Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Job

The big news is that I finally have a new permanent job in Technical Writing, with a possibility of future Project Management potential. I will be working as a consultant with SESC, nominally to be hired directly after a year by Firethorn, which is a company of Qualcomm. It represents a considerable raise and excellent benefits. But most important of all, it looks to be an awesome place to work which will greatly value what I do. I start on Feb. 16th.

This has been a fun week and a half. We’ve done a lot in a relatively short period of time. Last week we celebrated my birthday, a lot. On Wednesday Jennifer and I made splenda cookies. We didn’t make very many of them but the ones we had were quite nice. For my birthday on Thursday we had dinner at a nice restaurant called Wildfire. It was kind of expensive but enjoyable nonetheless. Jennifer gave me three dress shirts, two ties, an electric razor (very handy) and three books (two of which short story collections inspired by HP Lovecraft. I think the sixth novel at this point is almost assuredly going to be supernatural horror or a conventional mystery).

Friday night we celebrated my birthday AGAIN with Mom, Skip, Grandma, Jennifer and myself. Skip cooked some of his excellent pasta with a very nice salad. We watched the final episode of “The Prisoner” and had some very interesting discussions of things. Saturday Jennifer and I went to see a movie at the Danish Film Festival called Terribly Happy, which was very interesting. It was billed as Twin Peaks like…and it certainly was. Sunday night we stayed home and did little of consequence, but we greatly enjoyed doing little of consequence because we were both kind of exhausted from the events of the previous week and several other things.


little.monkey said...

Yay! Congrats brother! Love you!

Christy said...

It's fun to spread your birthday out like that.

Congratulations on the job!