Sunday, January 17, 2010

Early January

Well the last few weeks has been interesting. There were some complications in getting the tools I needed for my job, but my new Boss has been extremely diligent and helpful and getting them. I take the Marta downtown to work every day and walk through the same hotels that Dragon Con takes place in every year. Its kind of surreal really. There are also other conventions that go on. This last week was the NCAA. They made these poor people stand in the food court so people could go through the hamster maze of tunnels between hotels without getting lost.

Jennifer's cough has gotten a lot better. For a while it was lingering a dangerous length. More importantly, one of the drugs she takes, an absolute idiot said she had a 'reaction to the drug' even though she clearly didn't. I thought she should file a complaint with the FDA because Big Pharma might have infiltrated the drug company study group, but she had the saner approach. Doesn't mean I don't think she should still report it to the FDA.

One of the things that Jennifer gave me for Christmas was this day planner which is pretty kickass. It lets me plan exactly what I'm going to do each day well ahead of time. I'm still getting used to it, but the more time goes on, the better I am at fitting it in to my schedule.

I'm trying to simplify my life for a while. Doing this while still trying to complete my annual goals is a bit of a challenge but I think the real secret is in pacing. Fortunately, the planner helps with this.

Jennifer is greatly valued at her job. I am told (by her) that they might show it in a concrete way fairly soon. I'll give you more details as they come.

We've been relaxing a lot this weekend. As of tomorrow it will have been five years since we had our first date. Yesterday we had dinner at an excellent restaurant near us called Baldinos. Shame it isn't a national chain, but then again that make it lose some of its charm. Jennifer went with me to the YMCA and got her orientation in their programming. She likes it a lot.


Anonymous said...

My version of the day planner is my "witches' date book" - I look forward to buying a new one every year. :)

Glad Jennifer is feeling better. Skip's only recently gotten over his cough. Amazing how it hangs on so long with some people.

5 years? Time does fly. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 5 years since the first date! Time has flown!

Glad to hear that Jennifer is finally doing better. Hopefully she will continue to improve and make a full recovery soon.:)

It's great to hear that both jobs are going well!