So a bit of a note on the subject of Goals...its a long list, I realize it is. But I live my life by one credo (of many) that goes, "Shoot for the Stars and land in the trees, shoot for the trees and land in the mud." But I also always take to heart two other quotes:
(from Our Town) "Emily: Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?--every, every minute?
Stage Manager: No. Saints and poets, maybe--they do some."
(from Its a Wonderful Life)"Clarence: [In book inscription] Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends."
Even if I succeeded in every goal I ever set beyond my wildest dreams, no award ceremony full of crowded thousands would replace a quiet dinner celebrating a friend's birthday. No ticker tape parade could replace a candle lit dinner with someone you love. And no marble statue in the center of a square could replace a shared family moment of love and laughter. It is the human element that makes life worth living, and if you can't make your life flexible enough to include those things...then you're missing what life is really truly about...the moments with people you care for and that care for you in return.
So this New Year's Eve was amazing. It started out with a Bang at Jeff and Taylor's celebrating his 35th birthday party. Taylor had cooked up a storm. We watched the latter end (well I caught it when I arrived, they were in the midst of watching) "The Never Ending Story" and the First Half of the Season Finale of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" which was quite awesome. I couldn't stay long though. Then I met up with Alison and some of her friends at Pub 71, a life filled wonderful Irish Pub in Brook haven. We were there for 45 minutes and I talked with them. They're very fun people and all wore celebratory New Years hats that they had bought earlier. Then it was off to Russell's. Lots of people there and Clare had set a cheerful and wonderful set up. Russell did a ...thing..swirly fire...thing....that was fun. But I got to do it to, though I did singe the hair on the back of my neck a bit. I only used one but apparently it was somewhat impressive for someone who'd just picked it up. Russell was extremely impressive. Then we toasted with some Champaign Ale and excellent Sparkling Wine brought by Alison.
Midnight Kiss.
Then as we left, we returned to Pub 71 for a bit longer to hang with Alison's posse (and if ever the term 'posse' applied to a group of friends I think this is such a time.) Then a bit of talking and kissing at Alison's place and then off to home.
Goals for 2011.
Make One Person As Happy As Possible (Besides Myself)
Visit with the Family at least once (likely to be the Family Reunion)
Spend Quality Time with Friends at least Twice a Month
Do a Good Turn Monthly
Initiate Social Activities at least once a Quarter (Group Dates do not count for this)
Career (New but Needed Category) (AKA "The 4th Life")
Gain a Stable Permanent Job I Like To Do That Pays Well
Set up a consulting business for side Project Management Work
Continue Project Chrysalis with Mythic Imagination Institute
Take the PRP in June 2011
3rd Life
My Project: Project Dance Of Joy (Film)
Affiliated Projects: Sentinel Pi Project Management and Writing
Affiliated Projects: Sentinel 4.0 Project Management and Writing
Affiliated Projects: Sentinel Podcast
Learn To Edit
Finish Editing Dueling Morons
2nd Life
Write 75000 words
Decide if I like the 5th novel by the 15th of Jan. If not start another by Feb 1. If not then 5 Short Stories + 1 Feature Length Film
Finish the Graphic Novel (Est 5000 more words)
Affiliated Project: Maintain at least 90% post rate on Nerdgasm
Help at least 3 people with their writing, either to start or to help them edit.
1rst Life - Retired.
Publish T7 Project (Now mostly done.)
Get at least 3 more belts in Karate
Decide then: Either 2 (5 total) belts in Karate OR Start a New Martial Arts OR Start Yoga
Continue Weight Training OR Start Cross Training OR Start Free Weights
Cardio 2 additional times per week
Read 12 Non Fiction Books
Read 12 Non Sci Fi/Fantasy Fiction (at least 2 of which should be classics)
Read 12 Sci Fi/Fantasy Fiction
Do Something to improve my creativity (?????)
Learn a New Skill
Read at least one major religious text of a religion that is not my own that I have not read before.
Meditate/Pray at least 3 times a week
Be More Generous
Be More Kind
Stop Talking about Dark Things
Withdraw From Politics as Much as Reasonably Possible
*Go to Gencon OR San Diego Comicon OR World Con OR Dragon Con
*Go on at least 6 'weekend' trips, ideally at least one per month.
*Go to NYC for at least 3 days (will count as one of the above trips)
*Make CONCRETE plans to go to France in 2012 (or 2011 if realistically possible)
*Spend at least 20 hours at the range improving either pistol OR rifle OR shot gun skills.
*Obtain the Following: A decent couch, a gaming console of some kind (likely a Wii), 10 DVD's for my permanent collection, a piece of original art and something to advance one of my other goals in a meaningful way.
*Do at least one major good deed entirely anonymously. (Besides acknowledging completion of the goal in the assessment)
*Finish the Graphic Novel script and work with Liz to edit as needed.
*Finish the 4th Novel with Ken and help him market it as needed.
Life Goals - "At some point"
1. See the Louvre.
**Keep. Slated 2011-2012.
2. Travel around the world on a way way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
** Goal to see all by 2017.
3. Learn a martial art.
**Partially done. 3 more belts will qualify as 'done.' 2011.
4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
**Slated 2012.
5. Assemble a band for a tour based on music written by me.
6. Start a succesful business.
"Start" in 2011-2012. "Success" is determined in this case by an operating profit of 400% invested capital or $10000. 2011-2015. Otherwise 'failure' and goal removed from dock.
7. Learn a musical instrument.
8. Sculpt something memorable.
9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Currently in progress. Est Completion 2012.
10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.
11. Write seven novels.
**4 of 7 done.
13. Go on a cruise.
14. Organize a convention on SOMETHING.
16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)
17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage)
18. Have a room with a secret passage
23. Be in a flash mob dance number.
26. Live the fifth life (who knows what that is)
27. Ditto the sixth.
28. Ditto the seventh.
47. Finish 7 films. (3 out of 7 completed).
If the right door opens....(ie interesting goals that either depend on another person or a significant amount of wealth that may never happen but that I want to write down)
29. Marry the Right Person.
30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.
31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.
32. Buy my own island.
35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.
36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.
38. "" Neurological regeneration.
39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.
40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.
43. Breed dogs to live twice as long
44. Create 3 patents.
45. Own and that is entirely self sufficient w. energy, food and other items.
46. Become a Father.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Assessment of Performance of 2010 Goals
So first news:
Christmas went very well. I'm currently dating a wonderful girl named Alison who is brilliant and radiant in every conceivable way, and we are very much enjoying each others company.
Around this time of year, I assess my performance on my goals for the year. In June I changed the list due to the major changes in my life. 2011 will be about simplification. The 'lifetime' goals will not change, but I will not have quite as many yearly goals in 2011 as I had in 2010. But I will post those some time Saturday.
For now the Assessment.
Physical: Go to the gym 2-3 days per week.
2 days of Cardio for 30-60 minutes each week.
2 days of weight training per week.
Learn a martial art from Sept – December at the least.
A yellow belt is hardly 'learned' but basically 'done.'
Mental: Reading: 1 Non fiction book work mornings for 10 minutes. 1 Book on tape for transit times at a time. 1 Fiction book every 2 weeks.
**Failed. 40% completed.
Maintain all blogs at least once a week.
**Partially completed. I changed the priority and frequency that I updated my blogs and also added one with Nerdgasm that I do for the Mighty Tide of Justice. Except for the main blog, this is absolutely 'pass' but the 3 month gap in this blog keeps me from making this a complete pass.
Social: Initiate at least 4 non game related social activities over the course of the year. Visit family at least once a month.
Done. Dates count.
Keep Listening.
Maintain daily prayer.
Semi done. Enough for me.
Emotional: Say two positive things for every negative thing I say. Have more self confidence.
1rst: Finish the T7 project.
Done. Not published since I have an opportunity to make it into something more, but it is done to my satisfaction and it should be entirely wrapped up in a few months.
Maintain Monthly Blood of the Earth group.
Done. And well done to boot.
I am retiring this life.
2nd: Create monthly writing group with Rita and Julie. Complete 1 complete story per month.
Done but allowed to disappate due to very busy personal lives of my partners. May find another group in 2011. Maybe.
Finish Novel 4 w. Ken.
Done (my half) Ken is nearly done with his half.
Start the fifth novel by the end of the year.
Done. I may start over though. Will address this in my 2011 goals.
3rd: Finish/submit OPM this year. If successful, submit to at least 9 other festivals.
Create/Shoot 1 film by the end of the year.
Write or collaborate for at least two feature length or series scripts by the end of the year.
Done. (Both with Jay)
4th: Either join the PMI –OR- establish a close relationship with BU Mentor.
Done. (First.)
Initiate 3 projects by the end of year, finish by
-Project: Hammerfel by April.
Initiated. Utter failure.
-Project: Bifrost by October.
Initiated. Deemed not worthy of further persuit.
-Project: Hydra by December.
Delayed. Will be replaced by Project Phoenix in 2011.
Go to Dragoncon 2010
Go to Gencon 2010
Go to 20th year High School Reunion.
Go on Long weekend trip to NYC
Go on Long weekend trip to Florida.
Visit Family in Houston at least once.
**Done. Twice.
Make preparations to go to Comicon 2011.
See 2011 goals later.
Make preparations to go to Europe 2011.
See 2011 goals later.
Make preparations to go to Family Reunion 2011.
Learn to shoot a Pistol – At least 25 hours of practice. Seek benchmarks.
Partially done. 9 hours completed.
Evaluate life goals and come up with a 5 year plan to obtain at least 6 things from the list or the equivalent thereof.
Create and Fulfill the Zodiac.
**Done but one. Not my concern now and multiple opportunities were given.
Cross the Ocean (Metaphorically speaking)
**Total and complete FAIL.
Have a concrete plan (if applicable) for Project: Gemini.
**Moved to 2011 pending review of other goals.
Life Goals - "At some point"
1. See the Louvre.
**Keep. Slated 2011-2012.
2. Travel around the world on a way way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
** Goal to see all by 2017.
3. Learn a martial art.
**Partially done. 3 more belts will qualify as 'done.' 2011.
4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
**Slated 2012.
5. Assemble a band for a tour based on music written by me.
6. Start a succesful business.
"Start" in 2011-2012. "Success" is determined in this case by an operating profit of 400% invested capital or $10000. 2011-2015. Otherwise 'failure' and goal removed from dock.
7. Learn a musical instrument.
8. Sculpt something memorable.
9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Currently in progress. Est Completion 2012.
10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.
11. Write seven novels.
**4 of 7 done.
13. Go on a cruise.
14. Organize a convention on SOMETHING.
16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)
17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage)
18. Have a room with a secret passage
23. Be in a flash mob dance number.
26. Live the fifth life (who knows what that is)
27. Ditto the sixth.
28. Ditto the seventh.
If the right door opens....
29. Marry the Right Person.
30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.
31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.
32. Buy my own island.
35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.
36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.
38. "" Neurological regeneration.
39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.
40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.
43. Breed dogs to live twice as long
44. Create 3 patents.
45. Own and that is entirely self sufficient w. energy, food and other items.
46. Become a Father.
Christmas went very well. I'm currently dating a wonderful girl named Alison who is brilliant and radiant in every conceivable way, and we are very much enjoying each others company.
Around this time of year, I assess my performance on my goals for the year. In June I changed the list due to the major changes in my life. 2011 will be about simplification. The 'lifetime' goals will not change, but I will not have quite as many yearly goals in 2011 as I had in 2010. But I will post those some time Saturday.
For now the Assessment.
Physical: Go to the gym 2-3 days per week.
2 days of Cardio for 30-60 minutes each week.
2 days of weight training per week.
Learn a martial art from Sept – December at the least.
A yellow belt is hardly 'learned' but basically 'done.'
Mental: Reading: 1 Non fiction book work mornings for 10 minutes. 1 Book on tape for transit times at a time. 1 Fiction book every 2 weeks.
**Failed. 40% completed.
Maintain all blogs at least once a week.
**Partially completed. I changed the priority and frequency that I updated my blogs and also added one with Nerdgasm that I do for the Mighty Tide of Justice. Except for the main blog, this is absolutely 'pass' but the 3 month gap in this blog keeps me from making this a complete pass.
Social: Initiate at least 4 non game related social activities over the course of the year. Visit family at least once a month.
Done. Dates count.
Keep Listening.
Maintain daily prayer.
Semi done. Enough for me.
Emotional: Say two positive things for every negative thing I say. Have more self confidence.
1rst: Finish the T7 project.
Done. Not published since I have an opportunity to make it into something more, but it is done to my satisfaction and it should be entirely wrapped up in a few months.
Maintain Monthly Blood of the Earth group.
Done. And well done to boot.
I am retiring this life.
2nd: Create monthly writing group with Rita and Julie. Complete 1 complete story per month.
Done but allowed to disappate due to very busy personal lives of my partners. May find another group in 2011. Maybe.
Finish Novel 4 w. Ken.
Done (my half) Ken is nearly done with his half.
Start the fifth novel by the end of the year.
Done. I may start over though. Will address this in my 2011 goals.
3rd: Finish/submit OPM this year. If successful, submit to at least 9 other festivals.
Create/Shoot 1 film by the end of the year.
Write or collaborate for at least two feature length or series scripts by the end of the year.
Done. (Both with Jay)
4th: Either join the PMI –OR- establish a close relationship with BU Mentor.
Done. (First.)
Initiate 3 projects by the end of year, finish by
-Project: Hammerfel by April.
Initiated. Utter failure.
-Project: Bifrost by October.
Initiated. Deemed not worthy of further persuit.
-Project: Hydra by December.
Delayed. Will be replaced by Project Phoenix in 2011.
Go to Dragoncon 2010
Go to Gencon 2010
Go to 20th year High School Reunion.
Go on Long weekend trip to NYC
Go on Long weekend trip to Florida.
Visit Family in Houston at least once.
**Done. Twice.
Make preparations to go to Comicon 2011.
See 2011 goals later.
Make preparations to go to Europe 2011.
See 2011 goals later.
Make preparations to go to Family Reunion 2011.
Learn to shoot a Pistol – At least 25 hours of practice. Seek benchmarks.
Partially done. 9 hours completed.
Evaluate life goals and come up with a 5 year plan to obtain at least 6 things from the list or the equivalent thereof.
Create and Fulfill the Zodiac.
**Done but one. Not my concern now and multiple opportunities were given.
Cross the Ocean (Metaphorically speaking)
**Total and complete FAIL.
Have a concrete plan (if applicable) for Project: Gemini.
**Moved to 2011 pending review of other goals.
Life Goals - "At some point"
1. See the Louvre.
**Keep. Slated 2011-2012.
2. Travel around the world on a way way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
** Goal to see all by 2017.
3. Learn a martial art.
**Partially done. 3 more belts will qualify as 'done.' 2011.
4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
**Slated 2012.
5. Assemble a band for a tour based on music written by me.
6. Start a succesful business.
"Start" in 2011-2012. "Success" is determined in this case by an operating profit of 400% invested capital or $10000. 2011-2015. Otherwise 'failure' and goal removed from dock.
7. Learn a musical instrument.
8. Sculpt something memorable.
9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Currently in progress. Est Completion 2012.
10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.
11. Write seven novels.
**4 of 7 done.
13. Go on a cruise.
14. Organize a convention on SOMETHING.
16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)
17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage)
18. Have a room with a secret passage
23. Be in a flash mob dance number.
26. Live the fifth life (who knows what that is)
27. Ditto the sixth.
28. Ditto the seventh.
If the right door opens....
29. Marry the Right Person.
30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.
31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.
32. Buy my own island.
35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.
36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.
38. "" Neurological regeneration.
39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.
40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.
