Monday, October 6, 2008

Short synopsis

Good thing I kept a vacation day. Between Ireland and the Family reunion, I was just about out of them. However, I think my sister's wedding is a cause well spent. Even if I don't get the day off I'll do the overnight drive thing. It will be nice to be able to go to it.

We got rid of a futon to a friend of Jennifer's. It had been supposed to leave our house in June. But she had trouble getting a place. We took it to her house at the same time (per her request) she was having her Open House party. She (Jennifer's friend) got a few of the party goers to help bring said futon up the stairs.


Anonymous said...

Weird that you weren't invited for the festivities when you had given her a futon. Seems a bit my humble opinion. I wonder what her reaction was with everybody there and you bringing the futon. I hope she at least asked you to stay.
Way cool that Jenny is getting married! We're looking forward to it too!
It's so great when great things happen to family members!

Anonymous said...

Nono. We WERE invited to the festivities. We went from the party, with a few other people who had shown up at the party for a party, who helped us to move furniture.

Christy said...

Yay for Jenny's wedding.

Yay for getting rid of futons!