Thursday, June 10, 2010

Revising Priorities

The time has come for an accounting.

Let us start with the annual goals.

Physical: Go to the gym 2-3 days per week. 2 days of Cardio for 30-60 minutes each week. 2 days of weight training per week. Learn a martial art from Sept – December at the least.

**This is on track and I want to keep it.

Mental: Reading: 1 Non fiction book work mornings for 10 minutes. 1 Book on tape for transit times at a time. 1 Fiction book every 2 weeks.
**This is not at all on track and I might resume it once I clear some space.
Maintain all blogs at least once a week.

**Kept to now. This is changing. The core blog will be maintained once a week but all other blogs shall be incidental and satilites of this one. “Los Fragments de un Alma Rota” means “Shards of a Broken Soul” and only I can reassemble them. Only I can heal myself and only I can define my life as I want it to be. I cannot guarantee the results but only I can choose the direction.

Find some kind of puzzle type thing that I actually like to increase my intelligence.

**This seems like a waste of time and is being dropped.

Social: Initiate at least 4 non game related social activities over the course of the year. Visit family at least once a month.

**This is being dropped due to the Divorce. Kept to now.

Maintain 2-3 social activities (can including gaming) on a weekly, bi weekly or monthly basis.

**I think this is a good idea. However I’m only going to keep one gaming related activity. I need more ‘normal’ in my diet. I’m pretty sure I know which one too. Kept to now.

Continue Date Night Once a week.

**Dropped for obvious reasons. Kept till separation.

Spiritual: Perform at least one act of community service a month.

**Dropped. Kept to now.

Keep Listening.


Maintain daily prayer.

**Dropped. I believe in God. I think that God interacts with the world, but I no longer believe in any kind of meaningful reliable and consistent communication with Him save that He loves us. Specifically, I have reason to believe that My Prayers aren’t really answered in a way that can be rationally distinguished from a delusion and are therefore a waste of my time save making myself feel better. Kept till physical separation.
Finish reading the Dhampala. Start reading another spiritual work, finish it by the end of 2010.

**Dropped. Kept to now.

Emotional: Say two positive things for every negative thing I say. Have more self confidence.

**Keep the self confidence. I now reserve the right to be negative whenever I want. I still intend to mostly be more positive than negative but I’m not trying to cheer anyone up or maintain morale.
1rst: Finish the T7 project.

**To be Delegated or dropped. Kept to now.
Maintain FCC once a week.

**Dropped due to Staff indifference. Kept to now.

Maintain DM at least twice a month.

**Mostly dropped. Too many hobbies in this area makes me too alien.
Maintain Monthly Blood of the Earth group.

**Dropped. Kept to now.

2nd: Create monthly writing group with Rita and Julie. Complete 1 complete story per month.

**Under consideration. A decision will be made in August. Not Kept.

Finish Novel 4 w. Ken.

**Starting this next week.

Finish Novel 5 by the end of the year.

3rd: Finish/submit OPM this year. If successful, submit to at least 9 other festivals.


Create/Shoot 1 film by the end of the year.

**I cheated. I reshot Dueling Morons. There will be no new films this year. Potentially ever depending on how DM or OPM do. I’ll get just as much out of helping other people with theirs.

Write or collaborate for at least two feature length or series scripts by the end of the year.

**Keeping one. The other is under consideration but may be dropped pending response.

Either Finish the musical or produce a play.

**No and increasingly no. Pending review in July.

4th: Either join the PMI –OR- establish a close relationship with BU Mentor.

**Done. (First.)

Initiate 3 projects by the end of year, finish by

-Project: Hammerfel by April.

**Initiated. Utter failure.

-Project: Bifrost by October.

**Preliminary work indicates that this is a horrible idea and I no longer have any desire to implement it.

-Project: Hydra by December.

**Under consideration. Review by August.


Go to Dragoncon 2010

**On track. However, I am done questing for Ribbons. This will probably be my last year in attendance barring acceptance of OPM.

