Sunday, January 24, 2010

Better week

This week Jennifer and I went to the Burns night held by a friend I play board games with (Eisen). It was awesome. I tried (sips) of 7 different kinds of Scotch but (for obvious reasons) I do not hold too much liquor and since I was driving home we left it that. I did learn that textually speaking Oban is a very nice brand though. I have also had Haggis, actually pretty good. When the process was first described to me several years ago, I thought I would commit unholy violence on anyone that tried to get me to eat the stuff but its actually kind of like a meaty hash brown.

The other scottish food was nice. I have also discovered that I REALLY like Robert Burns as a poet. I can understand why the Scotts revere him so much. I also learned where "Of Mice and Men" (the title of the book of the same name) comes from. Jennifer made a trifle that was butterscotch and rasberry. She was worried at first but it came out awesome.

Friday night we celebrated Mom's birthday. We had chocolate cake and butter pecan ice cream. We all talked a lot and played wii games. I was moderately good. Skip and Jennifer were kick ass. I discovered that swearing at one's mii can be strangely cathargic.

I can finally get to my desk! My badge has the requisite permissions so that I can get to my cube. This is a short contract but it still has (theoretically) another 2 months so I can maintain the illusion I have a normal job and a normal career in the meantime. :)

1 comment:

Christy said...

That trifle sounds AWESOME!