Monday, July 21, 2008


This is going to be a busy week.

Golddame55 has massive school work so I'm helping her by doing everything else like chores and the like so she doesn't have to. I've also got school work myself, two papers, a discussion topic and a midterm. Inglemia is going well but I've only got 4 more weeks to finish it. I'm behind on the novel but working on it, and finally we have family visiting Tuesday night through Saturday...and Golddame55's mother is here Sunday through Tuesday. :)

I'm also working on the outline for a major project with Ken, though I won't be starting it until the other novel is finished, but I need to do the map for that and country details this month. Might be having to do daily entries there just to even approach where the schedule should be.

Saw the Dark Knight last Friday night. STUNNING! I highly recommend it for anyone over 13. Also saw Meet the Robinsons on DVD. Very good in general.

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