Monday, February 7, 2011

All's Quiet on the Western Front

Well I have my own place now. Its quiet. Very quiet. I might have to get a pet just to keep my sanity, though to be honest while there is plenty of room for just me, I don't know if there is enough room for a pet. I might wait the year out and get a house instead. At least rent one. I'm still not convinced ownership is something I'd really enjoy.

Still, all things told I'm more or less adjusting well to single life. When I'm watching a video, reading or writing then the silence is a bit less. There's also a rather nice Irish pub nearby called Pub 71 which I might start going to more often. Tuesday night is Trivia night, and if there is one thing I'm full of its trivia.

Birthday and move went well. Skip and Jay not only helped me move once but twice (storage stuff the second time.) A lot of boxes still unpacked but I'm kind of settling into the new place a bit at a time. I don't like moving even if I'm going to likely do it again in a year though I think this time I might hire movers. Jay and Skip were helpful but if I go out of town (a possibility) a pick up truck wouldn't quite do it. Who knows.

Ahead in my job comes peril or great opportunity. Interesting times as it were. Reorg happening to a more agile environment, which could mean a promotion and/or minor leadership position which would be great for my career, or an org change where my current position isn't needed. Of course, i've built the reserves and have the resume ready in case that happens, but I'd still rather it didn't, at least for another year. Steve is a good boss and I've enjoyed working with him.

We'll see what happens.

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