Friday, March 5, 2010


Well let's see here. We celebrated our anniversary at one of my favorite restaurants, Bocca De Beppo. We also got some rather nice coupon and a free cup cake. I got Jennifer two matching "Peace Sign" ear rings and a necklace of the same, as well as a $40 gift certificate to DSW. Jennifer got me "A Gunslinger Born" a graphic novel set in Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' series, as well as the Player's Handbook II, which should come in very handy for the 4th edition Dungeon's and Dragons game I'm playing right now. She also got me a rather cool Plastic Knight and several small useful utility knick knacks which I like a lot. I still use the Swiss Army knife she got me for Christmas a while ago.

Friday night we went to Jay's birthday party, which was quite fun. We talked a lot with other people and I got to know the other Sentinel project members. Jay showed more footage from "Architects of Fear" which is quite frankly looking pretty kickass. Saturday I spent most of the day working on "Other People's Musical's" over at Jay's. He did the Color Correction and after effects. This bled over into over TWELVE HOURS worth of work on Sunday. The result is pretty amazing. It isn't in HD any more and we still have a few synch problems which I am hoping to correct this weekend, but as of now I have a functional movie that I can submit to the Atlanta Film Festival. The real question is if I can fix the sync issues before the due date next week. Otherwise it will have to wait until the screening on March 27th. I'm also refilming "Dueling Morons" but Julie's original edit job was so phenomenal that I'm looking to recreate it shot for shot.

Monday I had to recover from the weekend of intense work on the film and do the writing of what had been displaced by the film. I had a lot of things 'come due' at the same time, and spent the rest of the week catching up...which I've mostly managed to do at this point thank goodness. Wednesday I started up another dungeons and dragons game with some of my friends. We played at CCP, which is pretty cool since they make Eve Online and various World of Darkness pen and paper role playing games. Neat place to do an rpg.

Tonight we are hoping to see Alice.

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