43. Breed dogs to live twice as long
44. Create 3 patents.
45. Own and that is entirely self sufficient w. energy, food and other items.
46. Become a Father.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Life In Motion
Well, a LOT has happened since I last updated this....
Where shall I begin?
I guess the first piece of big news is that I'm dating a girl named Alison. She's an accomplished businesswoman and a master chef. She's also very intelligent and a sophisticated traveler and we're very attracted to each other. It isn't formal but we've had five dates so far and have three more scheduled well into January. We'll be going to Hellen next week, so make of that what you will. I'm certainly enjoying it.
So the most serious personal bits: October was the Month of the Knee. I strained them while doing a badly done Circle Crescent Kick, and took too much Ibuprofin. That, combined with loud noises in a live concert gave me Tinitus. The good news is that my knees are better. The bad news is that the Tinitus hasn't. I went to a specialist today and she told me to wear ear filters at loud places (concerts), a mouth guard for my grinding and to make sure any ear buds I use go no higher than setting 3 out of 10.
Personal progression is going well. Not as fast as I'd hoped but I'm getting more focused again and getting more energy. In the First (new) Life, I've obtained a Yellow Belt, and going to start on my Advanced Yellow Belt in January. Karate+Walking+Working Out has made me more fit than I've been in years. In the Second Life, I'm proceeding slowly but I've been working with Ken on his part of the fourth novel (finishing it basically) editing and reediting my stuff. We may have the first draft finished by the end of the year. The fifth novel has finally formed in my mind. It will be Magical Realism, with three sub novels bound by two chapters in each 'chapter cycle'. Complicated? Yes. But its "Literary" and more importantly this time I'm writing what I want because I want to. Graphic Novel Chapter 4 looks like it will be done by the end of the year. Third Life is also moving along slowly. I've kept up the Podcast though I'm not sure if it will continue. I'm slowly picking up more skills as an Editor under Jay's Tutledge and have finished an excellent rough cut of the reshoot of Dueling Morons. I'm looking at making a Buffy Fan Film next year...should be much simpler than Other People's Musicals, but we'll see how it works out. "Simple" is relative and I'm still learning tricks with my editor. Re: The Fourth Life, my job is providing me with invaluable Project Management skills. That, plus the Project Management I'm doing for Project Chrysalis with the Mythic Imagination Institute + My Own Company up to now make me finally confident enough to take the PMP some time in May-July of 2011. I'm also going to look into starting consulting work on the side and probably my own business as well. Alison is offering very helpful insights into this.
Two major trips of note since the last entry. The first was the weekend we took in North Carolina (Black Mountain) to celebrate Grandma's 90th birthday. We rented a cabin and got to see a lot of the sites where Grandma grew up. It was a short trip but it was nice. Grandma bought a Harpsicord and we also ate at 'the Goddess' cafe which had really good food.
In late Thanksgiving I visited the siblings in Houston. It was fun. Spent a considerable portion of the time hanging with Greg & his family. They have an AMAZING new house. Rachelle (with Greg's help I'm sure) is doing a diligent job of turning it into a Home (as compared to a House). We played computer games and board games with a few of his friends. Got to eat Thanksgiving with Christy + her family. Had an awesome visit with them but Christy couldn't stay long due to her new job. She seems to love it (which is good) but it also seems a bit stressful. But I'm glad she's enjoying it at least. Randy and Jamie + nephews and nieces came by the next day and we had dinner and talked a lot. Was quite fun. The young ones sure are growing up fast! There and back again I listened to "Tacitus: The Histories" which talked about the Roman Civil War (the big one) and was rather interesting to listen to. Except maybe the part where the accurate and detailed secular history was interlaced with this bizarre anti semetic rant about Jews that sounded like it came straight out of an Inquisition text book. Extremely inaccurate too. It was the only part of the book that also incorporated heavy supernatural elements. Weird.
Other things: Attended a kickass Christmas party at Amy Winburn's house. Got to play board games with Eisen & Co for the first time in months (Karate falls on the same night). Both are excellent hosts and may be involved with helping in the Buffy fan film. I've been walking with Russel & Claire at Stone Mountain about every three weeks. It works quite well.
On a personal note, I'm trying to extricate myself from as much politics as possible. Given how much news and other things I read, that's difficult but what little I've been able to do so far has been of a great benefit to my sanity.
More of course has happened but that's the highlights, and a pretty good job of summarizing 3 months.
One last thing, I've got a syndicated (unpaid) Blog Column on Rob Berris's web site called "The Mighty Tide of Justice" called "Nerdgasm" (I'm Tom Drake). I update it Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. (Warning: Many postings there are not exactly G rated...)
One last last thing: My company has finally come out with the product we've been working on all year. If you get a chance, and you have a smart phone (Android or Iphone) you might download Swagg.
All for now :)
Where shall I begin?
I guess the first piece of big news is that I'm dating a girl named Alison. She's an accomplished businesswoman and a master chef. She's also very intelligent and a sophisticated traveler and we're very attracted to each other. It isn't formal but we've had five dates so far and have three more scheduled well into January. We'll be going to Hellen next week, so make of that what you will. I'm certainly enjoying it.
So the most serious personal bits: October was the Month of the Knee. I strained them while doing a badly done Circle Crescent Kick, and took too much Ibuprofin. That, combined with loud noises in a live concert gave me Tinitus. The good news is that my knees are better. The bad news is that the Tinitus hasn't. I went to a specialist today and she told me to wear ear filters at loud places (concerts), a mouth guard for my grinding and to make sure any ear buds I use go no higher than setting 3 out of 10.
Personal progression is going well. Not as fast as I'd hoped but I'm getting more focused again and getting more energy. In the First (new) Life, I've obtained a Yellow Belt, and going to start on my Advanced Yellow Belt in January. Karate+Walking+Working Out has made me more fit than I've been in years. In the Second Life, I'm proceeding slowly but I've been working with Ken on his part of the fourth novel (finishing it basically) editing and reediting my stuff. We may have the first draft finished by the end of the year. The fifth novel has finally formed in my mind. It will be Magical Realism, with three sub novels bound by two chapters in each 'chapter cycle'. Complicated? Yes. But its "Literary" and more importantly this time I'm writing what I want because I want to. Graphic Novel Chapter 4 looks like it will be done by the end of the year. Third Life is also moving along slowly. I've kept up the Podcast though I'm not sure if it will continue. I'm slowly picking up more skills as an Editor under Jay's Tutledge and have finished an excellent rough cut of the reshoot of Dueling Morons. I'm looking at making a Buffy Fan Film next year...should be much simpler than Other People's Musicals, but we'll see how it works out. "Simple" is relative and I'm still learning tricks with my editor. Re: The Fourth Life, my job is providing me with invaluable Project Management skills. That, plus the Project Management I'm doing for Project Chrysalis with the Mythic Imagination Institute + My Own Company up to now make me finally confident enough to take the PMP some time in May-July of 2011. I'm also going to look into starting consulting work on the side and probably my own business as well. Alison is offering very helpful insights into this.
Two major trips of note since the last entry. The first was the weekend we took in North Carolina (Black Mountain) to celebrate Grandma's 90th birthday. We rented a cabin and got to see a lot of the sites where Grandma grew up. It was a short trip but it was nice. Grandma bought a Harpsicord and we also ate at 'the Goddess' cafe which had really good food.
In late Thanksgiving I visited the siblings in Houston. It was fun. Spent a considerable portion of the time hanging with Greg & his family. They have an AMAZING new house. Rachelle (with Greg's help I'm sure) is doing a diligent job of turning it into a Home (as compared to a House). We played computer games and board games with a few of his friends. Got to eat Thanksgiving with Christy + her family. Had an awesome visit with them but Christy couldn't stay long due to her new job. She seems to love it (which is good) but it also seems a bit stressful. But I'm glad she's enjoying it at least. Randy and Jamie + nephews and nieces came by the next day and we had dinner and talked a lot. Was quite fun. The young ones sure are growing up fast! There and back again I listened to "Tacitus: The Histories" which talked about the Roman Civil War (the big one) and was rather interesting to listen to. Except maybe the part where the accurate and detailed secular history was interlaced with this bizarre anti semetic rant about Jews that sounded like it came straight out of an Inquisition text book. Extremely inaccurate too. It was the only part of the book that also incorporated heavy supernatural elements. Weird.
Other things: Attended a kickass Christmas party at Amy Winburn's house. Got to play board games with Eisen & Co for the first time in months (Karate falls on the same night). Both are excellent hosts and may be involved with helping in the Buffy fan film. I've been walking with Russel & Claire at Stone Mountain about every three weeks. It works quite well.
On a personal note, I'm trying to extricate myself from as much politics as possible. Given how much news and other things I read, that's difficult but what little I've been able to do so far has been of a great benefit to my sanity.
More of course has happened but that's the highlights, and a pretty good job of summarizing 3 months.
One last thing, I've got a syndicated (unpaid) Blog Column on Rob Berris's web site called "The Mighty Tide of Justice" called "Nerdgasm" (I'm Tom Drake). I update it Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. (Warning: Many postings there are not exactly G rated...)
One last last thing: My company has finally come out with the product we've been working on all year. If you get a chance, and you have a smart phone (Android or Iphone) you might download Swagg.
All for now :)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Lessons learned
The weekend before last I went on another road trip. The start of it involved going to Augusta to prep things for the cleaning we did last weekend. But after that I wanted to go on a road trip. I almost went to Savannah but ultimately I decided to go to Ashville. My GPS died and I had to kind of navigate where I was going based on intuition and signs (yes I could have bought a map but it seemed a waste of money.) I almost didn't find it but on my way back home on 85, I ran into a road that went there. I went on a beautiful drive in the mountains. Because of some things that happened on the internet, I didn't get to do what I originally went up to do (mainly a lot of reading on subjects I need to catch up on) but on the other hand I learned some very valuable lessons.
Dad sat me down a long time ago and broke out a human being into five categories; mental, physical, spiritual, social and emotional. He had me write what I thought my age was and he wrote what he thought my age was. Then we averaged the two. I came out very strongly in the mental and spiritual category, but less so in social and emotional was last. I've always worked on my emotional stability, but surprisingly except for mastering my temper last year, I have never really applied the systematic approach I have to so many other things in my life, including researching what 'emotional maturity' really means.
I know it is a little silly to say that a week makes a huge difference...but a week makes a huge difference. Having a model to study in a systemic fashion, combined with some of the other books on...other subjects...that I've been reading of late have caused me to have yet another paradigm change lately. I have, I admit, been doing that a lot but then again I've had to. Part of it of course is that I have a lot of time to make up for and part of it is that I have less time left. One thing I've noticed on dating sites is a certain age range, and it actually ends at 38 and then 39 and even less at 40. Now to be sure, one part of that paradigm change (yes its a corporatey word but when you get a masters in Project Management you start using corporatey words because they make sense) was that I am going to do things in my own time and in my own way, but with a legitimate sense of urgency in a reasonable fashion. Which might sound like gibberish, but it isn't to me.
So this past weekend, Russel, Claire, Bess, Skip, Grandma and I set off for the House of Doom to clean it. We are still there and may never get out alive. No just kidding. It seems that it is only capable of using the Aura of Despair on just two or three people at a time, and we clearly overwhelmed its defenses, allowing us to finish one room (95%) and make a huge dent in another room (80%). Given that previous trips have been measured in 1-3% progress, with a 5% being a major accomplishment, I think this was rather amazing. We're planning on going back with another (potentially even bigger hoard) in a few weeks. The House of Doom shall fall before our collective might. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sunday I worked so I had today off. It was nice. Did some texting with a new friend which was also nice. I have started...Karate. And it is currently kicking my ass. However I am determined. Atlanta Kicks is an excellent school and I really like the staff there. Looks like taking my time and doing the research really paid off on this one. Their philosophy, staff and facility are exactly what I'm looking for. A bit expensive, but for four months at least its worth it. After that I will have completed my evaluation of the activity. Still going to the gym as well, though both the martial arts and the gym are not a long term scenario that is going to work.
I've helped Jay market his show the Sentinel Chronicles and will continue to do so (hint: Go to youtube and watch it and stuff!). I am greatly enjoying the Mighty Tide of Justice Blogging. So far I have covered the Ignobel Prize, Goldilocks Planet, a Shampoo Robot and the Apparition Abolishers. However one of the other bloggers, B-Lo, has skills at finding mind bending horrific nerd things that make one want to tear one's eyes out. This is a highly valuable skill which I must observe and master.
Work goes well. There is a very good choice you will be hearing more about the SWAGG application in November if you have a smart phone. In fact, you don't really need a smart phone even to use it. It will allow you to virtualized a good chunk of your wallet. You (theoretically) never need to forget a rewards card again. I do this all the time with my CVS card so it'll be nice.
Projects wise, I'm taking a medium approach. I had originally set the goal for early October to initiate several large measures but I'm also only interested in pursuing excellence, so while I want to be ambitious creative and daring, I also want to make sure I have the skills, the resources and more importantly the friends and associates to make some of the things I want to do happen and in many cases that means taking the time to do it RIGHT rather than just simply doing it and chalking it up as a learning experience.
Life is good and it is getting better all the time. Might be a lyric somewhere, but in my case, it is true.
Dad sat me down a long time ago and broke out a human being into five categories; mental, physical, spiritual, social and emotional. He had me write what I thought my age was and he wrote what he thought my age was. Then we averaged the two. I came out very strongly in the mental and spiritual category, but less so in social and emotional was last. I've always worked on my emotional stability, but surprisingly except for mastering my temper last year, I have never really applied the systematic approach I have to so many other things in my life, including researching what 'emotional maturity' really means.
I know it is a little silly to say that a week makes a huge difference...but a week makes a huge difference. Having a model to study in a systemic fashion, combined with some of the other books on...other subjects...that I've been reading of late have caused me to have yet another paradigm change lately. I have, I admit, been doing that a lot but then again I've had to. Part of it of course is that I have a lot of time to make up for and part of it is that I have less time left. One thing I've noticed on dating sites is a certain age range, and it actually ends at 38 and then 39 and even less at 40. Now to be sure, one part of that paradigm change (yes its a corporatey word but when you get a masters in Project Management you start using corporatey words because they make sense) was that I am going to do things in my own time and in my own way, but with a legitimate sense of urgency in a reasonable fashion. Which might sound like gibberish, but it isn't to me.
So this past weekend, Russel, Claire, Bess, Skip, Grandma and I set off for the House of Doom to clean it. We are still there and may never get out alive. No just kidding. It seems that it is only capable of using the Aura of Despair on just two or three people at a time, and we clearly overwhelmed its defenses, allowing us to finish one room (95%) and make a huge dent in another room (80%). Given that previous trips have been measured in 1-3% progress, with a 5% being a major accomplishment, I think this was rather amazing. We're planning on going back with another (potentially even bigger hoard) in a few weeks. The House of Doom shall fall before our collective might. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sunday I worked so I had today off. It was nice. Did some texting with a new friend which was also nice. I have started...Karate. And it is currently kicking my ass. However I am determined. Atlanta Kicks is an excellent school and I really like the staff there. Looks like taking my time and doing the research really paid off on this one. Their philosophy, staff and facility are exactly what I'm looking for. A bit expensive, but for four months at least its worth it. After that I will have completed my evaluation of the activity. Still going to the gym as well, though both the martial arts and the gym are not a long term scenario that is going to work.
I've helped Jay market his show the Sentinel Chronicles and will continue to do so (hint: Go to youtube and watch it and stuff!). I am greatly enjoying the Mighty Tide of Justice Blogging. So far I have covered the Ignobel Prize, Goldilocks Planet, a Shampoo Robot and the Apparition Abolishers. However one of the other bloggers, B-Lo, has skills at finding mind bending horrific nerd things that make one want to tear one's eyes out. This is a highly valuable skill which I must observe and master.
