Sunday, August 14, 2011

Vacation Day 2

Morning was breakfast and a viewing of Tron: Legacy. I'll review that on the review blog later but it was a fun relaxing morning and enjoyed visiting with the family. Later, Rachelle served Ham Sandwiches which were excellent. Then they went to church and I was going to go to Randy's but he texted me that he wasn't hope yet. Ironically, I found out after the fact that it was Rachelle's first day on the organ, so I would have at least gone to the first part of sacrament meeting to hear her but didn't notice it, so I had time to kill, so I visited the old house. WOW how times have changed. The old neighborhood is almost unrecognizable. Almost all the stores are different. A lot of what used to be trees are gone and not replanted. The house itself has a fence around it though it looks largely the same.

The Hilo auto parts I used to work at has a Star Bucks. I was bored so I tried a cup of coffee. My first, and it was moderately good but needed sugar. I chilled and read my android and then went to hang out with Randy and Jaime and their children for a few hours before the rest of the family came and visited. It was quite good. Randy cooks a mean shredded brisket/chicken/ribs and Jaime has le kickass Chocolate and strawberry crispy treats. This went on for several hours. Got to remeet Jaime's mom and one of her brothers and then we hung out after and talked a lot catching up on things. Days go by quickly. Need to spend more time here next time I come here to visit.

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