Monday, January 12, 2009

Bad, Worse, Good, Better

Going back in time from now:

Root canal this morning. It wasn't just a root canal, it was a redo root canal because the dentist who did it a year and a half ago screwed it up. It's cost without insurance is $3000. Insurance will cover some, but not much of it. Won't know the full damage until mid February when the new cap is placed in it.

Last night my Mom and Step Dad's cockateel died. It was pretty cool. I kept trying to teach her Bridge over the River Quai....I don't think she learned it. She did a neat Shave and a Hair Cut and Wolf Whistle though.

We spent most of the weekend playing board games at a local convention. It was pretty fun. Jennifer and I enjoyed spending time with each other and with friends. It was $55 for both of us for as many games as we could play and I think between the two of us we got in around 12....and we played about 10 of those together.

We have finally decided to drop La Femme Necrappa from the Netflix Queue without watching the last for disks! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!


Christy said...

I like the title.

Sorry about your root canal. Dental things are the WORST!

It is so sad that mom's bird died :( she loved that bird.

Game playing = good times

not watching something you don't want to watch is also good.

Fierce-Rabbit said...

Thanks for acknowledging Verona. Yeah, we did love that bird. :)

The original Le Femme film is so good that I never bothered to watch the American film or TV show.

Toot canals suck to begin with, then having a dentist who messes it up....

Anonymous said...

Glad you liked the title :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, they do suck. It got infected so I was in agony on Monday and Tuesday but I got antibiotics for it and it got better.