Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We Have Seen the Family, and They Is Us

This weekend we visited with Greg and Rachelle and Neices and Nephews and Julie and Parents. :)

And there was much rejoicing and much game playing, and much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth at accidentally saving your brother's game over your own.

Highlights of the Weekend:

*Fourth of July fireworks. Golddame55 had a bit of an asthma problem and had to leave Early. Greg had to take the youngest home a bit early due to overheating but it was generally a fun time.

*Sunday games which included Catch Phrase, Carcasone, Ingenious and Munchkin Cthulu. By far the most popular game appeared to be Munchkin Cthulu.

*Saturday night dinner at the Loop.

Other Activities and Happenings:

I enjoyed a week between classes for school. Managed to SOMEHOW get a B+ in that class, mainly from our great debate topic I think. This next class looks like even more joyful fun. :)

Working on "Fate of Inglemia." I've had a rather neat artist commissioned for it, and may post one or two peices up here or at least link to the cover when it is finished. It is probably not going to sell well, but I always wanted to have at least one project that I had at least a semi decent art budget for. Hithertonow I've generally relied on reusing someone else's art or the extreme and awesome talents of those who would give it for free. :)

Read first two Wild Cards books. Most awesome. I remember now why I like the series, but I'm not willing to 'just skip em' this time and must track down #3 at a used book store sometime this week.


Christy said...

Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun... wish I could've been there. I think I might have pulled and A in pharm by the skin of my teeth. We will see.

Anonymous said...

I think she handled the saving thing rather well. I would've been upset too.

Anonymous said...

It was fun! Would have been better had we been able to party without the kids...it stinks to not feel well.

I'm looking forward to the link of the artwork.