Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanksgiving Etc

Thanksgiving was a nice break. Didn't do much, which was just they way I like it. Jennifer and her mother went shopping most of Friday so I had the whole day to myself. Surfed some on the net, but also finished reading Conversations with God and The Unbehead King trilogy. Saturday we saw 2012. Bleh. I will say this though, Joyce lays down a MEAN Thanksgiving day table. It was delicious. The turkey was the best I have had in years. It was Jennifer, myself, Joyce (my mother in law), Dick (her husband), and two of their friends who lived near by. There was also football watched. I am not a football fan, but I watched with them to be social. Despite some misgivings about A&M, I was still pleased that they performed as well as they did against UT. Right now I consider myself more an alumni of Boston University than any other school (that is, it hasn't kicked me out because I missed a single test or made me so angry I would want to spit nails at faster than the speed of sound)...but I never physically attended...and so far as I know, they have no major sports teams. But the more I find out about them, the more I like them. I attended an alumni networking event recently that was quite cool.

This week has been redonkulously busy. Monday night I played board games at a friend's house. Tuesday night I ran a MUSH event on the internet and last night I went to a Christmas party for the people I did the grant writing for (Mythic Imagination Institute)...but there must have been some kind of miscommunication because no one was there...'s OK really, I brought the chips for the potluck home and Jennifer and I ate them. :) Wednesday, I spent the night with Ken hammering out the last portion of the 4th novel.

The job market is definitely improving. I've had a lot of recruiters contact me recently. I think that might be why my current contract has been extended again to Feb 30th. I guess they (mostly) want to keep me. There are a few other issues I won't disclose on a public blog (yet anyway) but I get along great with my boss and my boss's boss.


little.monkey said...

That's good to hear that your contract has been extended again. Yay. I'm glad you guys had a good Thanksgiving. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Thanks :) I am glad to hear things are going well for you. I am hopeful for your entrance :)

Anonymous said...

Just so you know... Boston College was 8-4 in football this year, which is pretty good in the ACC. They will probably end up in a bowl game. So you can cheer for a team if you are so inclined...

Anonymous said...

Thinking good employment thoughts on your behalf. :)