Monday, February 16, 2009

Descent into Madness Day 7 - The first casualty

We are going to have to stop trying to have children for now.

The stress of being off medication has been increasing for Jennifer for each month now, and now that she is the sole provider for our family, despite generous offers of help and reserves, that does not change the fact that it is stressful for her. In turn, the stress of my own job search plus school is high enough, much less any stress that Jennifer is experiencing.

As such, Jennifer is going back on Medication for a few months and then we'll plan things a bit more carefully the next time around. I estimate we'll be trying again in 6-7 months.


Christy said...

That makes sense. I am sorry you are going through such a hard time. We love you!

little.monkey said...

That's kinda sad, but it totally makes sense. I'm sorry. This sure has started out to be a rough year for everyone. What's the deal with that? I hope it turns around quickly. I love you guys,

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry.

I love you both.