Sunday, January 24, 2010

Better week

This week Jennifer and I went to the Burns night held by a friend I play board games with (Eisen). It was awesome. I tried (sips) of 7 different kinds of Scotch but (for obvious reasons) I do not hold too much liquor and since I was driving home we left it that. I did learn that textually speaking Oban is a very nice brand though. I have also had Haggis, actually pretty good. When the process was first described to me several years ago, I thought I would commit unholy violence on anyone that tried to get me to eat the stuff but its actually kind of like a meaty hash brown.

The other scottish food was nice. I have also discovered that I REALLY like Robert Burns as a poet. I can understand why the Scotts revere him so much. I also learned where "Of Mice and Men" (the title of the book of the same name) comes from. Jennifer made a trifle that was butterscotch and rasberry. She was worried at first but it came out awesome.

Friday night we celebrated Mom's birthday. We had chocolate cake and butter pecan ice cream. We all talked a lot and played wii games. I was moderately good. Skip and Jennifer were kick ass. I discovered that swearing at one's mii can be strangely cathargic.

I can finally get to my desk! My badge has the requisite permissions so that I can get to my cube. This is a short contract but it still has (theoretically) another 2 months so I can maintain the illusion I have a normal job and a normal career in the meantime. :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Early January

Well the last few weeks has been interesting. There were some complications in getting the tools I needed for my job, but my new Boss has been extremely diligent and helpful and getting them. I take the Marta downtown to work every day and walk through the same hotels that Dragon Con takes place in every year. Its kind of surreal really. There are also other conventions that go on. This last week was the NCAA. They made these poor people stand in the food court so people could go through the hamster maze of tunnels between hotels without getting lost.

Jennifer's cough has gotten a lot better. For a while it was lingering a dangerous length. More importantly, one of the drugs she takes, an absolute idiot said she had a 'reaction to the drug' even though she clearly didn't. I thought she should file a complaint with the FDA because Big Pharma might have infiltrated the drug company study group, but she had the saner approach. Doesn't mean I don't think she should still report it to the FDA.

One of the things that Jennifer gave me for Christmas was this day planner which is pretty kickass. It lets me plan exactly what I'm going to do each day well ahead of time. I'm still getting used to it, but the more time goes on, the better I am at fitting it in to my schedule.

I'm trying to simplify my life for a while. Doing this while still trying to complete my annual goals is a bit of a challenge but I think the real secret is in pacing. Fortunately, the planner helps with this.

Jennifer is greatly valued at her job. I am told (by her) that they might show it in a concrete way fairly soon. I'll give you more details as they come.

We've been relaxing a lot this weekend. As of tomorrow it will have been five years since we had our first date. Yesterday we had dinner at an excellent restaurant near us called Baldinos. Shame it isn't a national chain, but then again that make it lose some of its charm. Jennifer went with me to the YMCA and got her orientation in their programming. She likes it a lot.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Goals for 2010

Physical: Go to the gym 2-3 days per week. 2 days of Cardio for 30-60 minutes each week. 2 days of weight training per week. Learn a martial art from Sept – December at the least.

Mental: Reading: 1 Non fiction book work mornings for 10 minutes. 1 Book on tape for transit times at a time. 1 Fiction book every 2 weeks.

Maintain all blogs at least once a week.

Find some kind of puzzle type thing that I actually like to increase my intelligence.

Social: Initiate at least 4 non game related social activities over the course of the year. Visit family at least once a month.

Maintain 2-3 social activities (can including gaming) on a weekly, bi weekly or monthly basis.

Continue Date Night Once a week.

Spiritual: Perform at least one act of community service a month.

Keep Listening.

Maintain daily prayer.

Finish reading the Dhampala. Start reading another spiritual work, finish it by the end of 2010.

Emotional: Say two positive things for every negative thing I say. Have more self confidence.

1rst: Finish the T7 project.

Maintain FCC once a week.

Maintain DM at least twice a month.

Maintain Monthly Blood of the Earth group.

2nd: Create monthly writing group with Rita and Julie. Complete 1 complete story per month.

Finish Novel 4 w. Ken.

Finish Novel 5 by the end of the year.

3rd: Finish/submit OPM this year. If successful, submit to at least 9 other festivals.

Create/Shoot 1 film by the end of the year.

Write or collaborate for at least two feature length or series scripts by the end of the year.

Either Finish the musical or produce a play.

4th: Either join the PMI –OR- establish a close relationship with BU Mentor.

Initiate 3 projects by the end of year, finish by

-Project: Hammerfel by April.

-Project: Bifrost by October.

-Project: Hydra by December.


Go to Dragoncon 2010

Go to Gencon 2010

Go to 20th year High School Reunion.

Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to NYC

Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to Florida.

Visit Family in Houston at least once.

Make preparations to go to Comicon 2011.

Make preparations to go to Europe 2011.

Make preparations to go to Family Reunion 2011.

Learn to shoot a Pistol – At least 25 hours of practice. Seek benchmarks.

Evaluate life goals and come up with a 5 year plan to obtain at least 6 things from the list or the equivalent thereof.

Obtain all 5 physical objects – Car, Tablet OR Flatscreen OR Internet capable television, Reserve, Pistols, Jennifer Lasik

Create and Fulfill the Zodiac.

Cross the Ocean (Metaphorically speaking)

Have a concrete plan (if applicable) for Project: Gemini.

Perform one major production for the podcast.