Work goes well. There is a very good choice you will be hearing more about the SWAGG application in November if you have a smart phone. In fact, you don't really need a smart phone even to use it. It will allow you to virtualized a good chunk of your wallet. You (theoretically) never need to forget a rewards card again. I do this all the time with my CVS card so it'll be nice.
Projects wise, I'm taking a medium approach. I had originally set the goal for early October to initiate several large measures but I'm also only interested in pursuing excellence, so while I want to be ambitious creative and daring, I also want to make sure I have the skills, the resources and more importantly the friends and associates to make some of the things I want to do happen and in many cases that means taking the time to do it RIGHT rather than just simply doing it and chalking it up as a learning experience.
Life is good and it is getting better all the time. Might be a lyric somewhere, but in my case, it is true.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Coworker Met in Parking Deck Elevator: I wonder when they're going to clean the coffee stains.
Me: ?
She points to coffee stains on the elevator. "They've been there for quite some time. We keep wondering when someone will clean them."
Me: Oh.
On the way past the security desk, I point out that the coffee stains are there and need to be cleaned.
Security guy: We'll get right on that.
When will they get cleaned?
Answer: When someone does something about it.
Me: ?
She points to coffee stains on the elevator. "They've been there for quite some time. We keep wondering when someone will clean them."
Me: Oh.
On the way past the security desk, I point out that the coffee stains are there and need to be cleaned.
Security guy: We'll get right on that.
When will they get cleaned?
Answer: When someone does something about it.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Busy and Fun Week
So Monday I went to Push Push theater with Mom and Skip for a reading of a Winter's Tale. It was really well done because we took just one scene and broke it down into its component parts and analyzed them again and again. It helped me as a writer by showing me how much you can cram into just one scene. Which I like a lot. I hope to go again though I won't be going tomorrow because of the Letoro Concert for Mythic plus the Venture Brother's viewing at Sergey's.
On Tuesday I went to the Gym and worked out. I also got more reading done on Dark Faith. I've been working diligently trying to review it but its a 400 page anthology of very deep and profound stories and I want to do them all justice. Then I went to see the first half of Venture Brothers and while I'd seen a few episodes, I must say it is six buckets of awesome. Blithering Idiot ale is also nice but I'm not gonna have that much again next time. We had fun.
Wednesday I had a nice talk with Jay and also got offered a part as a writer for the Mighty Tide of Justice website, which I am looking forward. I checked out the martial arts place I chose called Atlanta Kicks, and while it is expensive it sounds like what I'm looking for. Right now I'm tempted to go for their bigger package which includes cross training. I've been exercising more and lost some weight but until I reach certain thresholds I'd rather not mention specific numbers...yet.
Thursday night I went to the gym and got some errands done.
Friday I finally mailed Wayne's hat back. I then went to the range and practiced with 200 rounds. I'm about half of where I want to be, but I improved. Practice, as they say, makes perfect. I then went to see the show Winter's Bone, which is an absolutely excellent movie that I recommend if you can see it, though its indy and not for the feignt of heart. It is about the struggle of a 17 year old girl who has to keep her family together by taking rather drastic steps and how she suffers because of it. I then ate dinner and had a few beers at Manuel's tavern. This was just the right amount of alcohol and I had a good time. This might seem small or trivial, but for me it feels as if I have obtained one of many pieces of my life and skills that others take for granted that I've never had. (shrugs). It was a good night for me.
Saturday, I went to see the Dali exhibit at the High Museum of art. Dali was awesome but looney toons. I learned he was amazing self promoter and had an obsession with Nuclear Mysticism and Rhinoceros horns. I definitely want to continue learning more about him. I went to Centennial Olympic Park for an amazing view of the city, got some writing done and then practice Billiards a bit at Twain's.
Today has been relaxing and I've done rather little.
On Tuesday I went to the Gym and worked out. I also got more reading done on Dark Faith. I've been working diligently trying to review it but its a 400 page anthology of very deep and profound stories and I want to do them all justice. Then I went to see the first half of Venture Brothers and while I'd seen a few episodes, I must say it is six buckets of awesome. Blithering Idiot ale is also nice but I'm not gonna have that much again next time. We had fun.
Wednesday I had a nice talk with Jay and also got offered a part as a writer for the Mighty Tide of Justice website, which I am looking forward. I checked out the martial arts place I chose called Atlanta Kicks, and while it is expensive it sounds like what I'm looking for. Right now I'm tempted to go for their bigger package which includes cross training. I've been exercising more and lost some weight but until I reach certain thresholds I'd rather not mention specific numbers...yet.
Thursday night I went to the gym and got some errands done.
Friday I finally mailed Wayne's hat back. I then went to the range and practiced with 200 rounds. I'm about half of where I want to be, but I improved. Practice, as they say, makes perfect. I then went to see the show Winter's Bone, which is an absolutely excellent movie that I recommend if you can see it, though its indy and not for the feignt of heart. It is about the struggle of a 17 year old girl who has to keep her family together by taking rather drastic steps and how she suffers because of it. I then ate dinner and had a few beers at Manuel's tavern. This was just the right amount of alcohol and I had a good time. This might seem small or trivial, but for me it feels as if I have obtained one of many pieces of my life and skills that others take for granted that I've never had. (shrugs). It was a good night for me.
Saturday, I went to see the Dali exhibit at the High Museum of art. Dali was awesome but looney toons. I learned he was amazing self promoter and had an obsession with Nuclear Mysticism and Rhinoceros horns. I definitely want to continue learning more about him. I went to Centennial Olympic Park for an amazing view of the city, got some writing done and then practice Billiards a bit at Twain's.
Today has been relaxing and I've done rather little.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Blueprints for Life
So, I'm mixed. See, I ...hmmm...I'll use an analogy.
In "The Stand"...well, in "On Writing" the autobiography of Steven King, in which he writes about WRITING "the stand" he mentioned getting stuck in the middle of the book because his characters were doing exactly the same thing that the rest of society had been doing before he'd spent the first third of the book wiping it out. Of course, many consider the ending to be sub par to the rest of the book.
I don't want to be stuck in a pattern of failure. On the other hand, my ability to set goals and be organized is my greatest strength. So I can set goals and generally accomplish them, but I need to find a balance between setting goals that lift me up as a person and lift the world up, but that also leave enough room in my life for spontenity.
Here are my initial goals that I thought up at Dragon Con.
For my second life, writing, the next novel will be a contemporary novel set in the near future. Yes, that sounds like sci fi, but the difference is that I'm writing what I want to write, and there are a lot of things I want to say about the world and this is a way to say it. I also mean to write a few more scripts.
For my third life, producing, I've decided to produce a play, a documentary and a movie of some kind over the next year. The subject of the documentary has already presented itself to me but I'm not sure of the exact tone or scope. I also want to be cautious not to step on toes. For the film I'm not sure but I'm bouncing a lot of ideas.
For my fourth life I want to start a damn business. I have ideas but one way or another something will be in motion by the end of the year.
For my fifth live (yes, I'm starting that one already), I want to continue working with the Mythic Imagination Institute. Its a not for profit. I also want to work with a charity, but I'm not sure which one. I am patient but keeping my eyes open.
That still leaves who *I* am. I'm definitely going to start the martial art this year and I think I have the place picked out. Might keep up with the shooting. The larping...I was given caution on that and I'm considering. I am getting old, so I'm not sure one can continue to this kind of thing forever. On the other hand, I know being alone at dragon con sucked. So what I might also consider doing is getting involved with some local sci fi clubs/fan bases that ran tracks at Dragon Con. I'm still researching that.
Still, there are a few things that feel missing, but its a start. I have at least a frame work for a life and a direction, and those things will take up quite a bit of my time in the next few weeks anyway. While I'm open to dating at this point, I was given some very good advice about a few new skill sets I'd do well to learn....
How to learn them is still a bit of a mystery, but I'll keep you posted...
On the whole, things go well. Finished the first half of the graphic novel script, and writing a rather long kick ass review for a friend, though its an anthology which slows down how fast I can write it or the short stories all start to blur together.
In "The Stand"...well, in "On Writing" the autobiography of Steven King, in which he writes about WRITING "the stand" he mentioned getting stuck in the middle of the book because his characters were doing exactly the same thing that the rest of society had been doing before he'd spent the first third of the book wiping it out. Of course, many consider the ending to be sub par to the rest of the book.
I don't want to be stuck in a pattern of failure. On the other hand, my ability to set goals and be organized is my greatest strength. So I can set goals and generally accomplish them, but I need to find a balance between setting goals that lift me up as a person and lift the world up, but that also leave enough room in my life for spontenity.
Here are my initial goals that I thought up at Dragon Con.
For my second life, writing, the next novel will be a contemporary novel set in the near future. Yes, that sounds like sci fi, but the difference is that I'm writing what I want to write, and there are a lot of things I want to say about the world and this is a way to say it. I also mean to write a few more scripts.
For my third life, producing, I've decided to produce a play, a documentary and a movie of some kind over the next year. The subject of the documentary has already presented itself to me but I'm not sure of the exact tone or scope. I also want to be cautious not to step on toes. For the film I'm not sure but I'm bouncing a lot of ideas.
For my fourth life I want to start a damn business. I have ideas but one way or another something will be in motion by the end of the year.
For my fifth live (yes, I'm starting that one already), I want to continue working with the Mythic Imagination Institute. Its a not for profit. I also want to work with a charity, but I'm not sure which one. I am patient but keeping my eyes open.
That still leaves who *I* am. I'm definitely going to start the martial art this year and I think I have the place picked out. Might keep up with the shooting. The larping...I was given caution on that and I'm considering. I am getting old, so I'm not sure one can continue to this kind of thing forever. On the other hand, I know being alone at dragon con sucked. So what I might also consider doing is getting involved with some local sci fi clubs/fan bases that ran tracks at Dragon Con. I'm still researching that.
Still, there are a few things that feel missing, but its a start. I have at least a frame work for a life and a direction, and those things will take up quite a bit of my time in the next few weeks anyway. While I'm open to dating at this point, I was given some very good advice about a few new skill sets I'd do well to learn....
How to learn them is still a bit of a mystery, but I'll keep you posted...
On the whole, things go well. Finished the first half of the graphic novel script, and writing a rather long kick ass review for a friend, though its an anthology which slows down how fast I can write it or the short stories all start to blur together.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Summary of Summer and Plan for Life 1 - Gaming
So, even though in many ways I consider myself 'retired' in this aspect of my life since I've done masterful things in the following areas:
Written and Published a supplement with a major rpg company
Run a gaming company
Run a masterful PBEM that was the crescendo of 10 years of epic play
Run almost two dozens awesome face to face campaigns
Played almost every conceivable character
Done hundreds of random 'things' I've wanted to do in games.
So, I think I can call that a lifetime of achievement. Obviously I could do more or less, but I'm satisfied with it. But even when 'retired' one can do things.
In this case, I've spent the summer thinking of a lot of things. Recovering, drifting and the like. It might seem a little silly to 'plan' one's life but things have been so upside down for me that the inertia that most people have simply doesn't apply to me. Everything was literally in flux. And it still is but I'm finally at a point where I can at least pick *A* direction and move that way.
Dragon Con 2010 was a crucible for me, which was very painful in some ways, but it was also at the same time a creative reset. I had a rather nice LARP experience that was quite fun. I have determined that I'm going to want to go back next year, which this year was very much in flux.
The chance of my staying in Atlanta at this point has gone up to about 67%. Basically, I'm going to try and make as much of a life here as I can. I'm moving out on my own again in early December and I'm going to spend six months after that establishing as many friendships and ties as I can, building a life as if I intended to stay a long time. If I feel satisified with my life and I'm still employed I'll stay. If I lose my job again, or I really feel only partially fulfilled, then I'll give some place else a try.
The night of my divorce, I had a conversation with someone that emotionally scarred me, forcing me to question a lot of my associations and hobbies. I've decided that while I do need to expand my life into other areas, quite frankly I'm satisfied and proud of a lot of the 'geekier' things I've done. Here's a hint: There were (by my count) about 40% of women for every guy at Dragon con, in some of the most nerdlike hobbies imaginable. So the primary argument of my 'nemesis' as she referred to herself, is essentially null and void. The flip side of that is that most of them are about 10 year younger....good for younger generations, not so helpful for me but (shrugs) the other major decision I've made is that while I'm open to dating at this point, I'm going to spend my time putting my damn life back together first since I still have occasional mental/emotional break downs. In fact, the truth is that given all the baggage I carry at this point, those won't ever entirely go away. Its a fact I have to understand going forward. High maintenance, impersonal or empathetical companions are best avoided in general, but especially in my case because I'd end up emotionally investing in someone that is just going to cause problems later on down the line. One step at a time.
So 'the plan' is as follows:
While I'll still do incidental board games and table top rpg's with friends, I'm kind of 'done' with that on a regular basis. LARP's on the other hand, I've found I love. I'm definitely upping my activity in that area, so I'll be spending the next few months finding one (and only one) that I really like. I'm kind of partial to trying out the Forest of Doors first because they ran the LARP I liked so much at Dragon Con.
The second thing I'm going to do is something competitive and something physical. If the Martial Art X (something I hope to start after the 15th of this month whatever it might be) is fun and I enjoy it, I'll try tournaments in that area. If it isn't, I might try competitive shooting (since I now know from experience I like shooting guns....which shouldn't really be a surprise) or perhaps billiards. That decision will ultimately be made at the end of the year.
More posted each day as I plot out my 'life'.
Oh and I'm retiring Red Anvil at the end of the year. What that means EXACTLY is still kind of vague but it certainly doesn't mean I'm not going to be doing many creative things. In fact, in some ways, this is only the beginning.
Written and Published a supplement with a major rpg company
Run a gaming company
Run a masterful PBEM that was the crescendo of 10 years of epic play
Run almost two dozens awesome face to face campaigns
Played almost every conceivable character
Done hundreds of random 'things' I've wanted to do in games.
So, I think I can call that a lifetime of achievement. Obviously I could do more or less, but I'm satisfied with it. But even when 'retired' one can do things.
In this case, I've spent the summer thinking of a lot of things. Recovering, drifting and the like. It might seem a little silly to 'plan' one's life but things have been so upside down for me that the inertia that most people have simply doesn't apply to me. Everything was literally in flux. And it still is but I'm finally at a point where I can at least pick *A* direction and move that way.
Dragon Con 2010 was a crucible for me, which was very painful in some ways, but it was also at the same time a creative reset. I had a rather nice LARP experience that was quite fun. I have determined that I'm going to want to go back next year, which this year was very much in flux.
The chance of my staying in Atlanta at this point has gone up to about 67%. Basically, I'm going to try and make as much of a life here as I can. I'm moving out on my own again in early December and I'm going to spend six months after that establishing as many friendships and ties as I can, building a life as if I intended to stay a long time. If I feel satisified with my life and I'm still employed I'll stay. If I lose my job again, or I really feel only partially fulfilled, then I'll give some place else a try.
The night of my divorce, I had a conversation with someone that emotionally scarred me, forcing me to question a lot of my associations and hobbies. I've decided that while I do need to expand my life into other areas, quite frankly I'm satisfied and proud of a lot of the 'geekier' things I've done. Here's a hint: There were (by my count) about 40% of women for every guy at Dragon con, in some of the most nerdlike hobbies imaginable. So the primary argument of my 'nemesis' as she referred to herself, is essentially null and void. The flip side of that is that most of them are about 10 year younger....good for younger generations, not so helpful for me but (shrugs) the other major decision I've made is that while I'm open to dating at this point, I'm going to spend my time putting my damn life back together first since I still have occasional mental/emotional break downs. In fact, the truth is that given all the baggage I carry at this point, those won't ever entirely go away. Its a fact I have to understand going forward. High maintenance, impersonal or empathetical companions are best avoided in general, but especially in my case because I'd end up emotionally investing in someone that is just going to cause problems later on down the line. One step at a time.
