Monday, May 7, 2012

A Lot Can Happen in a Month

Well, a lot can happen in a month.

I think the biggest thing that is happening is that things are still going strong with Julia.  We just spent most of the weekend together including seeing the Avengers, the Ren Fest, Cinco de Mayo and a lot of Tudor watching.  Let me tell you, those are some messed up people. :)  Still, we love each other very much and greatly enjoy being in each other's company.  This has been very helpful since Julia has gotten some disappointing news career wise of late and I've got unemployment looming in the near future.

So, I'm not going to go into the details as to why, but I put in my 2 month resignation several weeks ago at my current job, and have two weeks left.  I must say, even though the numbers on the economy are high, I'm not getting calls from ANY recruiters.  Now, I judge the health of a job search by how many recruiters are calling me, and none have contacted me for weeks.  I'm looking, but have no interviews lined up.  That tells me a couple of things but the main thing it tells me is that this likely to be a long stretch of unemployment. 

Fortunately, I've got alternate ideas.  I'm starting my own small tech writing company (which will do freelance side jobs, nothing where it is my primary source of income) as well as voice over work.  I have almost all the ground work in place to do so and I'm very optimistic on these plus some crazier ideas like selling stuff for the Amazon Kindle.  We're not talking huge amounts of money here, but it will be something.  The gaps in contracts chip away at my finances and this is a way to keep things stable.

Long term I am very very optimistic though and fortunately with Mom and Skip's help the damage from this round of things will be reduced. 

Writing is going well but I'll write more about that in my writing blog.  Julia and I went to another steam punk event that they had in Avondale estates a few weeks ago.  It was quite fun.  I've discovered I like Steam Punk quite a bit but I need a decent outfit and we need to get Julia one.  It'll probably have to wait until my next job though.

 I've also met her parents, and they're great.  I'll be eating dinner with them this Saturday and Julia will be cooking for me the first time.  Apparently she's quite the chef.  I know her crisp was very good. :)

We're going to Savannah later this month.  The reservation was made when I felt it far more likely I'd have a job and is too late to cancel but I might need to shave a day or two off it.  Also looking forward to the Family reunion after that. 

Interesting times.

1 comment:

little.monkey said...

I'm glad things are going well with Julia. I'm happy that you're happy! I hope things work out with the job stuff. I love you bro!