Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goals for the Year

Physical: Reduce my weight to 225lbs. Losing 30lbs, at an average of 1800 calories a day for diet with 1-2 free days a month, exercising aerobically 4 times a week for 300 calories each session for 22.5 minutes, lifting weights 2 times a week using at least the 30 pound weights. Currently at 180 calories each session with the goal to raise 20 calories a week until I reach 300. The goal is to start with 1 weight lifting session in Jan and then adding another in Feb.

Mental: Read 1 Good non fiction book a month + 2 slowly over Wed. I plan to start with Fast Food Nation. The two slow books will be "Search Engine Marketing" and "Philosophy and Super Heroes."

Graduate Grad School with at least a 3.0 average (preferably with honors) in May.

Spiritual: Continue scripture study, prayer and other activities.

Read at least one major spiritual work belonging to another religion.

Emotional: Be kinder. Have Less Anger.

Social: Get involved with a service project at least once a month starting in April.

Writing: Covered on the Writing Blog.

Film: Write two film scripts. Produce two films, one directed by Mom and one directed by Jennifer. Submit at least one of the two to a film festival this year. The film should be no shorter than 4 minutes and no longer than 10.

Invention: Buy and read at least two Law School text books on Patent Law.

Economic: Maintain my job. Pay off more of Credit Card. Make preparations for child. Obtain 5 most important items as determined by Jennifer and I.

Make Red Anvil Productions Gaming have its first profitable year.

Family: Improve relations. Be slightly less annoying.

Friends: Have at least 3 non game related social events over the course of the year.

Children: Have 1. Have all physical preparations made at least 2 months in advance of birth.


Create at least one podcast a month (probably short stories already written)

Create a fourth blog by March involving unknown quantity or subject for fun and/or profit.

Create a group of new life goals by March.

Ensure that all selected items in the Christmas Coupon Book I gave Jennifer are delivered/fulfilled.

Make arrangements for Jan 3, 2010 Tolkien's Birthday LOTR Marathon Party.

Go to Gencon 2009.

Go to DragonCon 2009.

Go to Boston for my Graduation.

Learn to Juggle.

Learn to Shoot a Pistol.

If Brett is sent to a Spanish Speaking Mission, Refresh and Brush up on my Spanish.


Christy said...

I liked reading your progress from last year and your goals for next year. Thank you for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Those are all admirable goals. Lifting weights and staying within a balanced diet will melt the weight off. Alot of people are scared that if they lift heavy weights they will bulk up. The truth is that the more muscle you have the more energy your body uses to feed those muscles, hence the more weight you will lose.

Anyway, it sounds like alot of hard work. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Well, hard work helps me avoid looking back at my life and saying 'If only I'd' etc etc. :)

And I will bear that in mind re: the weights. :) I'll keep you posted on how its going ;)

And (to Christy) you're welcome :) It is fun to see the transition from one to the other :)