Saturday, August 22, 2009


Well we went to Gencon last week. Jennifer spent two of the three days visiting with her father and step family while I was at Gencon. On Friday we did some events together. Thursday kind of sucked because I thought I had lost my bag which had a character for an event that I'd been preparing for for months. I was able to replace most of what I needed but it still wasn't quite the same. As such I was kind of down for most of Thursday but things picked up on Friday with Jennifer.

Jennifer finally learned how to play Killer Bunnies. We also played a Dungeons and Dragons game called "A Fist Full of Clerics" but by far the most fun we had was playing a larp called "The Dragon of Feldra." We both had characters that fit well. It was a small event, but it was Jennifer's first time doing a Larp and she enjoyed it. For those of you who are not familiar with what a larp is, thing "Dungeons and Dragons" meets "How to Host a Murder Mystery."

The drive back went largely without incident. I'm still trying to help Grandma with her house. Last week Mom and Skip did a lot more than I've done so far in terms of getting some people to clean the front. Mom and I had gone to clean out the cat room and some other things. We're nearly at a point where we can have some packers come in and put some stuff in Storage. That should be helpful.

One step at a time.

The job search goes well. I had my first interview Thursday, and haven't heard anything. They were supposed to make a decision yesterday which means I probably didn't get the job, but in the three weeks since my job at Cox ended I've had four placements which is pretty good. We'll see how things turn out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now we can all play Killer Bunnies when we get together. The kids love that game too.