Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well, "The Fate" has sold more than any item I've sold since my first, so it seems to be doing well. Still far from what I'd call profitable in any sense whatsoever, but it was fun to do.

Picked the costumes up from the Dry Cleaner today. Golddame55 will be doing the alterations this weekend. She also recently got a "Bolwick" which is apparently a glorified sword holder and a pretty cool sword. She got a pistol for herself so the costumes should look keen when done.

Played board games last night with a friend of ours; Cranium. Still, even with the expansions if you play it enough times some of the answers become rather easy to guess. Still it is an awesome game because it lets people socialize in all of the different categories they're good at. It does suck though when someone rolls two or three purples in a row and is suddenly half a game ahead of you. I think they've changed it in later cranium games, but to be honest, I hate all of them but the original Cranium game. Not sure why, they just seem lame by comparison.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Congrats on selling copies of your game.

I love Cranium.... it's always fun. I agree though it's not awesome when someone keeps rolling purples.... unless of course your the one rolling it... then it rocks.