Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We spent it with family and it was a lovely dinner. No major drama, no headaches and the food was all most excellent. We watched "Stephen Colbert's Greatest Gift of All" and "Stardust." Grandma Lawson, Mom, Skip, Julie, Jennifer and I were all there. We played some games Friday night and had a lot of fun.

Jennifer and I got a lot done on the weekend. We removed the annoying air conditioner that was there when we bought the house and finally got the window closed. We also found the heating vent under the bed and opened it.

School is....well. How would you like to start a totally new blog, learn Dream Weaver, Design two web pages, study a 1000 page text book, join second life and surf around and perform a weekly bulletin board class plus a weekly paper. I am quite sure there are worse classes out there. Indeed, my fear of mutagenic chemicals was higher with biochemistry back at BYU...but honestly....this class is insane. Especially since the worst part was that once I finally had the pages done (Jennifer's advice was absolutely invaluable with this. She is far more technical minded than I) I had to upload the pages and there were almost no directions on how to do so.



Christy said...

I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving!

Sorry school stinks so bad... mine is stressfull also but not as stressful as yours.

Fierce-Rabbit said...

Thanksgiving and the day after were lovely weren't they?

Sorry things are so stressful. "This too shall pass."