Thursday, July 21, 2011

On the Job

Well it has been a hell of a month. So the new job is working well. Its been a slow start but things are starting to finally pick up, which is good. In a contract I am always pleased when I have stuff to do, because that means that there is work, and while there is work, I get paid.  I have some concerns still that it will end early, but I’ll have a better idea what the actual length of the contract will be as compared to what I’ve been told it will be in about two weeks. I’ve heard all different kinds of estimates, from the end of the year to march to perm to hire. But I know that while they want to hire more people they are generally understaffed for perm employees, but this project is so huge they’ve had to bring on contractors. One of my four bosses (yes….four bosses.  ) really likes my BA and PM work and wants to expand my work but not at the expense of the existing BA. The existing BA is a solid guy and will be the one setting my day to day schedule. He is slammed on a regular basis so I might get some more BA work as well which would be helpful. If I have BA or PM work in addition to Tech Writing work, there is no doubt in my mind that I’ll be able to be in this contract until March of next year. Otherwise, I suspect it will last until November.

Which segues nicely into my ‘long term plans.’ A solid perm job is something I don’t want to turn down if it comes up, despite my desires to move to the West, but I honestly just don’t see that possibility here. I’d like it to be such, but I’m not holding my breath. I do, however see the strong possibility of some absolutely excellent references. I had lunch with another of my bosses, who gave me absolutely vital information on the PMP. My current priority is to rebuild my reserve such that if the contract ends, then I can move instantly. By my estimates, especially with several imminent expenses coming up in the next two weeks, that’s going to be the end of October. After that, I’m going to start gunning for the PMP which it looks like I can take. I am still firmly committed to trying to achieve my goal to take the PMP this year, it’s just looking like it will be in December. I’m studying for it now just in case.

Had an excellent date last weekend. It was only a first date but I’d like there to be a second. She has a daughter home for the summer so they’re out of town this weekend. I’m out of town the weekend after that so this might be a situation where there is chemistry but the timing doesn’t work out. I’ll try a weekday next week maybe but we’ll see.

I have been formally approved to take my Green Belt tomorrow. I am very psyched. First of all because I’ve worked my ass off for this, and second of all because it is one of my life goals, the ‘big’ ones, and the green belt is the threshold I set for matched success. I like these guys enough that I’m probably going to at least finish out the year though I have already decided I am not doing this for another FIVE YEARS to become a black belt. Still, I have learned a lot and it is great fitness.
Writing is going exceptionally well. I’m meeting my goal of writing a thousand words a day. I’ve finished several stories this year. I’m having a short story that’s been chosen for a widely heard podcast called “Smoke and Mirrors” tomorrow night (I’ll post the link tomorrow). I’ve also been selected for the World Con writer’s track and I’ll have some professional writer’s helping evaluate my fiction. Finally, the feature film I wrote the script for, “The Sentinel Chronicles: Dawn of the Apocalypse” has been finished and will be airing soon. I’m looking for two or three more web series to write for as well since I’ve decided I really like that. I’m going to write a short film script (sci fi) based on the short story that was accepted to World Con’s writer’s track and also a feature film based on….???? But it will be set in the ‘real world’ though beyond that I don’t know.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Mid Year Goal Check

As is my relatively new annual tradition, I check the progress of my goals in the middle of the year. Let's see how we're doing.

Goals for 2011.


Make One Person As Happy As Possible (Besides Myself)

**Grade: A+ (And that's all I'll say about that....)

Visit with the Family at least once (likely to be the Family Reunion)

**Grade: A+ (Because I'm doing it twice....)

Spend Quality Time with Friends at least Twice a Month

**Grade: A+ (Excellent friends and spending plenty of time with them. Getting out of the house more than ever.)

Do a Good Turn Monthly

**Grade: A (Room for improvement here.)

Initiate Social Activities at least once a Quarter (Group Dates do not count for this)

**Grade: A (Attendance could be better for this...would be better if I had a house but its slowly progressing. Still technically fulfilled)

Career (New but Needed Category) (AKA "The 4th Life")

Gain a Stable Permanent Job I Like To Do That Pays Well

**Grade: C (A for Effort, F for results....since I'll be in the contract until the end of the year, BUT for a contract it looks to be quite fun)

Set up a consulting business for side Project Management Work

**Grade: Incomplete. Year's still out on this one but I hope to start this month or next month on it.

Continue Project Chrysalis with Mythic Imagination Institute

**Grade: B+ (I am no longer in charge of Project Chrysalis but I am doing Project Peabody for them and its going gangbusters)

Take the PRP in June 2011

**Grade: C (There is still hope of turning this into an A. There is a guy in my new contract who will help a lot with this but it turns out volunteer experience does NOT count towards getting your PMP...)

3rd Life

My Project: Project Dance Of Joy (Film)

**Grade: A+ (Re: As cover for party.....heheheheheh...I love it when a plan comes together.)

**Grade: F (The actual film went over like a lead balloon but I'm doing another later this year...)

Affiliated Projects: Sentinel Pi Project Management and Writing

**Grade: B (Went well mostly but then having half the actors diss me and go off the rails makes this a Not A....of course learning that Poison was sabotaging everything didn't help....)