So 'the plan' is as follows:
While I'll still do incidental board games and table top rpg's with friends, I'm kind of 'done' with that on a regular basis. LARP's on the other hand, I've found I love. I'm definitely upping my activity in that area, so I'll be spending the next few months finding one (and only one) that I really like. I'm kind of partial to trying out the Forest of Doors first because they ran the LARP I liked so much at Dragon Con.
The second thing I'm going to do is something competitive and something physical. If the Martial Art X (something I hope to start after the 15th of this month whatever it might be) is fun and I enjoy it, I'll try tournaments in that area. If it isn't, I might try competitive shooting (since I now know from experience I like shooting guns....which shouldn't really be a surprise) or perhaps billiards. That decision will ultimately be made at the end of the year.
More posted each day as I plot out my 'life'.
Oh and I'm retiring Red Anvil at the end of the year. What that means EXACTLY is still kind of vague but it certainly doesn't mean I'm not going to be doing many creative things. In fact, in some ways, this is only the beginning.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
So this last weekend was rather relaxing. I was mildly ill on Saturday but I got better moderately quickly. I got almost nothing done but that isn't the biggest complaint in the world. Plus after the previous weekend I needed the rest. :) The one exception to this was a basic firearms class I took Sunday night which was interesting.
The weekend before last I was a security guard at Fairy Escape, which was boring but fun. Got to see a lot of really interesting panels and to see the after evening entertainment. This was rather nice though I ended up having to guard a door most of the evening after my shift. But that was OK because I'd volunteered to help out for a friend plus it was for Mythic Imagination Institution which is a cause I support. Sunday I directed a scene for Sentinel. Production is really not my thing but seeing a bit of what they do will help me write scripts for them in the future...I'm getting largely burned out of writing...and a lot of other things. I don't think it means I'll never write again but finishing my committed projects is taking more time and I'm also looking into new things to do. After dragoncon I'll be taking that martial arts I always wanted to take. I think it mainly just means I am ready for a new direction, I'm just not sure how much of my old life I'll carry over.
Good friends and family of course, some science fiction and fantasy books, I know I like fact after Gencon I like it even more....board games and table top....I dunno. Maybe. I'm not opposed to the idea but it depends I think on how many other things are going on. Outdoors and sports and the like are increasing in my interest right are (if I do writing) Mysteries and more mainstream literature. I'm not sure about film depends on how the edit of the reshoot of Dueling Morons goes I think.
The weekend before last I was a security guard at Fairy Escape, which was boring but fun. Got to see a lot of really interesting panels and to see the after evening entertainment. This was rather nice though I ended up having to guard a door most of the evening after my shift. But that was OK because I'd volunteered to help out for a friend plus it was for Mythic Imagination Institution which is a cause I support. Sunday I directed a scene for Sentinel. Production is really not my thing but seeing a bit of what they do will help me write scripts for them in the future...I'm getting largely burned out of writing...and a lot of other things. I don't think it means I'll never write again but finishing my committed projects is taking more time and I'm also looking into new things to do. After dragoncon I'll be taking that martial arts I always wanted to take. I think it mainly just means I am ready for a new direction, I'm just not sure how much of my old life I'll carry over.
Good friends and family of course, some science fiction and fantasy books, I know I like fact after Gencon I like it even more....board games and table top....I dunno. Maybe. I'm not opposed to the idea but it depends I think on how many other things are going on. Outdoors and sports and the like are increasing in my interest right are (if I do writing) Mysteries and more mainstream literature. I'm not sure about film depends on how the edit of the reshoot of Dueling Morons goes I think.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Almost a Month
And a whole hell of a lot has happened.
Highlights: Well, lets see...Gencon went really well. Attended five larps (summaries of some are included in the links below.) Enjoyed myself. Things were a little morose on Saturday of last weekend but saw the Other Guys and it went well. I think I like LARPS because of the social dynamic. Its fun too, though the stories can be really really complicated. It makes sharing the experience outside of the LARP rather difficult.
Writing is kind of difficult. Haven't updated the writing blog but my highest priority right now is that graphic novel followed by Novel 4. Its one thing if I want to take a break for a while, its something else entirely if I do it with writing partnerships. For that matter, Dueling Morons the reshoot is sitting around gathering dust, though I hope to get Jay's help in extracting the footage via fire wire once he's done shooting this weekend and the next.
I keep thinking of things I should post more but I'm drawing a total blank. I may consider dating after Dragon Con. Right now I'm considering moving some time in Feb or March of next year. Not sure where. New York or San Francisco or Miami are the most likely locations, but there are a lot of factors involved in the decision. Part of which will also determine when I move out of Mom and Skip's, since if I'm only going to be in an apartment 4 months that kind of defeats the point. I think a change could do me a lot of good.
Two other things: Earlier back in July I saw Mom in Trailer Park the Musical. It was great. It was so great they extended her show a week. The guy who directed that is in talks with the two of us to maybe do a play I mentioned earlier that Mom suggested we do. I'd mainly be producing. Want to give my creative juices a bit of a break. The second thing is that I served jury duty immediately upon returning from Gen Con. I'll post more on that in my political blog another time. Enough for now.
Latest Red Anvil Podcast: The House Atop the Falls
Memes of My Father:
1950's Avenger's Trailer
Dinosaur Metal
Review Blog
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Dresden Files RPG
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Gaming Blog
Dresden Files RPG Intro Campaign
King of Feldra LARP
The Seven LARP
Immortal Invisible War LARP
Highlights: Well, lets see...Gencon went really well. Attended five larps (summaries of some are included in the links below.) Enjoyed myself. Things were a little morose on Saturday of last weekend but saw the Other Guys and it went well. I think I like LARPS because of the social dynamic. Its fun too, though the stories can be really really complicated. It makes sharing the experience outside of the LARP rather difficult.
Writing is kind of difficult. Haven't updated the writing blog but my highest priority right now is that graphic novel followed by Novel 4. Its one thing if I want to take a break for a while, its something else entirely if I do it with writing partnerships. For that matter, Dueling Morons the reshoot is sitting around gathering dust, though I hope to get Jay's help in extracting the footage via fire wire once he's done shooting this weekend and the next.
I keep thinking of things I should post more but I'm drawing a total blank. I may consider dating after Dragon Con. Right now I'm considering moving some time in Feb or March of next year. Not sure where. New York or San Francisco or Miami are the most likely locations, but there are a lot of factors involved in the decision. Part of which will also determine when I move out of Mom and Skip's, since if I'm only going to be in an apartment 4 months that kind of defeats the point. I think a change could do me a lot of good.
Two other things: Earlier back in July I saw Mom in Trailer Park the Musical. It was great. It was so great they extended her show a week. The guy who directed that is in talks with the two of us to maybe do a play I mentioned earlier that Mom suggested we do. I'd mainly be producing. Want to give my creative juices a bit of a break. The second thing is that I served jury duty immediately upon returning from Gen Con. I'll post more on that in my political blog another time. Enough for now.
Latest Red Anvil Podcast: The House Atop the Falls
Memes of My Father:
1950's Avenger's Trailer
Dinosaur Metal
Review Blog
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Dresden Files RPG
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Gaming Blog
Dresden Files RPG Intro Campaign
King of Feldra LARP
The Seven LARP
Immortal Invisible War LARP
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Slowly Healing
Things are slowly getting better. Very slowly. I've been keeping myself busy with projects here and there. Staying with Mom and Skip for a few months was a very wise decision. I've also had a lot of supportive siblings, and friends (Jay, Russel and Kalina in particular) which I greatly appreciate. It has helped take what would be a night mare scenario and instead make it merely a painful one. I'm still not used to things, but I'm getting there.
I have found a bar I like. Twains. It has the feel of what I'm looking for which is kind of the essence of everything I like about Decatur. I've only had one beer both times I've gone but have enjoyed the ambiance. They have concerts on Thursday nights and I think I'll make this a weekly occurrence. It helps me feel more like a real person and not just someone whose whole life revolves around rpg's, board games, computer games, internet games, LARPS, television and movies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with those things, but a balanced life has more. Right now for me 'more' consists of the gym....and these concerts. Writing helps, but I want my writing to reflect more of the world at large at this point. There is so much I've never had a chance to experience, now is the time to go out and experience it. I've explored every world that never was, inside out frontwards and backwards to the point that I'm pretty much a Master Explorer, Creator and "Citizen" of the Imagination. Now how about reality?
More dangerous, but more exciting at the same time. I think the lesson at the end of "Labyrinth" is a good one. Live in reality, but you can always have your 'old friends' around any time you close your eyes. Plus most of my real friends are involved in the unreal on a regular basis, so its not like I'm going to change things too radically.
Some of the things that are changing, besides the 'bar' are that I'm signing up for a pistol coarse with American Classic Marksman this week. I'm also taking a martial arts class in September. Still haven't chosen which one but I've got a whole month to do so.
Was going to go to my 20th high school reunion this week but was unable to get a flight for less than a thousand by the time it became clear I'd be able to go. Was going to go to Graceland instead for the weekend. But I had my first hangover. Moderation is definitely something is wise to practice.
Other Blog Links
Character Blog: New Dresden file monthly game I'm taking part in
Review Blog: Despicable Me
Review Blog: Inception
Meme Blog: Left Behind Practical Joke
Meme Blog: Keep Your Eye on the Ball
Meme Blog: Sister Meme
Writing Blog: Update
I have found a bar I like. Twains. It has the feel of what I'm looking for which is kind of the essence of everything I like about Decatur. I've only had one beer both times I've gone but have enjoyed the ambiance. They have concerts on Thursday nights and I think I'll make this a weekly occurrence. It helps me feel more like a real person and not just someone whose whole life revolves around rpg's, board games, computer games, internet games, LARPS, television and movies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with those things, but a balanced life has more. Right now for me 'more' consists of the gym....and these concerts. Writing helps, but I want my writing to reflect more of the world at large at this point. There is so much I've never had a chance to experience, now is the time to go out and experience it. I've explored every world that never was, inside out frontwards and backwards to the point that I'm pretty much a Master Explorer, Creator and "Citizen" of the Imagination. Now how about reality?
More dangerous, but more exciting at the same time. I think the lesson at the end of "Labyrinth" is a good one. Live in reality, but you can always have your 'old friends' around any time you close your eyes. Plus most of my real friends are involved in the unreal on a regular basis, so its not like I'm going to change things too radically.
Some of the things that are changing, besides the 'bar' are that I'm signing up for a pistol coarse with American Classic Marksman this week. I'm also taking a martial arts class in September. Still haven't chosen which one but I've got a whole month to do so.
Was going to go to my 20th high school reunion this week but was unable to get a flight for less than a thousand by the time it became clear I'd be able to go. Was going to go to Graceland instead for the weekend. But I had my first hangover. Moderation is definitely something is wise to practice.
Other Blog Links
Character Blog: New Dresden file monthly game I'm taking part in
Review Blog: Despicable Me
Review Blog: Inception
Meme Blog: Left Behind Practical Joke
Meme Blog: Keep Your Eye on the Ball
Meme Blog: Sister Meme
Writing Blog: Update
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Other Blogs
Review: Forever Odd
Review: Movie: Splice
Review: Movie: Toy Story 3
Writing Blog: Progress
Poetry/Politics: More Emo Poetry
So the Friday before last I went out to see Toy Story 3. I liked it so much that Grandma, Mom and I went the next Friday. It was important to me that they see it in the theater. No regrets there.
Sent Kalina my tent, I'm not using it. It is rather small...much too small for me. I'm gonna have to get and/or rent a special one but fortunately REI is just AWESOME for that. The membership is totally awesome, unlike most, you only pay it once EVER and if you only go camping two or three times a year it totally pays for itself. You can rent tents and backpacks for dirt cheap. Yes, it can make some economical sense to just buy it yourself, but you also have to store it, and the quality you get by renting it is much higher than if you buy it. Especially in my case where I need a special tent due to my overly largish looming frame.
For the 4th of July we watched "Watchmen" which I regard as thematically appropriate given my current opinion of all things political. Exercise is doing well. I find that a good thirty minute walk on the treadmill helps my attitude considerably.
Review: Forever Odd
Review: Movie: Splice
Review: Movie: Toy Story 3
Writing Blog: Progress
Poetry/Politics: More Emo Poetry
So the Friday before last I went out to see Toy Story 3. I liked it so much that Grandma, Mom and I went the next Friday. It was important to me that they see it in the theater. No regrets there.
Sent Kalina my tent, I'm not using it. It is rather small...much too small for me. I'm gonna have to get and/or rent a special one but fortunately REI is just AWESOME for that. The membership is totally awesome, unlike most, you only pay it once EVER and if you only go camping two or three times a year it totally pays for itself. You can rent tents and backpacks for dirt cheap. Yes, it can make some economical sense to just buy it yourself, but you also have to store it, and the quality you get by renting it is much higher than if you buy it. Especially in my case where I need a special tent due to my overly largish looming frame.
For the 4th of July we watched "Watchmen" which I regard as thematically appropriate given my current opinion of all things political. Exercise is doing well. I find that a good thirty minute walk on the treadmill helps my attitude considerably.
Friday, June 25, 2010
A Change Will Do You Good
Other Blogs
Meme Blog: Orange Validation via Joe.
Codex: Building My Bifrost A slightly less Emo Poem.
So, the big news of the week is that I went on a trip to St. Augustine, FL. And it was awesome. It helped me put things right in my head in certain ways. I also discovered a rather helpful Muse along the way. Kitten has begun reading some of my stuff, which was quite handy because I was able to finish the Season 3 script for Sentinel Chronicles and two more pages of 7th Seal. I'm going to do more writing this weekend (though I'll probably put details of that in the writing blog later.)
I visited San Marcos, which is an old fort. They fired a canon. It was cool.
I visited Ripley's Believe it or not. It was also rather cool. I think the best and most interesting exhibits were the giant erector set ferris wheel that was 30 feet high, the 'fantasy castle' made of hundreds of semi precious stones and the hair from JFK (which is apparently rarer than any other kind of memorabilia than any other president.)
I visited the Lightner museum which is like...a collection of gilded age stuff that this one rich guy bought in the great depression from a lot of other rich guys who got it by....being rich guys in the late 19th century and early twentieth century. (Hint: They call it the Gilded age for a reason.) Got some photos on my iphone. I'll see if I can upload them to facebook later. Probably not, I have horrible luck with that kind of thing.
I ate at the Gypsy Cab. I had ribs. Basic, I know. I also had as an appetizer smoked salmon which tastes like Fish Jerky. Except it was awesome.
The beach in St. Augustine is just....amazing. Which was bar none THE best part of the entire trip. On the way up I listened to "How to talk to anyone: 62 tricks." Very interesting. On the way back I listened to "Forever Odd" by Dean Koontz. I may or may not review them later.
Got my computer back from Jay. Enjoying spending time with Mom and Skip and Grandma. Spending a few months with them was definitely the RIGHT choice.
Doing something fun tonight and going out. No idea where. That's half the fun of it all.
Meme Blog: Orange Validation via Joe.
Codex: Building My Bifrost A slightly less Emo Poem.
So, the big news of the week is that I went on a trip to St. Augustine, FL. And it was awesome. It helped me put things right in my head in certain ways. I also discovered a rather helpful Muse along the way. Kitten has begun reading some of my stuff, which was quite handy because I was able to finish the Season 3 script for Sentinel Chronicles and two more pages of 7th Seal. I'm going to do more writing this weekend (though I'll probably put details of that in the writing blog later.)
I visited San Marcos, which is an old fort. They fired a canon. It was cool.
