Monday, April 21, 2008

Fun But Busy Weekend

Well we spent most of Saturday cleaning up the house like mad. It came down to the final stretch but we have three rooms unpacked and quite clean. We were able to get the food cooked and all the preparations made for our "How to Host a Murder Mystery" called "Murder Under the Bigtop." We were all circus performers and had to guess who had conducted the murder. My character was Sven Garlic and I had a ventriliquist dummy (a sock) and I talked in a fake Swedish accent. As you might imagine...I had fun. :) Jennifer was "Buster Gut the Strongman" and, though she enjoyed it, did not have quite the insane character as Sven. :) Next time we'll find something else that she'll like more. :)

On Friday we saw "Forbidden Kingdom". It rocked! :) The Jet Li vs Jackie Chan fight scene alone was worth it. Also ran into some of our friends at random which was nice.

Sunday we saw Okief at the museum. Except it wasn't a comprehensive look at her career, rather her works and six other female's works from this guy called Siglitz who basically helped make her career. Still, seeing their influence on Okeif's stuff was interesting.

Sunday night we had a reading for my epic poem and it went over quite well. I'll keep you posted as to future developments there. Jennifer spent a good chunk of the night working on a political video for youtube but we had to give up at 2am because our editing software doesn't work. :/


Christy said...

Sounds busy/fun/stressful. Where was your reading?

little.monkey said...

That does sound "busy/fun/stressful." Unpacking is no fun that's for sure...

Anonymous said...

We had the reading at Mom's house. Just family, nothing earth shattering...yet. (Insert Rising Hysterical Laughter here).

Unpacking can be fun if done by catapult, but also Golddame55 is not keen on this method. :)