Monday, February 23, 2009

Descent into Madness - Day 12

This weekend we saw "Nowhere in Africa" via Netflix. OK.

Jackie Brown via Dish. Very good. Although watching a Terentino film for the first time on TNT is...inadvisable. Hearing Samuel L. Jackson say "oh snap!" and sound like he means it in that circumstance is a bit surreal.

Battlestar Galactica is nearly done and still quite good.

There is a new show called Dollhouse by Joss Whedon which is quite good. If you want to see it and support it, its online at, which is pretty cool because it is measured and the closest you can get to being a nielson family without being a nielson family (or so I am told.)

Job search is going OK. No job yet, but I had an interview last Thursday with Jennifer's company. We'll see how things go. I'm supposed to hear back from them in the next few days. It would be a short term contract. I have another phone interview Wednesday.

I've been doing OK in the Accounting Class thus far. Jennifer has been invaluable in helping me study for this. I'm still very worried about the final.

1 comment:

little.monkey said...

I hope your interview goes well on Weds and you here back from the place Jennifer works. Also, I hope that your class goes well.