Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Goal Check

Physical: Reduce my weight to 225lbs. Losing 30lbs, at an average of 1800 calories a day for diet with 1-2 free days a month, exercising aerobically 4 times a week for 300 calories each session for 22.5 minutes, lifting weights 2 times a week using at least the 30 pound weights. Currently at 180 calories each session with the goal to raise 20 calories a week until I reach 300. The goal is to start with 1 weight lifting session in Jan and then adding another in Feb.

Status: Exercise is very succesful. Dieting not so much. Two months of unemployment was not kind. Revised goal for the end of the year is 240lbs.

Mental: Read 1 Good non fiction book a month + 2 slowly over Wed. I plan to start with Fast Food Nation. The two slow books will be "Search Engine Marketing" and "Philosophy and Super Heroes."

Status: Non fiction goal: On track. All read but the Philosophy of Superheroes, which is still on my queue before the end of the year.

Graduate Grad School with at least a 3.0 average (preferably with honors) in May.

Status: Completed.

Spiritual: Continue scripture study, prayer and other activities.

Status: Scripture study: Meh.

Prayer: On track.

Other Activities: On track. Working to begin doing RFP's for charities to help them earn money, starting with Mythic Journies.

Read at least one major spiritual work belonging to another religion.

Status: Not yet started. Est to begin this month. Probably something Buddhist. In fact, probably the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Emotional: Be kinder. Have Less Anger.

Status: Seems to be on track.

Social: Get involved with a service project at least once a month starting in April.

Status: Delayed, but still planned. Countered this with helping Grandma with House of Damoclese.

Writing: Covered on the Writing Blog.

Status: Short stories: Not on track. Novels: On track.

Film: Write two film scripts. Produce two films, one directed by Mom and one directed by Jennifer. Submit at least one of the two to a film festival this year. The film should be no shorter than 4 minutes and no longer than 10.

Status: First script written. First meeting for first film scheduled. Replacing film directed by Mom to podcast. Poem for podcast completed. Second film will likely be a reshoot of "Dueling Morons."

Invention: Buy and read at least two Law School text books on Patent Law.

Status: Not yet initiated.

Economic: Maintain my job. Pay off more of Credit Card. Make preparations for child. Obtain 5 most important items as determined by Jennifer and I.


Job: Failed, but beyond my control. New job obtained.

Credit Card: Not by the end of year but paying off.

Child: Delayed.

More Important Items: 1.5 obtained. 2 by the end of the month. 5 by the end of September.

Make Red Anvil Productions Gaming have its first profitable year.

Status: On track.

Family: Improve relations. Be slightly less annoying.

Status: On track.

Friends: Have at least 3 non game related social events over the course of the year.

Status: If you include the writing group: Completed. Otherwise 0 for 3. 1 on the schedule. 1 more planned. 1 not yet at all determined.

Children: Have 1. Have all physical preparations made at least 2 months in advance of birth.

Status: Delayed for at least one year.


Create at least one podcast a month (probably short stories already written)

Status: Done. And on track.

Create a fourth blog by March involving unknown quantity or subject for fun and/or profit.

Status: Complete.

Create a group of new life goals by March.

Status: Failed. Hope to create new list by the end of July.

Ensure that all selected items in the Christmas Coupon Book I gave Jennifer are delivered/fulfilled.

Status: On track. 8 out of 15 completed. 9 out of 15 by the end of the day.

Make arrangements for Jan 3, 2010 Tolkien's Birthday LOTR Marathon Party.

Status: Not yet complete.

Go to Gencon 2009.

Status: On track. Reservations made.

Go to DragonCon 2009.

Status: On track. Reservations made.

Go to Boston for my Graduation.

Status: Completed.

Learn to Juggle.

Status: Not yet begun.

Learn to Shoot a Pistol.

Status: Delayed until September.

If Brett is sent to a Spanish Speaking Mission, Refresh and Brush up on my Spanish.

Status: Not yet started.


Christy said...

looks like your doing pretty well with a lot of these.

I love the word meh for some reason.

Unknown said...

"Philosophy of Superheroes" sounds like fun. What's that about?

LOTR marathon party sounds like fun. :)

You've gotten an awfully lot accomplished. Very cool!

little.monkey said...

The important part is that you're successful at annoying your family less. haha. j/k. I love you bro.

Anonymous said...

Christy: It it indeed a wonderful word, is it not? :)

Top_Cat: It is one of those "Philosophy of XYZ Fiction" books, and looks interesting.

LM: I love you too ;)