Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Descent into Madness - Day 14

Have a phone interview today. We'll see how it goes.

Jennifer and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary last night. Her mother and Mom and Skip sent us very nice cards.

Studying for accounting. Its an open book final, which is both good and bad. Good in that it lets me use my notes and my book, BAD because it gives the professor full leeway to use REALLY REALLY hard questions like he has been doing on the quiz. At this stage in the game as long as I get a 50% on the final I can still (I believe) graduate without having to retake the class.

Oh, and for those interested, I've created a new meme on


Christy said...

Hope your interview went well,

Happy anniversary... three years went by quickly!

Anonymous said...

I got a voice interview. It was a good day yesterday. Today, not so much. Aside from the basic job search (which only takes two hours or so) I've gotten no writing done and only a little studying...but I'll deal.

Still the tricks I'm using to stay sane are becoming less effective.

Unknown said...

Job hunting is a full time job....
