Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wherefore art thou?

Got the cover for "The Fate of Inglemia" from the artist I commissioned. Its rather incredible. The game should be coming out on August 15th.

I'll post a link to it when it comes out so you can see the cover. Anyone who is absolutely desperate to see what has been produced thus far can ping me and I'll email them to you, just don't send it to your friends. :)

The link, of course you can send to whomever you like. :)

School goes. had a midterm on the weekend. Fairly sure I passed. Golddame55 is having trouble finding people for her project but we've had some family members help (thank you and you know who you are :) ). Now that it isn't just Teachers that makes things a lot easier.

Randy and Jamie visited last week. It was really fun. There was lots of talking about things present, past and future. No ghosts were involved in this conversation. The nieces seemed to enjoy themselves.


Anonymous said...

Personally I find it very disturbing when ghosts start getting involved in my conversations... Bwa ha ha ha!

Christy said...

It's not funny... mom's house is right by a grave yard... SPOOOOKY! I wish I could've helped Jennifer... when does it need to be done? Before next Thursday?