Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Viewpoint Matters

So I've been acting deliriously happy for the last six weeks relative to my situation. There are lots of reasons for this and lots of lessons learned but here is the cliff notes version: Unless you are attempting to generate sympathy, moaning about the situation helps nothing, and you'd be wise to save those moments for when you truly need them....kind of like some people are reluctant to take Aspirin in too great a dose....and in truth, there is wisdom in this...I should know, because I took too much last October and the ringing still occasionally flits around my ears. ;)

I think the most valuable lesson I've learned is that our perspective really is subjective. You've heard that before, but its true. Its basically a matter of trying to construct your own reality, your own values and your own perceptions, while at the same time maintaining a grounded understanding of what is true for everyone else. For me in practical terms it means taking delight in the little things around me, making plans about what I might do that are bigger than the sky, and also small enough that I'll be able to do them no matter what my circumstance, and setting goals that I can achieve. I've been doing that for a long long time but I never realized how important it was. Of course I know about the subjective truth of things...but from an objective perspective I'm also working my ass off to find a job. In truth its the hardest job I have or ever do because it never really ends. You can always be doing more, and even more frustrating because most jobs come from a post to a job board that takes about two seconds to update a week by hitting the refresh button, meanwhile the task that I take hours and hours each day performing, sending out resumes, almost always accomplishing nothing....except, of course, giving me something to show for my efforts plus ten percent of recruiter calls actually DO come from placed resumes. Little lessons are learned each time this happens to me. :)

Small victories:

I'm getting my advanced yellow belt next week. (Exercize in dark situations is HUGE!)

I've lost 13 pounds in 6 weeks.

I've managed to shave about 60-70% off of my monthly budget by saving things in little ways....(Thanks Skip for the idea of storing all my public storage space in my closet!)

I've decided that playing role playing games is actually cool.

I have only had a mental break down once in the last two months...(For being unemployed, that's pretty me :) )

I've written two stories and have ideas for two more. And I'm well on my way toward keeping almost all of my yearly goals.

I've healed a friendship I thought was lost.

I've forgiven what I didn't have to forgive (not related to the above.)

I've been a force for good in at least 5 people's lives.

I've made the world a better place.

I successfully initiated Project Fluffy. (Nope, sorry that part is for me to know :) )

I've run several successful games online and had my favorite mush accept an interdimensional @#$@#$# bus driver...I mean, how awesome is that? :)

I've discovered and watched some rather remarkable movies and television shows and books...and grocked them rather well.

I've invented at least 4 different new ways to improve my job search so that its now more efficient than its ever confidence remains high, such that even the most cynical part of me is forced to grudgingly admit minor possibility that things might somehow work out.

I know where I'm going with my life.

I also have at least two very solid leads on how to get what I most want.

I also have a rather solid and realistic plan to get what I most want after that, even if I don't get Plan A.

Aside from is swell. TTYL.

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