Monday, September 22, 2008

So far

Things seem to be going well with the novel. I am (more or less) on track. Progress is more detailed on Tossing Grenades at Windmills.

Jennifer has started a new sewing project. She has a bag that she wants to be able to carry on her shoulder as she travels via MARTA. I'm not entirely aware of all the details but it looks rather impressive.

She also got her Capstone back. There were some things marked as not done they wanted, but she turned it around the next day. Theoretically, her oral defense is this week, but it depends on how fast her grader processes the thing. Still, the actual end of her degree is in sight.

My class is rather crazy. I write REALLY fast but I can't imagine how a normal person would cope. In the last 3 weeks, I've had 2 6-10 page papers, 4 1-2 page papers, and 6 online discussion topics that were essentially one page papers. Mid term is next week, and I've still got about the same amount as what I've done so far to turn around. It is by far the most 'busy work' intensive class I've had so far.

Of course, the final two classes I have are rather math intensive.

We finally saw Hancock at the $2.00 theater. It was really good. I'd mark it (for me) fourth best movie of the summer after Wall-E, Dark Knight and Iron Man. Unlike Iron Man, it also has a heavy rewatch value. IE I can picture Hancock being popular 10 years from now whereas Iron Man might be.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Yay to Jennifer for almost being done!!! Booo to your busy work.

I need to see all those except Wall-E (we saw that one in the UK and loved it).