I visited Ripley's Believe it or not. It was also rather cool. I think the best and most interesting exhibits were the giant erector set ferris wheel that was 30 feet high, the 'fantasy castle' made of hundreds of semi precious stones and the hair from JFK (which is apparently rarer than any other kind of memorabilia than any other president.)
I visited the Lightner museum which is like...a collection of gilded age stuff that this one rich guy bought in the great depression from a lot of other rich guys who got it by....being rich guys in the late 19th century and early twentieth century. (Hint: They call it the Gilded age for a reason.) Got some photos on my iphone. I'll see if I can upload them to facebook later. Probably not, I have horrible luck with that kind of thing.
I ate at the Gypsy Cab. I had ribs. Basic, I know. I also had as an appetizer smoked salmon which tastes like Fish Jerky. Except it was awesome.
The beach in St. Augustine is just....amazing. Which was bar none THE best part of the entire trip. On the way up I listened to "How to talk to anyone: 62 tricks." Very interesting. On the way back I listened to "Forever Odd" by Dean Koontz. I may or may not review them later.
Got my computer back from Jay. Enjoying spending time with Mom and Skip and Grandma. Spending a few months with them was definitely the RIGHT choice.
Doing something fun tonight and going out. No idea where. That's half the fun of it all.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Recovering slightly
So the thumbnail version of what happened on the 9th: I foolishly leaped right into a free dating site, not seriously but to see 'what the hell.' I won't go into details, and I have good reason not to, but I end up emailing back and forth with this person, and at increasingly high frequency. Finally it goes to texting and then an a phone call. The individual in question is intelligent, honest and mostly ethical. I thought there might be chemistry there....its usually a good indicator that there is....only I find out in the last 10 minutes of the FIVE HOUR conversation that said person has ulterior motives that do not extend to the topic I thought the conversation might entail, and being as emotionally vulnerable as I was a the time, shared details that are not wise to share with a total stranger...
So....needless to say, I got a nice double helping of emotional rejection. Don't get me wrong, there was some very useful criticism in there that I'm taking heavily into consideration. I'm doing this primarily because I'd already been considering doing it anyway, but among the things I've learned are:
**Jennifer provided me with certain restraints against self destructive behaviors. Now that she is no longer a check I need to make sure I don't get lost in easy things that will cut me off or alienate me from society...I could easily 'geek out' and allow otherwise harmless activities to become the entirety of my existences because they make the pain go away. So does alcohol. A little bit can be fine for social situations, but crawling inside the bottle solves nothing.
**I would rather do 2-3 things VERY well than 16 things of a half-assed nature. Simplification and streamlining are the key and most importantly of all; it is perfectly fine to help people out. I enjoy helping people out. BUT, my emotional investment in someone else's project or suggested project should never ever exceed what they themselves are prepared to put into it.
**I'm very very good at putting on a civil face for society that everything is fine, but much like the 'oil plumes' in the gulf, there are Emo issues that I still need to resolve and might take some time to resolve, and if I am wise, I will be very cautious on going full steam ahead. The problem is that life has taught me that fortune favors the bold and that 'getting right back on' solves a lot of problems. These two sides of myself will war with each other for some time to come. Fortunately, I've stacked the deck on the side of sanity in several ways.
**I'm quasi merging all my other blogs into this one albeit with thumb nails.
I'll put the most 'fun' at the top and go down from there.
Meme Blog: Meme of Joy Via Christy
Super Ingredient Force Via Taco Bell
Opinion Blog: Short Review of the A-Team Movie
Character Blog: Short Synopsis of the end of my 8th Month Long "Blood of the Earth" Shadowrun Campaign.
Writing Blog: Update on progress on novel 4, graphic novel and two poems for the podcast. Includes a sample of the first page of the graphic novel.
Emo Poetry/Politics Blog: The Ties that Bind (Emo Poetry)
Emerald Eyes (Homage to a friend's deceased companion)
Tower of Steel and Blood (Emo Poetry)
The Case for the Blue Pill (More Emo Poetry)
Happenings this week: Hung out with Mom, Skip and Grandma. Cleaned my room. Talked Sentinel with Jay. He fixed my computer so I should be resuming the podcast in July. Might do a June. Maybe. Um.....Work exists. Got a lot done this week.
Happenings this weekend: I'm going on a weekend trip. Somewhere. South. Unsure where. I'll give details as I know them.
So....needless to say, I got a nice double helping of emotional rejection. Don't get me wrong, there was some very useful criticism in there that I'm taking heavily into consideration. I'm doing this primarily because I'd already been considering doing it anyway, but among the things I've learned are:
**Jennifer provided me with certain restraints against self destructive behaviors. Now that she is no longer a check I need to make sure I don't get lost in easy things that will cut me off or alienate me from society...I could easily 'geek out' and allow otherwise harmless activities to become the entirety of my existences because they make the pain go away. So does alcohol. A little bit can be fine for social situations, but crawling inside the bottle solves nothing.
**I would rather do 2-3 things VERY well than 16 things of a half-assed nature. Simplification and streamlining are the key and most importantly of all; it is perfectly fine to help people out. I enjoy helping people out. BUT, my emotional investment in someone else's project or suggested project should never ever exceed what they themselves are prepared to put into it.
**I'm very very good at putting on a civil face for society that everything is fine, but much like the 'oil plumes' in the gulf, there are Emo issues that I still need to resolve and might take some time to resolve, and if I am wise, I will be very cautious on going full steam ahead. The problem is that life has taught me that fortune favors the bold and that 'getting right back on' solves a lot of problems. These two sides of myself will war with each other for some time to come. Fortunately, I've stacked the deck on the side of sanity in several ways.
**I'm quasi merging all my other blogs into this one albeit with thumb nails.
I'll put the most 'fun' at the top and go down from there.
Meme Blog: Meme of Joy Via Christy
Super Ingredient Force Via Taco Bell
Opinion Blog: Short Review of the A-Team Movie
Character Blog: Short Synopsis of the end of my 8th Month Long "Blood of the Earth" Shadowrun Campaign.
Writing Blog: Update on progress on novel 4, graphic novel and two poems for the podcast. Includes a sample of the first page of the graphic novel.
Emo Poetry/Politics Blog: The Ties that Bind (Emo Poetry)
Emerald Eyes (Homage to a friend's deceased companion)
Tower of Steel and Blood (Emo Poetry)
The Case for the Blue Pill (More Emo Poetry)
Happenings this week: Hung out with Mom, Skip and Grandma. Cleaned my room. Talked Sentinel with Jay. He fixed my computer so I should be resuming the podcast in July. Might do a June. Maybe. Um.....Work exists. Got a lot done this week.
Happenings this weekend: I'm going on a weekend trip. Somewhere. South. Unsure where. I'll give details as I know them.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Revising Priorities
The time has come for an accounting.
Let us start with the annual goals.
Physical: Go to the gym 2-3 days per week. 2 days of Cardio for 30-60 minutes each week. 2 days of weight training per week. Learn a martial art from Sept – December at the least.
**This is on track and I want to keep it.
Mental: Reading: 1 Non fiction book work mornings for 10 minutes. 1 Book on tape for transit times at a time. 1 Fiction book every 2 weeks.
**This is not at all on track and I might resume it once I clear some space.
Maintain all blogs at least once a week.
**Kept to now. This is changing. The core blog will be maintained once a week but all other blogs shall be incidental and satilites of this one. “Los Fragments de un Alma Rota” means “Shards of a Broken Soul” and only I can reassemble them. Only I can heal myself and only I can define my life as I want it to be. I cannot guarantee the results but only I can choose the direction.
Find some kind of puzzle type thing that I actually like to increase my intelligence.
**This seems like a waste of time and is being dropped.
Social: Initiate at least 4 non game related social activities over the course of the year. Visit family at least once a month.
**This is being dropped due to the Divorce. Kept to now.
Maintain 2-3 social activities (can including gaming) on a weekly, bi weekly or monthly basis.
**I think this is a good idea. However I’m only going to keep one gaming related activity. I need more ‘normal’ in my diet. I’m pretty sure I know which one too. Kept to now.
Continue Date Night Once a week.
**Dropped for obvious reasons. Kept till separation.
Spiritual: Perform at least one act of community service a month.
**Dropped. Kept to now.
Keep Listening.
Maintain daily prayer.
**Dropped. I believe in God. I think that God interacts with the world, but I no longer believe in any kind of meaningful reliable and consistent communication with Him save that He loves us. Specifically, I have reason to believe that My Prayers aren’t really answered in a way that can be rationally distinguished from a delusion and are therefore a waste of my time save making myself feel better. Kept till physical separation.
Finish reading the Dhampala. Start reading another spiritual work, finish it by the end of 2010.
**Dropped. Kept to now.
Emotional: Say two positive things for every negative thing I say. Have more self confidence.
**Keep the self confidence. I now reserve the right to be negative whenever I want. I still intend to mostly be more positive than negative but I’m not trying to cheer anyone up or maintain morale.
1rst: Finish the T7 project.
**To be Delegated or dropped. Kept to now.
Maintain FCC once a week.
**Dropped due to Staff indifference. Kept to now.
Maintain DM at least twice a month.
**Mostly dropped. Too many hobbies in this area makes me too alien.
Maintain Monthly Blood of the Earth group.
**Dropped. Kept to now.
2nd: Create monthly writing group with Rita and Julie. Complete 1 complete story per month.
**Under consideration. A decision will be made in August. Not Kept.
Finish Novel 4 w. Ken.
**Starting this next week.
Finish Novel 5 by the end of the year.
3rd: Finish/submit OPM this year. If successful, submit to at least 9 other festivals.
Create/Shoot 1 film by the end of the year.
**I cheated. I reshot Dueling Morons. There will be no new films this year. Potentially ever depending on how DM or OPM do. I’ll get just as much out of helping other people with theirs.
Write or collaborate for at least two feature length or series scripts by the end of the year.
**Keeping one. The other is under consideration but may be dropped pending response.
Either Finish the musical or produce a play.
**No and increasingly no. Pending review in July.
4th: Either join the PMI –OR- establish a close relationship with BU Mentor.
**Done. (First.)
Initiate 3 projects by the end of year, finish by
-Project: Hammerfel by April.
**Initiated. Utter failure.
-Project: Bifrost by October.
**Preliminary work indicates that this is a horrible idea and I no longer have any desire to implement it.
-Project: Hydra by December.
**Under consideration. Review by August.
Go to Dragoncon 2010
**On track. However, I am done questing for Ribbons. This will probably be my last year in attendance barring acceptance of OPM.
Go to Gencon 2010
**On track.
Go to 20th year High School Reunion.
**Under review. I’m essentially paying hundreds for an air ticket (When I hate to fly) to visit people who haven’t seen me in twenty years to appear before them an abject failure….In fact the only thing keeping it on the table is that it happens once and only once. I missed the 10th. I will decide next week.
Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to NYC
**Drop the Jennifer part. On track for Oct.
Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to Florida.
**Dropped for lack of reason to go.
Visit Family in Houston at least once.
**Done. Repeat in Thanksgiving it looks like.
Make preparations to go to Comicon 2011.
**In consideration. Will do in July.
Make preparations to go to Europe 2011.
**In consideration. Pending November status of events.
Make preparations to go to Family Reunion 2011.
**On track.
Learn to shoot a Pistol – At least 25 hours of practice. Seek benchmarks.
**On track. 4 hours a month starting in July. Once a week.
Evaluate life goals and come up with a 5 year plan to obtain at least 6 things from the list or the equivalent thereof.
**On track. After this.
Obtain all 5 physical objects – Car, Tablet OR Flatscreen OR Internet capable television, Reserve, Pistols, Jennifer Lasik
**Done. Indirectly done. Done. In consideration. Financially impossible.
Create and Fulfill the Zodiac.
**Done but one. Not my concern now and multiple opportunities were given.
Cross the Ocean (Metaphorically speaking)
**Total and complete FAIL.
Have a concrete plan (if applicable) for Project: Gemini.
**Moved to 2011 pending review of other goals.
Perform one major production for the podcast.
Life Goal Review
0. Become a father.
**Keep but no longer Zero goal.
1. See the Louvre.
**Keep. Slated 2011.
2. Travel around the world on a way way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
3. Learn a martial art.
**Slated 2010 Sept.
4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
**Slated 2012.
5. Assemble a band for a tour based on music written by me.
6. Start seven businesses.
**Modified. Pending update and review.
7. Learn a musical instrument.
**Indefinitely delayed.
8. Sculpt something memorable.
9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Currently in progress. Est Completion 2012.
10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.
**I have no idea what the hell a taught is. Otherwise keep.
11. Write seven novels.
**In progress. Rough guess completion….2014?
12. Produce a musical based on Simon Bolivar.
13. Go on a cruise.
**This is a life goal? Sure. Maybe 2011 or 2012.
14. Organize a convention (ideally one based on Sci fi)
**Drop the sci fi. Keep the convention.
15. Invent a card game.
16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)
17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage)
18. Have a room with a secret passage
19. Learn electronics (ideally a remote controlled object or robot battles robot)
20. Gain 3 patents.
**Move to Opportunity.
21. Own a self sufficient piece of land (energy, food, light manufacturing)
**Move to Opportunity.
22. Go on a cruise.
**What the hell with the cruises? Dropped due to duplication.
23. Be in a guerrilla musical dance number.
**Hell yeah keep! Maybe 2011 or 2012.
24. Help in a local political campaign (meaningfully)
**Dropped. Politicians all suck and lie and are not worthy of my time. (Reference Project Hammerfell failure above.)
25. Set up a treasure hunt for after I die. A real one.
26. Live the fifth life (who knows what)
27. Ditto the sixth.
28. Ditto the seventh.
If the right door opens.
29. Kept to myself.
**Gee that was clever Tom….what the hell was it?
30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.
31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.
32. Buy my own island.
33. Establish technological reboot centers.
**Drop. Scott Brown removed any desire to preserve civilization. An enema might do us good.
34. Create a national movement to reform the electoral system.
35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.
36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.
37. Create an institution dedicated to the study of Narcolepsy.
**HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! No. I am not Mother Teresa nor am I Ghandi.
38. "" Neurological regeneration.
39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.
40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.
41. Create a school system based on my ideas of education.
42. Create a wide range of nuclear desalination plants on the west coast.
**OK Tony Stark…what the hell…it is ‘opportunity.’
43. Breed dogs to live twice as long with higher intelligence (ie uplift)
More to come. The Master Goals and Priority are also being adjusted.
Let us start with the annual goals.
Physical: Go to the gym 2-3 days per week. 2 days of Cardio for 30-60 minutes each week. 2 days of weight training per week. Learn a martial art from Sept – December at the least.
**This is on track and I want to keep it.
Mental: Reading: 1 Non fiction book work mornings for 10 minutes. 1 Book on tape for transit times at a time. 1 Fiction book every 2 weeks.
**This is not at all on track and I might resume it once I clear some space.
Maintain all blogs at least once a week.
**Kept to now. This is changing. The core blog will be maintained once a week but all other blogs shall be incidental and satilites of this one. “Los Fragments de un Alma Rota” means “Shards of a Broken Soul” and only I can reassemble them. Only I can heal myself and only I can define my life as I want it to be. I cannot guarantee the results but only I can choose the direction.
Find some kind of puzzle type thing that I actually like to increase my intelligence.
**This seems like a waste of time and is being dropped.
Social: Initiate at least 4 non game related social activities over the course of the year. Visit family at least once a month.
**This is being dropped due to the Divorce. Kept to now.
Maintain 2-3 social activities (can including gaming) on a weekly, bi weekly or monthly basis.
**I think this is a good idea. However I’m only going to keep one gaming related activity. I need more ‘normal’ in my diet. I’m pretty sure I know which one too. Kept to now.
Continue Date Night Once a week.
