Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Epic Movies and Such

The weekend before last on our date we saw Australia. If you like Casablanca or the old thirties style movies, you'd definitely like this. Also we are both fans of Hugh Jackson and Nichole Kidman. Of course it has 3 endings like Hook but some people like Hook....

We both liked Australia a lot.

The last weekend we rented "The Great Dictator" which was.....um......well Mr. Chaplin is still a very good actor when he speaks. Its a shame he didn't take off in the 'talkies' because he was quite good. His writing and directorial skills....not so much. But the speech at the end was pretty cool, especially when you realize it was given two years before WWII. Probably not something I'd recommend though.

We got much Christmas stuff done. Not all of it but most of it.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I want to see Australia but at the same time it seems a little boring. I'll have to be in just the right mood to watch it. I think it's the name that makes it seem boring.