Go to Gencon 2010

**On track.
Go to 20th year High School Reunion.
**Under review. I’m essentially paying hundreds for an air ticket (When I hate to fly) to visit people who haven’t seen me in twenty years to appear before them an abject failure….In fact the only thing keeping it on the table is that it happens once and only once. I missed the 10th. I will decide next week.

Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to NYC
**Drop the Jennifer part. On track for Oct.
Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to Florida.
**Dropped for lack of reason to go.
Visit Family in Houston at least once.
**Done. Repeat in Thanksgiving it looks like.
Make preparations to go to Comicon 2011.
**In consideration. Will do in July.
Make preparations to go to Europe 2011.
**In consideration. Pending November status of events.
Make preparations to go to Family Reunion 2011.
**On track.
Learn to shoot a Pistol – At least 25 hours of practice. Seek benchmarks.
**On track. 4 hours a month starting in July. Once a week.
Evaluate life goals and come up with a 5 year plan to obtain at least 6 things from the list or the equivalent thereof.
**On track. After this.
Obtain all 5 physical objects – Car, Tablet OR Flatscreen OR Internet capable television, Reserve, Pistols, Jennifer Lasik
**Done. Indirectly done. Done. In consideration. Financially impossible.
Create and Fulfill the Zodiac.
**Done but one. Not my concern now and multiple opportunities were given.
Cross the Ocean (Metaphorically speaking)
**Total and complete FAIL.
Have a concrete plan (if applicable) for Project: Gemini.
**Moved to 2011 pending review of other goals.

Perform one major production for the podcast.
Life Goal Review
0. Become a father.
**Keep but no longer Zero goal.
1. See the Louvre.
**Keep. Slated 2011.

2. Travel around the world on a way way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.

3. Learn a martial art.
**Slated 2010 Sept.

4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
**Slated 2012.

5. Assemble a band for a tour based on music written by me.

6. Start seven businesses.
**Modified. Pending update and review.

7. Learn a musical instrument.
**Indefinitely delayed.

8. Sculpt something memorable.

9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Currently in progress. Est Completion 2012.

10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.
**I have no idea what the hell a taught is. Otherwise keep.

11. Write seven novels.
**In progress. Rough guess completion….2014?

12. Produce a musical based on Simon Bolivar.

13. Go on a cruise.
**This is a life goal? Sure. Maybe 2011 or 2012.

14. Organize a convention (ideally one based on Sci fi)
**Drop the sci fi. Keep the convention.

15. Invent a card game.

16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)

17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage)

18. Have a room with a secret passage

19. Learn electronics (ideally a remote controlled object or robot battles robot)

20. Gain 3 patents.
**Move to Opportunity.

21. Own a self sufficient piece of land (energy, food, light manufacturing)
**Move to Opportunity.

22. Go on a cruise.
**What the hell with the cruises? Dropped due to duplication.

23. Be in a guerrilla musical dance number.
**Hell yeah keep! Maybe 2011 or 2012.

24. Help in a local political campaign (meaningfully)
**Dropped. Politicians all suck and lie and are not worthy of my time. (Reference Project Hammerfell failure above.)

25. Set up a treasure hunt for after I die. A real one.

26. Live the fifth life (who knows what)

27. Ditto the sixth.

28. Ditto the seventh.

If the right door opens.
29. Kept to myself.
**Gee that was clever Tom….what the hell was it?

30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.

31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.

32. Buy my own island.

33. Establish technological reboot centers.
**Drop. Scott Brown removed any desire to preserve civilization. An enema might do us good.

34. Create a national movement to reform the electoral system.

35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.

36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.

37. Create an institution dedicated to the study of Narcolepsy.
**HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! No. I am not Mother Teresa nor am I Ghandi.

38. "" Neurological regeneration.

39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.

40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.

41. Create a school system based on my ideas of education.

42. Create a wide range of nuclear desalination plants on the west coast.
**OK Tony Stark…what the hell…it is ‘opportunity.’

43. Breed dogs to live twice as long with higher intelligence (ie uplift)

More to come. The Master Goals and Priority are also being adjusted.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I think it's good that you are making goals right now and that you are letting go of the ones that aren't doing you any good :)