**Dropped for obvious reasons. Kept till separation.
Spiritual: Perform at least one act of community service a month.
**Dropped. Kept to now.
Keep Listening.
Maintain daily prayer.
**Dropped. I believe in God. I think that God interacts with the world, but I no longer believe in any kind of meaningful reliable and consistent communication with Him save that He loves us. Specifically, I have reason to believe that My Prayers aren’t really answered in a way that can be rationally distinguished from a delusion and are therefore a waste of my time save making myself feel better. Kept till physical separation.
Finish reading the Dhampala. Start reading another spiritual work, finish it by the end of 2010.
**Dropped. Kept to now.
Emotional: Say two positive things for every negative thing I say. Have more self confidence.
**Keep the self confidence. I now reserve the right to be negative whenever I want. I still intend to mostly be more positive than negative but I’m not trying to cheer anyone up or maintain morale.
1rst: Finish the T7 project.
**To be Delegated or dropped. Kept to now.
Maintain FCC once a week.
**Dropped due to Staff indifference. Kept to now.
Maintain DM at least twice a month.
**Mostly dropped. Too many hobbies in this area makes me too alien.
Maintain Monthly Blood of the Earth group.
**Dropped. Kept to now.
2nd: Create monthly writing group with Rita and Julie. Complete 1 complete story per month.
**Under consideration. A decision will be made in August. Not Kept.
Finish Novel 4 w. Ken.
**Starting this next week.
Finish Novel 5 by the end of the year.
3rd: Finish/submit OPM this year. If successful, submit to at least 9 other festivals.
Create/Shoot 1 film by the end of the year.
**I cheated. I reshot Dueling Morons. There will be no new films this year. Potentially ever depending on how DM or OPM do. I’ll get just as much out of helping other people with theirs.
Write or collaborate for at least two feature length or series scripts by the end of the year.
**Keeping one. The other is under consideration but may be dropped pending response.
Either Finish the musical or produce a play.
**No and increasingly no. Pending review in July.
4th: Either join the PMI –OR- establish a close relationship with BU Mentor.
**Done. (First.)
Initiate 3 projects by the end of year, finish by
-Project: Hammerfel by April.
**Initiated. Utter failure.
-Project: Bifrost by October.
**Preliminary work indicates that this is a horrible idea and I no longer have any desire to implement it.
-Project: Hydra by December.
**Under consideration. Review by August.
Go to Dragoncon 2010
**On track. However, I am done questing for Ribbons. This will probably be my last year in attendance barring acceptance of OPM.
Go to Gencon 2010
**On track.
Go to 20th year High School Reunion.
**Under review. I’m essentially paying hundreds for an air ticket (When I hate to fly) to visit people who haven’t seen me in twenty years to appear before them an abject failure….In fact the only thing keeping it on the table is that it happens once and only once. I missed the 10th. I will decide next week.
Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to NYC
**Drop the Jennifer part. On track for Oct.
Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to Florida.
**Dropped for lack of reason to go.
Visit Family in Houston at least once.
**Done. Repeat in Thanksgiving it looks like.
Make preparations to go to Comicon 2011.
**In consideration. Will do in July.
Make preparations to go to Europe 2011.
**In consideration. Pending November status of events.
Make preparations to go to Family Reunion 2011.
**On track.
Learn to shoot a Pistol – At least 25 hours of practice. Seek benchmarks.
**On track. 4 hours a month starting in July. Once a week.
Evaluate life goals and come up with a 5 year plan to obtain at least 6 things from the list or the equivalent thereof.
**On track. After this.
Obtain all 5 physical objects – Car, Tablet OR Flatscreen OR Internet capable television, Reserve, Pistols, Jennifer Lasik
**Done. Indirectly done. Done. In consideration. Financially impossible.
Create and Fulfill the Zodiac.
**Done but one. Not my concern now and multiple opportunities were given.
Cross the Ocean (Metaphorically speaking)
**Total and complete FAIL.
Have a concrete plan (if applicable) for Project: Gemini.
**Moved to 2011 pending review of other goals.
Perform one major production for the podcast.
Life Goal Review
0. Become a father.
**Keep but no longer Zero goal.
1. See the Louvre.
**Keep. Slated 2011.
2. Travel around the world on a way way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
3. Learn a martial art.
**Slated 2010 Sept.
4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
**Slated 2012.
5. Assemble a band for a tour based on music written by me.
6. Start seven businesses.
**Modified. Pending update and review.
7. Learn a musical instrument.
**Indefinitely delayed.
8. Sculpt something memorable.
9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Currently in progress. Est Completion 2012.
10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.
**I have no idea what the hell a taught is. Otherwise keep.
11. Write seven novels.
**In progress. Rough guess completion….2014?
12. Produce a musical based on Simon Bolivar.
13. Go on a cruise.
**This is a life goal? Sure. Maybe 2011 or 2012.
14. Organize a convention (ideally one based on Sci fi)
**Drop the sci fi. Keep the convention.
15. Invent a card game.
16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)
17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage)
18. Have a room with a secret passage
19. Learn electronics (ideally a remote controlled object or robot battles robot)
20. Gain 3 patents.
**Move to Opportunity.
21. Own a self sufficient piece of land (energy, food, light manufacturing)
**Move to Opportunity.
22. Go on a cruise.
**What the hell with the cruises? Dropped due to duplication.
23. Be in a guerrilla musical dance number.
**Hell yeah keep! Maybe 2011 or 2012.
24. Help in a local political campaign (meaningfully)
**Dropped. Politicians all suck and lie and are not worthy of my time. (Reference Project Hammerfell failure above.)
25. Set up a treasure hunt for after I die. A real one.
26. Live the fifth life (who knows what)
27. Ditto the sixth.
28. Ditto the seventh.
If the right door opens.
29. Kept to myself.
**Gee that was clever Tom….what the hell was it?
30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.
31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.
32. Buy my own island.
33. Establish technological reboot centers.
**Drop. Scott Brown removed any desire to preserve civilization. An enema might do us good.
34. Create a national movement to reform the electoral system.
35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.
36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.
37. Create an institution dedicated to the study of Narcolepsy.
**HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! No. I am not Mother Teresa nor am I Ghandi.
38. "" Neurological regeneration.
39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.
40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.
41. Create a school system based on my ideas of education.
42. Create a wide range of nuclear desalination plants on the west coast.
**OK Tony Stark…what the hell…it is ‘opportunity.’
43. Breed dogs to live twice as long with higher intelligence (ie uplift)
More to come. The Master Goals and Priority are also being adjusted.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Major Life Failure
Time for a reevaluation....and that means EVERYTHING is on the table.
I did one of these two months ago.
Time for doing it from a different perspective through the looking glass.
I, and only I, can decide what I want and where I want to go and what in my life both in terms of active goals and activities helps me get there.
I will maintain my reasonable obligations, since I know WHO I am, and of those things, my word is my bond...but beyond that....
Everything is on the table.
I did one of these two months ago.
Time for doing it from a different perspective through the looking glass.
I, and only I, can decide what I want and where I want to go and what in my life both in terms of active goals and activities helps me get there.
I will maintain my reasonable obligations, since I know WHO I am, and of those things, my word is my bond...but beyond that....
Everything is on the table.
This is the way the world ends.
On June 10th, 2010 Carol Flake ended the world at 9:13am. The was neither bang nor whimper but a few beauracratic questions, the swish of a pen and a quiet wait for a verified copy of the papers. Jennifer, as petioner, was asked if the marriage wAs fi ally, irretreivably broken. She answered, "Yes.". Thus ending 1966 days of union.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The end of the end
Time is fading fast. I will be moving out Thursday, Friday or Saturday night. Jennifer is moving out Saturday. She has a lot more to move than I do. Our court date is on the 9th of June.
Saw Iron Man 2 last weekend. I enjoyed it. I'm also reading a lot. Finished "Changes" by Jim Butcher. It had a rather shocking end but I liked it.
Things are difficult, but I'm dealing with them, but I don't want to put all the details here. There are other places for that. We're still parting as amicably as possible. That's what counts.
Saw Iron Man 2 last weekend. I enjoyed it. I'm also reading a lot. Finished "Changes" by Jim Butcher. It had a rather shocking end but I liked it.
Things are difficult, but I'm dealing with them, but I don't want to put all the details here. There are other places for that. We're still parting as amicably as possible. That's what counts.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A lot can happen in two weeks
And this time I'll go backward in chrolological order instead of forward. So the most annoying thing going on right now is that I got a flat tire yesterday. That basically has disrupted my plans for the whole weekend but I've managed to make the best of it. Today I'm hanging out with Mom, Skip and Grandma celebrating mother's day with them. Yesterday I played a board game with Russel, Sean and a friend of theirs named Jim. It was a board game called Advanced Civilization and we played until 6am. Normally this would be a terrible idea but lately it was a welcome distraction.
Yesterday, I ran my "Shadowrun: Blood of the Earth" game, the final session at the current house and it went quite well. Managed to tie my home game into the account well. Before that I went hiking on Stone Mountain with Russel. It was quite fun. Talked to Ken before I went. He's been really busy but we'll be picking up Novel 4 some time in July probably.
Friday I talked to Jay and went to the Gym. He has finished Architects of Fear and submitted to Dragon Con. It's pretty kickass and I'm glad to be working with him and the rest on that project. Got my hair cut (Aekon studios. They do an EXCELLENT job). Picked up a tent, sleeping bag and the like at REI for another hike I'm doing with Russel later.
Thursday I got "Changes" from the library. Perfect way to start the day is to pick up a Dresden Files book. Mom, Skip, Grandma and I saw "Taming of the Shrew" at the Shakespear Tavern. It was absolutely kick ass.
Wednesday made a new character for a game we're starting next week being run by Andy Harmon. Got some writing done(following the suggestions I asked the family for based on a master story idea list.) Should prove quite fun. I watched "Papillon" at home with Jennifer. It seemed kind of lame until I found out it was based on a true story. It was about a guy who tried to escape a lot from French prisons in the early 20th century and got betrayed a lot.
Tuesday night I also went to the gym.
Monday I saw the counselor. He's helpful in terms of putting things into perspective but I'm not sure if I'll do it too long.
Saturday (previous) night I got drunk (OK mildly tipsy drinking 6 "Mike's Hard Lemonades) for the first time with Jay while we were discussing Sentinel Chronicles and its future. Hung out a bit with his Dad and learned things I hadn't learned about the civilian command infrastructure of the defense department. It was fun.
Friday night (previous) Jennifer and I went to see the Hot Tub Time Machine. Its pretty much what you saw in the trailers but it is pretty good. I'd give it a solid B but definitely worth seeing (though not a family film).
Wednesday night (previous) hunt out with Jay and we discussed much about Sentinel Chronicles.
Yesterday, I ran my "Shadowrun: Blood of the Earth" game, the final session at the current house and it went quite well. Managed to tie my home game into the account well. Before that I went hiking on Stone Mountain with Russel. It was quite fun. Talked to Ken before I went. He's been really busy but we'll be picking up Novel 4 some time in July probably.
Friday I talked to Jay and went to the Gym. He has finished Architects of Fear and submitted to Dragon Con. It's pretty kickass and I'm glad to be working with him and the rest on that project. Got my hair cut (Aekon studios. They do an EXCELLENT job). Picked up a tent, sleeping bag and the like at REI for another hike I'm doing with Russel later.
Thursday I got "Changes" from the library. Perfect way to start the day is to pick up a Dresden Files book. Mom, Skip, Grandma and I saw "Taming of the Shrew" at the Shakespear Tavern. It was absolutely kick ass.
Wednesday made a new character for a game we're starting next week being run by Andy Harmon. Got some writing done(following the suggestions I asked the family for based on a master story idea list.) Should prove quite fun. I watched "Papillon" at home with Jennifer. It seemed kind of lame until I found out it was based on a true story. It was about a guy who tried to escape a lot from French prisons in the early 20th century and got betrayed a lot.
Tuesday night I also went to the gym.
Monday I saw the counselor. He's helpful in terms of putting things into perspective but I'm not sure if I'll do it too long.
Saturday (previous) night I got drunk (OK mildly tipsy drinking 6 "Mike's Hard Lemonades) for the first time with Jay while we were discussing Sentinel Chronicles and its future. Hung out a bit with his Dad and learned things I hadn't learned about the civilian command infrastructure of the defense department. It was fun.
Friday night (previous) Jennifer and I went to see the Hot Tub Time Machine. Its pretty much what you saw in the trailers but it is pretty good. I'd give it a solid B but definitely worth seeing (though not a family film).
Wednesday night (previous) hunt out with Jay and we discussed much about Sentinel Chronicles.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
First Stage Move Complete
Well another week has come and gone. First, Jennifer and I saw Kickass the Friday before last and it was very good. The next weekend was fairly relaxed. Wednesday I played D&D at CCP with the old crew. Tuesday night I talked with Jay about Sentinel. Working out has been quite successful...dieting, not so much. I've actually managed to gain five pounds in the last three or four weeks. For this reason, combined with an impending hike that I've been invited to in a week, I'm now training with a 50 pound backpack on a 10% incline on the treadmill. Good thing too because at 1.5 miles on a 10% incline at 2mph, it still caused me to sweat after 45 minutes.
I've moved most of my bed and computer to Mom and Skips. I'll be staying with them for three months or so as a buffer for a while. Being around family is a good idea right now I think. Right now I'm using Mom's netbook and we're watching some GPD TV but I won't be moving in quite yet. Otherwise, things are going well. The papers are now drawn up and we're submitting them tomorrow. Jennifer and I are still getting along well.
I've moved most of my bed and computer to Mom and Skips. I'll be staying with them for three months or so as a buffer for a while. Being around family is a good idea right now I think. Right now I'm using Mom's netbook and we're watching some GPD TV but I won't be moving in quite yet. Otherwise, things are going well. The papers are now drawn up and we're submitting them tomorrow. Jennifer and I are still getting along well.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Life in motion
Its been a busy week, and part of that is because I've deliberately kept myself busy and part of that is because friends and family have helped a lot by giving me opportunities to keep busy. I've also been able to deal with things by helping people whenever I can in little ways; now granted this is something I tend to try and do ANYWAY, but the fact of the matter is that this habit has served me well now, because it helps minimize the lows. And there have been some lows.
But the truth of the matter is, as much as I worked to save things, the fact of the matter is the Jennifer is ready to move on. And that fact has helped me come to the point that I'm also ready to move on. As such, we're accelerating the filing date from the 30th to tomorrow (or at least that's the theory.) The fact of the matter is, Jennifer was also less than pleased that we were putting such an emotionally charged day right before her 35th Birthday. And she had a good point, so we're moving it. We still get along very well, though little subtle things have changed. There are definitely a lot of things I will miss about our relationship (and a few I won't but I'm not going to go into details.) We're parting with honor, love and friendship and ultimately that's the best that you can do in this kind of a situation.
We went to Janie and Patrick's play, "All in the Timing" which was surprisingly clever. It was a series of shorts by a guy called David Ives. I particularly liked the bit where the monkey's were writing the screen play for Hamlet. It reminded me a lot of Mining the Dreamplane and showed me that I'm not anywhere as original as I thought. Although...the actual details were substantially different. I'd highly recommend you go see isn't there was a very short run. Mom and Skip have been trying to get me to do a rendition of Rossom's Universal Robots...and I think this convinced me to do so. We'll see. A play is going to be rather expensive to do right, but first I need to find a script. Did you know that despite the fact that it was written in 1921, there do not seem to be any public domain translations? I'm considering a wide range of options including writing my own 'inspired by' version with a hefty help from babelfish. You can get the Czech version from Project Guttenberg.
