Wednesday, December 17, 2008

To Pass The UnPassable Class

Let me tell you why I love my wife.

Aside from being beautiful, sexy, smart, cool and the best friend I ever had, she also opens doors when there are no doors.

For three days I sat trying to figure out the @#$@#$#@ dream weaver program. I couldn't do it. It was, literally, impossible for me to do it. Finally after ranting out tirades like a lunatic, Jennifer didn't yell back, she just calmly picked up the book and showed me what I needed to do.

Without her, I would not have passed this class. If Jennifer had been there when I was in Grad School, I would have a degree in Molecular Biology.

Because of her, I will (probably since I still have two classes left) have a masters in science in project management.

1 comment:

Christy said...

awwwww. Jennifer ROCKS! We love her.