with a few of his friends. Got to eat Thanksgiving with Christy + her family. Had an awesome visit with them but Christy couldn't stay long due to her new job. She seems to love it (which is good) but it also seems a bit stressful. But I'm glad she's enjoying it at least. Randy and Jamie + nephews and nieces came by the next day and we had dinner and talked a lot. Was quite fun. The young ones sure are growing up fast! There and back again I listened to "Tacitus: The Histories" which talked about the Roman Civil War (the big one) and was rather interesting to listen to. Except maybe the part where the accurate and detailed secular history was interlaced with this bizarre anti semetic rant about Jews that sounded like it came straight out of an Inquisition text book. Extremely inaccurate too. It was the only part of the book that also incorporated heavy supernatural elements. Weird.
Other things: Attended a kickass Christmas party at Amy Winburn's house. Got to play board games with Eisen & Co for the first time in months (Karate falls on the same night). Both are excellent hosts and may be involved with helping in the Buffy fan film. I've been walking with Russel & Claire at Stone Mountain about every three weeks. It works quite well.
On a personal note, I'm trying to extricate myself from as much politics as possible. Given how much news and other things I read, that's difficult but what little I've been able to do so far has been of a great benefit to my sanity.
More of course has happened but that's the highlights, and a pretty good job of summarizing 3 months.
One last thing, I've got a syndicated (unpaid) Blog Column on Rob Berris's web site called "The Mighty Tide of Justice" called "Nerdgasm" (I'm Tom Drake). I update it Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. (Warning: Many postings there are not exactly G rated...)
One last last thing: My company has finally come out with the product we've been working on all year. If you get a chance, and you have a smart phone (Android or Iphone) you might download Swagg.
All for now :)
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