Saturday I ran my Shadowrun game, which is moving along quite well. Sunday I worked out and got my first helped a lot with the stress. What fascinated me was how much certain meditation mantras have with actual hypnotic induction. There is a lot more similarity between the two than I hithertonow might have thought.
Monday I hung out at Eisen's and played board games with folks. I was Dracula in "Fury of Dracula" which was quite fun but it kind of dragged towards the end. It is not a game you play in 2 hours or so, especially with people who haven't played it before.
Tuesday night was pretty calm. I got some writing done and Jennifer and I watched TV. We've finished season three of the Wire and it is quite good.
Wednesday night I ran a one shot D&D game at CCP. We had seven players. I'll put a log of it and the previous game that Russel ran on my Character blog some time next week. I am sometimes convinced I'm insane for maintaining so many blogs but when I look at the archive I change my mind. Particularly with the rpg blog. I've been playing RPG's for more than 30 years but there is no real log of some of the best recreational experiences of my life. The rpg blog changes that.
Thursday night I hung out and had a beer with my friend Ed Glamkowski. We talked of shoes and ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings. He's doing well.
Tonight Jennifer and I are going to see Kickass.
But the truth of the matter is, as much as I worked to save things, the fact of the matter is the Jennifer is ready to move on. And that fact has helped me come to the point that I'm also ready to move on. As such, we're accelerating the filing date from the 30th to tomorrow (or at least that's the theory.) The fact of the matter is, Jennifer was also less than pleased that we were putting such an emotionally charged day right before her 35th Birthday. And she had a good point, so we're moving it. We still get along very well, though little subtle things have changed. There are definitely a lot of things I will miss about our relationship (and a few I won't but I'm not going to go into details.) We're parting with honor, love and friendship and ultimately that's the best that you can do in this kind of a situation.
We went to Janie and Patrick's play, "All in the Timing" which was surprisingly clever. It was a series of shorts by a guy called David Ives. I particularly liked the bit where the monkey's were writing the screen play for Hamlet. It reminded me a lot of Mining the Dreamplane and showed me that I'm not anywhere as original as I thought. Although...the actual details were substantially different. I'd highly recommend you go see isn't there was a very short run. Mom and Skip have been trying to get me to do a rendition of Rossom's Universal Robots...and I think this convinced me to do so. We'll see. A play is going to be rather expensive to do right, but first I need to find a script. Did you know that despite the fact that it was written in 1921, there do not seem to be any public domain translations? I'm considering a wide range of options including writing my own 'inspired by' version with a hefty help from babelfish. You can get the Czech version from Project Guttenberg.
Saturday I ran my Shadowrun game, which is moving along quite well. Sunday I worked out and got my first helped a lot with the stress. What fascinated me was how much certain meditation mantras have with actual hypnotic induction. There is a lot more similarity between the two than I hithertonow might have thought.
Monday I hung out at Eisen's and played board games with folks. I was Dracula in "Fury of Dracula" which was quite fun but it kind of dragged towards the end. It is not a game you play in 2 hours or so, especially with people who haven't played it before.
Tuesday night was pretty calm. I got some writing done and Jennifer and I watched TV. We've finished season three of the Wire and it is quite good.
Wednesday night I ran a one shot D&D game at CCP. We had seven players. I'll put a log of it and the previous game that Russel ran on my Character blog some time next week. I am sometimes convinced I'm insane for maintaining so many blogs but when I look at the archive I change my mind. Particularly with the rpg blog. I've been playing RPG's for more than 30 years but there is no real log of some of the best recreational experiences of my life. The rpg blog changes that.
Thursday night I hung out and had a beer with my friend Ed Glamkowski. We talked of shoes and ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings. He's doing well.
Tonight Jennifer and I are going to see Kickass.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Well, let's see
Um....I've worked out some. I helped a friend move. I played some D&D. I've done work.
Very boring week really.
Very boring week really.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Another week in passing.
Given the circumstances, things are going relatively well. There is pain sometimes, but there is also relief as things can finally move forward again for the first time in a large time. Last weekend we saw How to Train Your Dragon, which was quite good. The screening for "Other People's Musicals" went very well. It was in the middle of two other showings, one for the Sentinel Chronicles Ep. 5 and a movie called "Alone." Mom was in all three and got an award. It was nice seeing almost all of the people who worked on the movie again, even it probably is the last time that many will be together in one place. I can see why Actors and others in plays and film like what they do, since the bond of comradarie is quite strong...even if it means constantly giving it up again when things end.
I strained my back for a while but it got better. Jennifer had a wound that has required changing the bandage (the doctor removed something) but it has healed well for the most part. Wednesday night I played D&D with some friends at CCP. 4th Edition is much better than I thought it was.
I strained my back for a while but it got better. Jennifer had a wound that has required changing the bandage (the doctor removed something) but it has healed well for the most part. Wednesday night I played D&D with some friends at CCP. 4th Edition is much better than I thought it was.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Week in Review
So, it's been a week. I'm handling things well for the most part. Jennifer and I are still good friends. There are occasional moments of...awkwardness, but we're working together on this just like we have everything else. We really do work well together...on almost everything.
I visited Houston this past weekend and it was quite helpful. Some might consider it insane to drive for 14 hours on Friday night and then drive back for 12 hours on Sunday just to see people, but initially it was because I wasn't potentially going to see some of them all year and now it was because I desperately needed a sense of grounding, and it helped a lot. Family is a constant (at least as much as anything is a constant in the world) and it helps when you have good and loving relations with your family members. I hung out with Greg on Saturday, watching him play some of his games. One of them, Sins of a Solar Empire interested me quite a bit. Later that evening, we went over to Randy's new place and had dinner with Christy's family as well. It was quite fun. Simon taught me how not to hold a pool cue. I'm considering practicing a bit in the days and weeks ahead. Its a fun game and I think I might actually try to learn the higher end geometry elements of it (the bit with the dots on the side.) I listened to "The Lost Symbol" on the way up.
Monday night we watched Inglorious Bastards. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Tuesday I went to Jay's to get his help burning the DVD of "Other People's Musicals" which has come out quite well. I managed to remove all of the technical glitches that could be removed and it is by FAR the strongest I've made. Wednesday night I went to the final session of Jeff's D&D game. It was quite enjoyable, though the group is a bit large. There is still some discussion as to what will be done in the future.
I visited Houston this past weekend and it was quite helpful. Some might consider it insane to drive for 14 hours on Friday night and then drive back for 12 hours on Sunday just to see people, but initially it was because I wasn't potentially going to see some of them all year and now it was because I desperately needed a sense of grounding, and it helped a lot. Family is a constant (at least as much as anything is a constant in the world) and it helps when you have good and loving relations with your family members. I hung out with Greg on Saturday, watching him play some of his games. One of them, Sins of a Solar Empire interested me quite a bit. Later that evening, we went over to Randy's new place and had dinner with Christy's family as well. It was quite fun. Simon taught me how not to hold a pool cue. I'm considering practicing a bit in the days and weeks ahead. Its a fun game and I think I might actually try to learn the higher end geometry elements of it (the bit with the dots on the side.) I listened to "The Lost Symbol" on the way up.
Monday night we watched Inglorious Bastards. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Tuesday I went to Jay's to get his help burning the DVD of "Other People's Musicals" which has come out quite well. I managed to remove all of the technical glitches that could be removed and it is by FAR the strongest I've made. Wednesday night I went to the final session of Jeff's D&D game. It was quite enjoyable, though the group is a bit large. There is still some discussion as to what will be done in the future.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
An Ending.
Jennifer and I will be filing our papers for divorce on April 30th, 2010. We do so parting as friends, and we are remaining in the same house for another month or two for financial and emotional reasons. While we love each other very much, there have been some issues at the foundation of our relationship that haven't quite matched. We've seen two counselors, and today our counselor was quite honest with us that this was a problem that he could not solve. We'll still be going to him a few more times to help make things as painless as possible.
I don't feel that the exact details of our relationship are fit for public consumption, but I will say that it is neither of our faults, that because of our backgrounds we had unresolved issues going into this and that one of the reasons we're going to the counselor and staying together a few more months is to help learn as many lessons from this as possible for the future.
We've been working on things for a year, so while this is still painful, I've had some time to come to terms with it. That by no means means I'm 'over' it, but it does mean that we can handle this in at least some resemblance of a rational fashion. Unlike previous relationships, Jennifer and I will remain friends, although how that friendship will manifest I'm not entirely sure. I don't really picture us 'hanging out' at all, but we still have a lot we need to work out.
All other projects, interests and considerations are on hold in life and (as they should be) must be reassessed. More details later as they are known and deemed to be shared.
I don't feel that the exact details of our relationship are fit for public consumption, but I will say that it is neither of our faults, that because of our backgrounds we had unresolved issues going into this and that one of the reasons we're going to the counselor and staying together a few more months is to help learn as many lessons from this as possible for the future.
We've been working on things for a year, so while this is still painful, I've had some time to come to terms with it. That by no means means I'm 'over' it, but it does mean that we can handle this in at least some resemblance of a rational fashion. Unlike previous relationships, Jennifer and I will remain friends, although how that friendship will manifest I'm not entirely sure. I don't really picture us 'hanging out' at all, but we still have a lot we need to work out.
All other projects, interests and considerations are on hold in life and (as they should be) must be reassessed. More details later as they are known and deemed to be shared.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Well let's see here. We celebrated our anniversary at one of my favorite restaurants, Bocca De Beppo. We also got some rather nice coupon and a free cup cake. I got Jennifer two matching "Peace Sign" ear rings and a necklace of the same, as well as a $40 gift certificate to DSW. Jennifer got me "A Gunslinger Born" a graphic novel set in Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' series, as well as the Player's Handbook II, which should come in very handy for the 4th edition Dungeon's and Dragons game I'm playing right now. She also got me a rather cool Plastic Knight and several small useful utility knick knacks which I like a lot. I still use the Swiss Army knife she got me for Christmas a while ago.
Friday night we went to Jay's birthday party, which was quite fun. We talked a lot with other people and I got to know the other Sentinel project members. Jay showed more footage from "Architects of Fear" which is quite frankly looking pretty kickass. Saturday I spent most of the day working on "Other People's Musical's" over at Jay's. He did the Color Correction and after effects. This bled over into over TWELVE HOURS worth of work on Sunday. The result is pretty amazing. It isn't in HD any more and we still have a few synch problems which I am hoping to correct this weekend, but as of now I have a functional movie that I can submit to the Atlanta Film Festival. The real question is if I can fix the sync issues before the due date next week. Otherwise it will have to wait until the screening on March 27th. I'm also refilming "Dueling Morons" but Julie's original edit job was so phenomenal that I'm looking to recreate it shot for shot.
Monday I had to recover from the weekend of intense work on the film and do the writing of what had been displaced by the film. I had a lot of things 'come due' at the same time, and spent the rest of the week catching up...which I've mostly managed to do at this point thank goodness. Wednesday I started up another dungeons and dragons game with some of my friends. We played at CCP, which is pretty cool since they make Eve Online and various World of Darkness pen and paper role playing games. Neat place to do an rpg.
Tonight we are hoping to see Alice.
Friday night we went to Jay's birthday party, which was quite fun. We talked a lot with other people and I got to know the other Sentinel project members. Jay showed more footage from "Architects of Fear" which is quite frankly looking pretty kickass. Saturday I spent most of the day working on "Other People's Musical's" over at Jay's. He did the Color Correction and after effects. This bled over into over TWELVE HOURS worth of work on Sunday. The result is pretty amazing. It isn't in HD any more and we still have a few synch problems which I am hoping to correct this weekend, but as of now I have a functional movie that I can submit to the Atlanta Film Festival. The real question is if I can fix the sync issues before the due date next week. Otherwise it will have to wait until the screening on March 27th. I'm also refilming "Dueling Morons" but Julie's original edit job was so phenomenal that I'm looking to recreate it shot for shot.
Monday I had to recover from the weekend of intense work on the film and do the writing of what had been displaced by the film. I had a lot of things 'come due' at the same time, and spent the rest of the week catching up...which I've mostly managed to do at this point thank goodness. Wednesday I started up another dungeons and dragons game with some of my friends. We played at CCP, which is pretty cool since they make Eve Online and various World of Darkness pen and paper role playing games. Neat place to do an rpg.
Tonight we are hoping to see Alice.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
4th Anniversary
Today is Jennifer and my fourth anniversary. It has been an awesome four years. Tonight we're celebrating by going out to eat and then getting our mutual present, a Wii Fit board. We're giving each other a few other things. Jennifer gave me a lovely chocolate rose this morning. Marrying her was the best decision I ever made.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Week in Review
Well last Sunday, Julie, Jennifer, Skip, Mom, Grandma and myself all celebrated Skip's birthday by going to the local Indian restaurant which had a buffet. It was quite nice, and we all got to talk a lot there and afterward. Before we also got to watch Skip play his "Lost Winds" game, and during we all played Wii Sports which was fun. The Wii is a extremely social game platform even for those who are casual or non gamers.
Early that day Jennifer and I checked out the local Universalist Unitarian Church. It was nice. The hymns were different than what I was raised with, but the music was neither too pop nor too late 16th century protestant reformation. It had just the right element of message, spiritualism, and ritual that I felt it appropriate and uplifted by it. It was also surprisingly not a negative experience in the slightest. Jennifer enjoyed it as well. We're considering returning in two weeks to investigate it again. I do want to investigate a bit about the creed of the organization, but given the other affiliations of some of those who condemn it, I consider that high praise. What I know certainly doesn't offend me.
Did an episode of the podcast again. Two short stories in a row. I've definitely come to the conclusion that I enjoy it more when I get others to read things I've written than my own reading. Some things only come out right when I read them but I think the best mix is when I write something tailored to an individual person; and I think that while the Red Anvil Podcast will always be a mix of both stories and poetry, I think that I get more emotional and creative satisfaction from the poetry.
The new job is AWESOME. I am an intermediate Tech Writer for Firethorn, which is a division of Qualcomm. I work in the UX Design department and my coworkers and boss are thus far very friendly and obviously intelligent and creative. The thing we're working on is a program called Swagg, which is an Iphone app that will basically incorporate all those loyalty cards cluttering up your wallet and put them virtually on your smart phone to free up space. There are few things else that it will do that are cool but I think those are more in flux and not as publicly revealed about what it does.
Over the weekend we saw Shutter Island, which was quite good. We celebrated the Dog's 10th birthday, which he enjoyed. He mainly enjoyed it because he got a lot of attention and my 'present' consisted of half a pound of random dog treats that we dumped on the floor to give him a complete smorgasbord of treats.
Recently Read: Inkdeath (liked)
We're Watching: The Wire (3rd Season), Farscape (Season 1), Supernatural Season 6, Lost, Burn Notice, Fring
I'm Reading: Iosorch, Rossam's Universal Robots (the Play)
Early that day Jennifer and I checked out the local Universalist Unitarian Church. It was nice. The hymns were different than what I was raised with, but the music was neither too pop nor too late 16th century protestant reformation. It had just the right element of message, spiritualism, and ritual that I felt it appropriate and uplifted by it. It was also surprisingly not a negative experience in the slightest. Jennifer enjoyed it as well. We're considering returning in two weeks to investigate it again. I do want to investigate a bit about the creed of the organization, but given the other affiliations of some of those who condemn it, I consider that high praise. What I know certainly doesn't offend me.
Did an episode of the podcast again. Two short stories in a row. I've definitely come to the conclusion that I enjoy it more when I get others to read things I've written than my own reading. Some things only come out right when I read them but I think the best mix is when I write something tailored to an individual person; and I think that while the Red Anvil Podcast will always be a mix of both stories and poetry, I think that I get more emotional and creative satisfaction from the poetry.
