Monday, September 19, 2011

Nickled and Dimed to Death

So Dragon Con.

It was the best of Cons, it was the Worst of Cons. I'm going to do something uncharacteristic and keep the details to myself. I learned a lot, but the lessons I learned are slightly difficult to I'll try to at least summarize it. I learned I like to dance. A lot. I learned that I love life, and that even though elements of my life quite frankly suck, and always will, that there is still a great deal of value in what I have, and what I have is quite frankly pretty cool, especially if I ever get a chance to get some inertia going.

I'm more focused now; three paths-Writing, Voice Acting, Project Management. Those are my careers and I plan to make money at them. Everything else is just a hobby. With writing its going to be screen writing, audio drama, and poetry first, with prose and other things a distance second. Technical writing will pay the bills when it must, but I have grown quite weary of it, and will leave it as soon as a I reasonably can.

Work is both stable and unstable. IE, situation normal. However, I'm being nickled and dimed to death with all kinds of minor expenses. Not enough to hurt, but enough to slow me down. All the more reason to press forward with plans for alternate sources of revenue so that contract or no, I'll always have a steady income. I have a wide range of talents (even if I don't have the one I want) and I plan to maximize their utility to the hilt.

It does mean I'm keeping my moving plans VERY flexible. Magic 8 ball says, "WTF?" at the moment :) Seriously, this is perhaps one of the most unclear moments of my life in terms of what might happen, but my attitude towards it is more sure, more focused and more stable than it has ever been. Its not that the things that suck don't bother me, I just...put it in perspective. That includes friends. I pretty much accept them for who they are, and what their limitations or strengths might be. I help them when I can, and ...don't...when I can't. :) Part of that means understanding what is or isn't a friendship as compared to acquaintance. :) But I still maintain that it is better to treat an acquaintanceship as a friend than a friend as an acquaintanceship, just have no illusions as to what the actual situation might be.

We recently cleaned out the house of Doom. We are winning. All but two rooms are done. Tonight I start to read, "High Midnight" by Rob Mosca and write my treatise for my script writing class tomorrow.

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