Monday, August 4, 2008

Frustration at the workstation

So the neat news is that I get a new lap top at work.

The bad news is that the image is @#$@#$@ up and I get to spend almost all day (and still not done so far) trying to get it to work at basic functionality because our IT department (one guy) is rather stretched at the moment.

Jennifer has done a lot on her Master's program. Thank you very much to Skip, Julie, Joyce and Rachelle for their help. It was very helpful and she was able to get the data she needs, she just has to finish putting it together at this point. We will both be very happy to see it done and out the door at this point.

I'm currently on book four of the "Wild Cards" series and enjoying it quite a bit. Had to order a few of the more obscure books online used since they're rather old (about 20 years). Not family fare.

What is family material that is pretty good is "Journey to the Center of the Earth" in 3D. I'm not recommending it, because there are so many OTHER good movies at this point, including family movies that I can't see justifying it, and even on Netflix I could name 100 movies you probably haven't seen that are better; but since we've seen a good chunk of the movies worth seeing in the last few weeks, it was a good mindless waste of time. We nearly got a DVD from blockbuster, but apparently my card has expired, and their contract mandates that any problems you have with them go to Binding Arbitration. Yeah, not a big fan of binding arbitration, so we saw the movie instead. Sometimes you have to do it, but not to get movies from Blockbuster. I was over their poor service and loan shark letters enough to give them another try (after like...5-6 years) but not enough to give them my credit card and sign up for Binding Arbitration.

Not a fan, sorry. Not to say I'll never sign an agreement like that, but not with Blockbuster.


Christy said...

We saw that movie this weekend and I completely agree with how you felt about it. It was a fun way to see it. We saw Wall-e while we were in the UK and LOVED it.

Julie of the Wisdom People said...

Man, Tom, you are computer cursed. I hope you get your laptop fixed. I got a new work computer, too, and I'm very happy about it. My old one only had about 8 GB total memory, and about 900 MB available memory. It took about 30 minutes just to get everything booted up in the morning. Anyway.

You're welcome for the help on Jennifer's Masters. Although, I probably should just say thank you, because I got a few class on how to create a webpage. I've totally used my new knowledge on my blogspot, too, if you hadn't noticed.

Anonymous said...

Heh. Knowledge is power and all that ;)

Like the new dance pic btw :)

Computer working more or less fine at this point.