The new job is AWESOME. I am an intermediate Tech Writer for Firethorn, which is a division of Qualcomm. I work in the UX Design department and my coworkers and boss are thus far very friendly and obviously intelligent and creative. The thing we're working on is a program called Swagg, which is an Iphone app that will basically incorporate all those loyalty cards cluttering up your wallet and put them virtually on your smart phone to free up space. There are few things else that it will do that are cool but I think those are more in flux and not as publicly revealed about what it does.
Over the weekend we saw Shutter Island, which was quite good. We celebrated the Dog's 10th birthday, which he enjoyed. He mainly enjoyed it because he got a lot of attention and my 'present' consisted of half a pound of random dog treats that we dumped on the floor to give him a complete smorgasbord of treats.
Recently Read: Inkdeath (liked)
We're Watching: The Wire (3rd Season), Farscape (Season 1), Supernatural Season 6, Lost, Burn Notice, Fring
I'm Reading: Iosorch, Rossam's Universal Robots (the Play)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Happenings
Well on Tuesday we celebrated Valentines Day early and saw Mamma Mia. It was rather good. We both enjoyed it. But boy was it cold getting there.
I'm sure you all have read about the snow that's affected Atlanta. We both went home early, most everyone was let out. But we still got home moderately early. We were going to see Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief, but instead watched more Farscape, which is as good as I remember it being. Also, there were clearly a few episodes we missed. The snow was gone by the afternoon and I was able to run my monthly gaming group. It also looks like we'll be restarting the bi weekly group (different group) up again fairly soon which should be awesome.
My last day at Suntrust was finished yesterday. Awesome place to work in some ways, my boss was great and offered to act as a reference in the future. The security was annoying but I did get to work in one of the great big data centers where they have the mainframes etc. That was a bit of a first for me..but I had like...multiple badges that I had to keep on me pretty much all of the time. All of that has now been handed back. The BATHROOMS were outside the main area and required a special code to get in. BATHROOMS?! It was also nice to be able to take Marta to work and go through a few hamster tubes to get to work.
What else? We played a few wii games over the weekend before last. We both enjoy Lego Star Wars, though the sections where there is no obvious way to progress are REALLY annoying. Challenges are one thing, trying to figure out what to do next with out a reasonably clear path are just...frustratingly stupid. Jay and Dee helped us with Other People's Musicals which is coming along nicely. THE COMPUTER OF DOOM IS FINALLY UP. It has a functional graphics card, and I've got some trial software that I'm editing and putting the movie together on. I'll be working more with Jay on Monday to finish it.
I'm sure you all have read about the snow that's affected Atlanta. We both went home early, most everyone was let out. But we still got home moderately early. We were going to see Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief, but instead watched more Farscape, which is as good as I remember it being. Also, there were clearly a few episodes we missed. The snow was gone by the afternoon and I was able to run my monthly gaming group. It also looks like we'll be restarting the bi weekly group (different group) up again fairly soon which should be awesome.
My last day at Suntrust was finished yesterday. Awesome place to work in some ways, my boss was great and offered to act as a reference in the future. The security was annoying but I did get to work in one of the great big data centers where they have the mainframes etc. That was a bit of a first for me..but I had like...multiple badges that I had to keep on me pretty much all of the time. All of that has now been handed back. The BATHROOMS were outside the main area and required a special code to get in. BATHROOMS?! It was also nice to be able to take Marta to work and go through a few hamster tubes to get to work.
What else? We played a few wii games over the weekend before last. We both enjoy Lego Star Wars, though the sections where there is no obvious way to progress are REALLY annoying. Challenges are one thing, trying to figure out what to do next with out a reasonably clear path are just...frustratingly stupid. Jay and Dee helped us with Other People's Musicals which is coming along nicely. THE COMPUTER OF DOOM IS FINALLY UP. It has a functional graphics card, and I've got some trial software that I'm editing and putting the movie together on. I'll be working more with Jay on Monday to finish it.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
New Job
The big news is that I finally have a new permanent job in Technical Writing, with a possibility of future Project Management potential. I will be working as a consultant with SESC, nominally to be hired directly after a year by Firethorn, which is a company of Qualcomm. It represents a considerable raise and excellent benefits. But most important of all, it looks to be an awesome place to work which will greatly value what I do. I start on Feb. 16th.
This has been a fun week and a half. We’ve done a lot in a relatively short period of time. Last week we celebrated my birthday, a lot. On Wednesday Jennifer and I made splenda cookies. We didn’t make very many of them but the ones we had were quite nice. For my birthday on Thursday we had dinner at a nice restaurant called Wildfire. It was kind of expensive but enjoyable nonetheless. Jennifer gave me three dress shirts, two ties, an electric razor (very handy) and three books (two of which short story collections inspired by HP Lovecraft. I think the sixth novel at this point is almost assuredly going to be supernatural horror or a conventional mystery).
Friday night we celebrated my birthday AGAIN with Mom, Skip, Grandma, Jennifer and myself. Skip cooked some of his excellent pasta with a very nice salad. We watched the final episode of “The Prisoner” and had some very interesting discussions of things. Saturday Jennifer and I went to see a movie at the Danish Film Festival called Terribly Happy, which was very interesting. It was billed as Twin Peaks like…and it certainly was. Sunday night we stayed home and did little of consequence, but we greatly enjoyed doing little of consequence because we were both kind of exhausted from the events of the previous week and several other things.
This has been a fun week and a half. We’ve done a lot in a relatively short period of time. Last week we celebrated my birthday, a lot. On Wednesday Jennifer and I made splenda cookies. We didn’t make very many of them but the ones we had were quite nice. For my birthday on Thursday we had dinner at a nice restaurant called Wildfire. It was kind of expensive but enjoyable nonetheless. Jennifer gave me three dress shirts, two ties, an electric razor (very handy) and three books (two of which short story collections inspired by HP Lovecraft. I think the sixth novel at this point is almost assuredly going to be supernatural horror or a conventional mystery).
Friday night we celebrated my birthday AGAIN with Mom, Skip, Grandma, Jennifer and myself. Skip cooked some of his excellent pasta with a very nice salad. We watched the final episode of “The Prisoner” and had some very interesting discussions of things. Saturday Jennifer and I went to see a movie at the Danish Film Festival called Terribly Happy, which was very interesting. It was billed as Twin Peaks like…and it certainly was. Sunday night we stayed home and did little of consequence, but we greatly enjoyed doing little of consequence because we were both kind of exhausted from the events of the previous week and several other things.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Better week
This week Jennifer and I went to the Burns night held by a friend I play board games with (Eisen). It was awesome. I tried (sips) of 7 different kinds of Scotch but (for obvious reasons) I do not hold too much liquor and since I was driving home we left it that. I did learn that textually speaking Oban is a very nice brand though. I have also had Haggis, actually pretty good. When the process was first described to me several years ago, I thought I would commit unholy violence on anyone that tried to get me to eat the stuff but its actually kind of like a meaty hash brown.
The other scottish food was nice. I have also discovered that I REALLY like Robert Burns as a poet. I can understand why the Scotts revere him so much. I also learned where "Of Mice and Men" (the title of the book of the same name) comes from. Jennifer made a trifle that was butterscotch and rasberry. She was worried at first but it came out awesome.
Friday night we celebrated Mom's birthday. We had chocolate cake and butter pecan ice cream. We all talked a lot and played wii games. I was moderately good. Skip and Jennifer were kick ass. I discovered that swearing at one's mii can be strangely cathargic.
I can finally get to my desk! My badge has the requisite permissions so that I can get to my cube. This is a short contract but it still has (theoretically) another 2 months so I can maintain the illusion I have a normal job and a normal career in the meantime. :)
The other scottish food was nice. I have also discovered that I REALLY like Robert Burns as a poet. I can understand why the Scotts revere him so much. I also learned where "Of Mice and Men" (the title of the book of the same name) comes from. Jennifer made a trifle that was butterscotch and rasberry. She was worried at first but it came out awesome.
Friday night we celebrated Mom's birthday. We had chocolate cake and butter pecan ice cream. We all talked a lot and played wii games. I was moderately good. Skip and Jennifer were kick ass. I discovered that swearing at one's mii can be strangely cathargic.
I can finally get to my desk! My badge has the requisite permissions so that I can get to my cube. This is a short contract but it still has (theoretically) another 2 months so I can maintain the illusion I have a normal job and a normal career in the meantime. :)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Early January
Well the last few weeks has been interesting. There were some complications in getting the tools I needed for my job, but my new Boss has been extremely diligent and helpful and getting them. I take the Marta downtown to work every day and walk through the same hotels that Dragon Con takes place in every year. Its kind of surreal really. There are also other conventions that go on. This last week was the NCAA. They made these poor people stand in the food court so people could go through the hamster maze of tunnels between hotels without getting lost.
Jennifer's cough has gotten a lot better. For a while it was lingering a dangerous length. More importantly, one of the drugs she takes, an absolute idiot said she had a 'reaction to the drug' even though she clearly didn't. I thought she should file a complaint with the FDA because Big Pharma might have infiltrated the drug company study group, but she had the saner approach. Doesn't mean I don't think she should still report it to the FDA.
One of the things that Jennifer gave me for Christmas was this day planner which is pretty kickass. It lets me plan exactly what I'm going to do each day well ahead of time. I'm still getting used to it, but the more time goes on, the better I am at fitting it in to my schedule.
I'm trying to simplify my life for a while. Doing this while still trying to complete my annual goals is a bit of a challenge but I think the real secret is in pacing. Fortunately, the planner helps with this.
Jennifer is greatly valued at her job. I am told (by her) that they might show it in a concrete way fairly soon. I'll give you more details as they come.
We've been relaxing a lot this weekend. As of tomorrow it will have been five years since we had our first date. Yesterday we had dinner at an excellent restaurant near us called Baldinos. Shame it isn't a national chain, but then again that make it lose some of its charm. Jennifer went with me to the YMCA and got her orientation in their programming. She likes it a lot.
Jennifer's cough has gotten a lot better. For a while it was lingering a dangerous length. More importantly, one of the drugs she takes, an absolute idiot said she had a 'reaction to the drug' even though she clearly didn't. I thought she should file a complaint with the FDA because Big Pharma might have infiltrated the drug company study group, but she had the saner approach. Doesn't mean I don't think she should still report it to the FDA.
One of the things that Jennifer gave me for Christmas was this day planner which is pretty kickass. It lets me plan exactly what I'm going to do each day well ahead of time. I'm still getting used to it, but the more time goes on, the better I am at fitting it in to my schedule.
I'm trying to simplify my life for a while. Doing this while still trying to complete my annual goals is a bit of a challenge but I think the real secret is in pacing. Fortunately, the planner helps with this.
Jennifer is greatly valued at her job. I am told (by her) that they might show it in a concrete way fairly soon. I'll give you more details as they come.
We've been relaxing a lot this weekend. As of tomorrow it will have been five years since we had our first date. Yesterday we had dinner at an excellent restaurant near us called Baldinos. Shame it isn't a national chain, but then again that make it lose some of its charm. Jennifer went with me to the YMCA and got her orientation in their programming. She likes it a lot.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Goals for 2010
Physical: Go to the gym 2-3 days per week. 2 days of Cardio for 30-60 minutes each week. 2 days of weight training per week. Learn a martial art from Sept – December at the least.
Mental: Reading: 1 Non fiction book work mornings for 10 minutes. 1 Book on tape for transit times at a time. 1 Fiction book every 2 weeks.
Maintain all blogs at least once a week.
Find some kind of puzzle type thing that I actually like to increase my intelligence.
Social: Initiate at least 4 non game related social activities over the course of the year. Visit family at least once a month.
Maintain 2-3 social activities (can including gaming) on a weekly, bi weekly or monthly basis.
Continue Date Night Once a week.
Spiritual: Perform at least one act of community service a month.
Keep Listening.
Maintain daily prayer.
Finish reading the Dhampala. Start reading another spiritual work, finish it by the end of 2010.
Emotional: Say two positive things for every negative thing I say. Have more self confidence.
1rst: Finish the T7 project.
Maintain FCC once a week.
Maintain DM at least twice a month.
Maintain Monthly Blood of the Earth group.
2nd: Create monthly writing group with Rita and Julie. Complete 1 complete story per month.
Finish Novel 4 w. Ken.
Finish Novel 5 by the end of the year.
3rd: Finish/submit OPM this year. If successful, submit to at least 9 other festivals.
Create/Shoot 1 film by the end of the year.
Write or collaborate for at least two feature length or series scripts by the end of the year.
Either Finish the musical or produce a play.
4th: Either join the PMI –OR- establish a close relationship with BU Mentor.
Initiate 3 projects by the end of year, finish by
-Project: Hammerfel by April.
-Project: Bifrost by October.
-Project: Hydra by December.
Go to Dragoncon 2010
Go to Gencon 2010
Go to 20th year High School Reunion.
Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to NYC
Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to Florida.
Visit Family in Houston at least once.
Make preparations to go to Comicon 2011.
Make preparations to go to Europe 2011.
Make preparations to go to Family Reunion 2011.
Learn to shoot a Pistol – At least 25 hours of practice. Seek benchmarks.
Evaluate life goals and come up with a 5 year plan to obtain at least 6 things from the list or the equivalent thereof.
Obtain all 5 physical objects – Car, Tablet OR Flatscreen OR Internet capable television, Reserve, Pistols, Jennifer Lasik
Create and Fulfill the Zodiac.
Cross the Ocean (Metaphorically speaking)
Have a concrete plan (if applicable) for Project: Gemini.
Perform one major production for the podcast.
Mental: Reading: 1 Non fiction book work mornings for 10 minutes. 1 Book on tape for transit times at a time. 1 Fiction book every 2 weeks.
Maintain all blogs at least once a week.
Find some kind of puzzle type thing that I actually like to increase my intelligence.
Social: Initiate at least 4 non game related social activities over the course of the year. Visit family at least once a month.
Maintain 2-3 social activities (can including gaming) on a weekly, bi weekly or monthly basis.
Continue Date Night Once a week.
Spiritual: Perform at least one act of community service a month.
Keep Listening.
Maintain daily prayer.
Finish reading the Dhampala. Start reading another spiritual work, finish it by the end of 2010.
Emotional: Say two positive things for every negative thing I say. Have more self confidence.
1rst: Finish the T7 project.
Maintain FCC once a week.
Maintain DM at least twice a month.
Maintain Monthly Blood of the Earth group.
2nd: Create monthly writing group with Rita and Julie. Complete 1 complete story per month.
Finish Novel 4 w. Ken.
Finish Novel 5 by the end of the year.
3rd: Finish/submit OPM this year. If successful, submit to at least 9 other festivals.
Create/Shoot 1 film by the end of the year.
Write or collaborate for at least two feature length or series scripts by the end of the year.
Either Finish the musical or produce a play.
4th: Either join the PMI –OR- establish a close relationship with BU Mentor.
Initiate 3 projects by the end of year, finish by
-Project: Hammerfel by April.
-Project: Bifrost by October.
-Project: Hydra by December.
Go to Dragoncon 2010
Go to Gencon 2010
Go to 20th year High School Reunion.
Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to NYC
Go on Long weekend trip with Jennifer to Florida.
Visit Family in Houston at least once.
Make preparations to go to Comicon 2011.
Make preparations to go to Europe 2011.
Make preparations to go to Family Reunion 2011.
Learn to shoot a Pistol – At least 25 hours of practice. Seek benchmarks.
Evaluate life goals and come up with a 5 year plan to obtain at least 6 things from the list or the equivalent thereof.
Obtain all 5 physical objects – Car, Tablet OR Flatscreen OR Internet capable television, Reserve, Pistols, Jennifer Lasik
Create and Fulfill the Zodiac.
Cross the Ocean (Metaphorically speaking)
Have a concrete plan (if applicable) for Project: Gemini.
Perform one major production for the podcast.
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