Affiliated Projects: Sentinel 4.0 Project Management and Writing

**Grade: Incomplete. Factors external to my control determined this.

Affiliated Projects: Sentinel Podcast

**Grade: Incomplete. Factors external to my control determined this.

Learn To Edit

**Grade: B (My computer died but I have it back now)

Finish Editing Dueling Morons

**Grade: B- (I had a nearly working copy but lost it. Now I have a chance to turn this into an A by the end of the year)

2nd Life

Write 75000 words

**1/2 done. Grade: A (including certain game related writing.)

*Increasing this goal to 180000 words before the end of the year. I can write a lot more than this and should.

Decide if I like the 5th novel by the 15th of Jan. If not start another by Feb 1. If not then 5 Short Stories + 1 Feature Length Film

**Grade: A

*3 Short stories written, no feature film written but that can be rectified by the end of the year.

Finish the Graphic Novel (Est 5000 more words)

**Grade: A+ Finished. Working on draft.

Affiliated Project: Maintain at least 90% post rate on Nerdgasm

**Grade: B. I quit half way through due to time issues but completed whilst I was doing it.

Help at least 3 people with their writing, either to start or to help them edit.

**Grade: B+. I made an excellent effort but cooperation was required on this one and I rarely got it. People lead busy lives.

1rst Life - Retired.

Publish T7 Project (Now mostly done.)

**Grade: C- (A+++ for effort, F for results. Not QUITE dead yet but this may well be a failure by the end of the year)


Get at least 3 more belts in Karate

**2 belts achieved. On track for third.

Decide then: Either 2 (5 total) belts in Karate OR Start a New Martial Arts OR Start Yoga

**Grade: Not yet relevant.

Continue Weight Training OR Start Cross Training OR Start Free Weights

**Grade: B. Free weights. I'm averaging 1.5 times a week. Room for improvement.

Cardio 2 additional times per week

**Grade: B. Hiking once a week plus walking. Room for improvement.


Read 12 Non Fiction Books

**Grade: B- (Time to improve but only 4 read so far. Behind.)

Read 12 Non Sci Fi/Fantasy Fiction (at least 2 of which should be classics)

**Grade: B- (3 read so far. No classics.)

Read 12 Sci Fi/Fantasy Fiction

**Grade: A (And with the Hugo package easily done.)

Do Something to improve my creativity (?????)

**Grade: A

Learn a New Skill

**Grade: N/A (hope to pick up in August)


Read at least one major religious text of a religion that is not my own that I have not read before.

**Grade: B (Not major but spiritual. Hope to complete by the end of the year.)

Meditate/Pray at least 3 times a week

**Grade: A

Be More Generous

**Grade: A
Be More Kind

**Grade: A

Stop Talking about Dark Things

**Grade: B+

Withdraw From Politics as Much as Reasonably Possible

**Grade: B


*Go to Gencon OR San Diego Comicon OR World Con OR Dragon Con

**Grade: A+ (2 out of 3 is excellent here.)

*Go on at least 6 'weekend' trips, ideally at least one per month.

**Grade: A+ (3 done so far.)

*Go to NYC for at least 3 days (will count as one of the above trips)

**Grade: F (Not done so far....still time but looking less likely....)

*Make CONCRETE plans to go to France in 2012 (or 2011 if realistically possible)

**Grade: C (Time to finish but looking less likely....but due to factors not of my own making)

*Spend at least 20 hours at the range improving either pistol OR rifle OR shot gun skills.

**Grade: F. Haven't been to the range at all.

*Obtain the Following: A decent couch, a gaming console of some kind (likely a Wii), 10 DVD's for my permanent collection, a piece of original art and something to advance one of my other goals in a meaningful way.

**Grade: A (Just need 5 more DVD's to complete this...)

*Do at least one major good deed entirely anonymously. (Besides acknowledging completion of the goal in the assessment)

**Grade: C

*Finish the Graphic Novel script and work with Liz to edit as needed.

**Grade: A

*Finish the 4th Novel with Ken and help him market it as needed.

**Grade: A- (not finished with the final edit, but I've finished all my received chapters and we're marketing it...)

Life Goals - "At some point"
1. See the Louvre.
**Keep. Slated 2011-2013.

2. Travel around the world on a way way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
** Goal to see all by 2017.

3. Learn a martial art.
**Partially done. 3 more belts will qualify as 'done.' 2011.

4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
**Slated 2012.

5. Assemble a band for a tour based on music written by me.

6. Start a succesful business.

"Start" in 2011-2012. "Success" is determined in this case by an operating profit of 400% invested capital or $10000. 2011-2015. Otherwise 'failure' and goal removed from dock.

7. Learn a musical instrument.

8. Sculpt something memorable.

9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Nearly completed. Honestly the draft as is is good enough to call this complete, but I want to be sure.

10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.

11. Write seven novels.
**4 of 7 done.

13. Go on a cruise.

14. Organize a convention on SOMETHING.

16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)

17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage)

18. Have a room with a secret passage

23. Be in a flash mob dance number.

26. Live the fifth life (who knows what that is)
**Have some ideas on this.

27. Ditto the sixth.

28. Ditto the seventh.

47. Finish 7 films. (3 out of 7 completed).
**Reshoot of Dueling Morons does not count as another completed film.

If the right door opens....(ie interesting goals that either depend on another person or a significant amount of wealth that may never happen but that I want to write down)

29. Marry the Right Person.

30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.

31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.

32. Buy my own island.

35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.

36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.

38. "" Neurological regeneration.

39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.

40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.

43. Breed dogs to live twice as long
**Strangely some people are surprisingly responsive to this. This might move to more realistic within 3-4 years when/if I own a house.

44. Create 3 patents.

45. Own and that is entirely self sufficient w. energy, food and other items.

46. Become a Father.