Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pilgrimidges and Pathos

I have been to Graceland, and returned. I went, so the saying goes, because of a song. The song in this case being "Graceland" because I like Paul Simon. So when I had two days of...symbolic difficulty, St. Valentine's Day and the Anniversary, it seemed appropriate to do something about it. Especially since my moribund St. Valentine's day ritual was about as mentally healthy as watching paint dry.

So I went to Graceland in Memphis TN. I learned many things. I listened to Outliers along the way. I gained a new perspective on things. This perspective is not perfect. There is still a lot about my situation that absolutely sucks, but it gives me a ladder by which I might remove myself from the pathetic and into the obscure.

I also learned that I liked Elvis. I learned my Destiny. Such as it is. You have to understand Destiny in the first place before you know when you find it and the means to achieve it. But it has also rerenewed my motive to write. I have also found my Tunnel (Monte Cristo reference.)

I may not ever get what I want, but that does not mean that the road less traveled does not have its own reward. Any more cliches I can throw in there?

At any rate. I also learned that letting a well meaning but psychotically deceptive emotionally manipulative person who I met for one day having any meaningful influence on my life probably really was a bad idea. So among other things, I am reembracing my inner geek, even if I am still mostly retired from Gaming. I like cons...a lot. I also discovered this last weekend and the weekend before that that I like small ones as well as large ones. I also like Steam Punk....but I still feel the whole movement is ...missing something. I just don't know what that is.

I have accumulated another medical condition. Exactly what it might mean will be determined Tuesday, so positive thoughts are appreciated.

T7 is moving along slowly but steadily. Sentinel is becoming more my project as well as Jay's so we'll see what happens there. I came back down from the mountain with all kinds of ideas. A week back in the real world (plus a potential meeting with the forces of darkness...or at least opposite forces) might have reduced my enthusiasm somewhat but not entirely.

More to come.


little.monkey said...

I love you and just want you to be happy. I think that self reflection is great as long as it leads to growth. I think that a lot of what you said seems like you've made some important realizations. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, it has and I love you too :)