Monday, June 23, 2008

I have been SoundKnowlified

For 16 hours over two days I learned more than I ever wanted to know about Sound in a film class taught by a rather cool guy who has done work for Kevin Smith as his head sound dude (on pretty much all of his movies.) Apparently, he's based out of Atlanta. But, after the rather disasterous experiences with the last two movies, I needed to prevent another Snap, Crackle and Pop special.

The drive on Thursday from the reunion went well but the last hour was hard. I came to realize that 12 diet cokes in 6 hours might not agree with me, since I normally don't consume hoards of caffine. The fact that I had gotten up at 5:30 in the morning didn't help.

When I got home, I found that the infamous Team Project that I thought was basically done wanted another two teleconferences. I basically went into open rebellion explaining that since they had scheduled these when I wasn't present when they scheduled these, I would be unable to attend. I was so upset that I didn't sleep and had to stay home sick, but I did complete my final part of the project and it came out rather well. I got two hours Friday morning so I almost didn't go to the Sound class, but golddame55 convinced me that it was a good idea.

Glad I went.

(For purposes of my own records)

The reunion went very well. Christy's planning was essentially perfect and the location was right next to a pastoral river. We played a few games, and went to sea world for most of Tuesday followed by an excellent meal at the Iron Cactus that night. Wednesday we went tubing down the river and had games that afternoon. There was a water fight in which I was a two pistoled terror. I have regained my faith in tiny little pistols, and am glad (for the most part) that I resisted the urge to bring a rain slicker, plastic riot shield, goggles and industrial power sprayer for said fight. All in all it lasted about 30 minutes and was lighthearted fun whereas my terminator like abomination would have...been thematically inappropriate. I would have enjoyed it, but I doubted anyone else would...not to mention that for a cost of roughly $150, it would not have really been worth it. :)


Anonymous said...

Who was the workshop with?

I've had that experience too, "I just can't drag myself there" -- then I do and I'm really glad I did.

Glad you forwent the (expensive & scary) option in favor of just having fun at the water fight. Sounds like it was great fun. Wish I could have been there. :)

Christy said...

I hate it when people in classes are pooholes. I just took a test for my class and took it from home because I thought I was supposed to and several people in my class made really rude comments about me being stupid for thinking I could take it from home... my teacher gave me full credit though so I shouldn't care what they think.... it's still annoying though.

I'm glad you had a good time at the reunion and that you came and that you didn't do the craziness you had planned for the water fight.

little.monkey said...

Glad that you got home safly after such a long drive. Uhhhh...yeah, I don't think you should ever drink that much soda at one time. Glad you had fun at the reunion.