Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bilbo Baggins

So we get to the hotel and see a cop car parked in front of an empty parking lot.....interesting but we still check in. When we go out to get the stuff, there are three more. We're still not entirely sure what is going on, but down the hall there were two officers with some crime labby stuff and a girl sitting their talking to them about stuff that was going on in the room.

Fortunately, we have a safe in the room.

We ate at a cool restaraunt called "Bilbo Baggins" which basically has American style foods. It was good food. We tried to see a movie afterwards, but the Navigator system we pay $50 a month for between the two of us on our phones is mentally challenged. It took us to a park. We asked it to take us to a theater and it took us to this tiny little play ground....and then it took us to a school play ground...and then it took us down town which is crazy with all kinds of people and streets blocked off.

But it was kind of funny getting to the tiny park. We eventually came home and watched Juno which is pretty cool.

On the way up here we listened to "Presidential Courage" which is interesting but probably not to anyone who isn't a political freak like I am. :)


Christy said...

I wonder what the police were doing there.

I think your GPS was telling you guys to go on some swings. It's pretty funny that it kept taking you to parks.

Christy said...

Bilbo Baggins is a cool name for a restaurant.